That's what you get for challenging a fire spirit to a drinking contest?
Wouldn't it more logically matter for an eating contest? I'd think the drinking contest would be bad for the fire spirit...
I've considered things, and decided that someone would get the bright idea of attacking Murder Night directly if I started a plotline around harassing her empire. So, I might as well stat her out and solidify why she's the scariest warlord in the world.
The Shadow Spirit is the name given to the spirit which accompanies Murder Night and gives her her powers. Not much is known about it or its relationship with Murder Night, but some things are known or deemed highly probable.
The Shadow Spirit is proof that definitions are a bit hazy when applied to magical creatures. In many ways, it qualifies as a demon; it takes the spirits of the dead, naturally shapeshifts, is inherently magical, and is a mixture of Void and Creation--just like demons. However, it doesn't act much like a demon, nor is it known to inhabit Hell, and demons who have been asked about it are either ignorant of it or choose not to share their knowledge. It is a powerful being of some kind, associated with death and magic; it seems to have awakened during the as-yet-unexplained upsurge in magical phenomena several years back, and it is generally believed that Murder Night is serving it in exchange for power. While its goals are not known, they may be tied in with Murder Night's expansion of her empire.
The powers granted to Murder Night by the Shadow Spirit are Superior; they ignore typical magical defenses and countermeasures. (+10%)
The Shadow Spirit also requires Murder Night to follow certain restrictions on her behavior. Pact (Disciplines of Faith, Fanaticism) (-20%) If these are broken, restoration requires a fairly short amount of time to regain them...though they are gone immediately. (+5%)
Even though weaker countermeasures fail against the powers, they still exist, like for all magic. (-5%)
Magic normally channels mana (which can be cut off), which would give it an additional discount. However, Murder Night's powers come from the Shadow Spirit, so they have no such drawback. (-0%)
Total: -10%
100 Stat Points (bolstered by a generous amount of Power Points)
Health 15 [45]
Mana 10 [20]
Speed 20
Skill 15
Strength 3
Defense 5
Magic 30
Resistance 2
300 PP (though she has far fewer Stat Points)
Negligible Abilities (-10% for power):
Modular Abilities 15 (Cosmic)(Takes Extra Time, 30 seconds; Takes Recharge, 1 minute) [45]
Regeneration (Fast) [45]
Regeneration (Very Fast) (Mana, -75%) [15]
Unaging [14]
Small Abilities (-10% for power, -5% for mana):
Modular Abilities 15 (same) [38]
Mind Control (Conditioning, Hearing-Based, Mages Only, Stealth-Impairing) [40]
Medium Abilities (-10% power, -10% mana):
Modular Abilities (Same) [30]
Neutralize (Ranged [100 m]) [60]
Big Abilities (-10%+-15%):
Modular Abilities (Same) [23] (stretching the rules there, but hey, she's a high-level boss, it's implied)
Power Theft (enhancement for Neutralize) (Reduced Range [10 m]; Temporary Phantom Voices (Annoying), Temporary -3 Skill) [10]
Enormous Abilities (-30%):
Modular Abilities [15]
Gigantic Abilities (-35%):
Modular Abilities [8]
Unkillable 3 (Hindrance: Light; Limited Use: 1/day) [15]
Duty (to the Shadow Spirit; Always, Extremely Hazardous] [-25]
Fanaticism (Extreme) [-15]
Frightens Animals [-10]
Megalomania [-10]
Vulnerability (Holy Weapons, x2) [-10]
Murder Night can summon ghosts of dead magicians, giving her various abilities. It takes 30 seconds of concentration to change, and she needs to wait a minute between changes, but she gets 15 PP to play with plus another 15 per mana spent per 30 seconds. This gives her great flexibility and power.
She can also steal the abilities of other mages. Simple negation of magical abilities is a Medium act; stealing a mage's powers is a Big one (which reduces the range and causes a -3 Skill penalty). Either version involves an opposed Magic check; the powers are lost or stolen for a minute per point by which Murder Night exceeds the other one's roll.
Murder Night's voice allows her to control the minds of mages. Not their bodies, their minds; there can be lasting effects. The control requires a roll of Murder Night's Magic versus her target's Resistance; it lasts as long as Murder Night concentrates plus a minute per point by which Murder Night's Magic roll exceeded her victim's Resistance roll. The roll is repeated when Murder Night is incapacitated, orders the victim to perform an act strongly against his/her typical actions (on the level of suicide or attacking a loved one), or attempts to change something; in the first two cases, success by the victim ends the effect. When Murder Night tries to change something, she gets a penalty based on the severity of the changes (try to fit it into dis/advantages; -1 per -5 PP or +5 PP, but add dis and advantages separately), and the changes last one day per point by which she exceeds the target's roll...barring a critical success, in which case they are permanent.
Murder Night has been killed, but not for long. Once the light fades, she starts to reform, taking a bit over an hour but returning in perfect health.
On top of all of this, she regains one hit point per minute and a half and one mana point per second.
She does have some weaknesses, though. For instance, holy weapons--that is, weapons blessed by a true god--deal double damage. (Holy magic? Not so much--The Shadow Spirit can shield her follower against that.) As noted, light stops her from coming back. Her mind control works on people using powers ranging from divine gifts to psionics to superpowers, but she can't affect nonliving beings (e.g, robots) or people who can't hear her. Finally, she's actually pretty fragile (aside from the immortality and all that); if you can survive herself and her minions, you can kill her surprisingly easily. For a time.
TL;DR: She's a highly flexible glass cannon with a bunch of useful abilities, including immortality, regeneration, and a truly absurd level of mana regen.
Of course, this is all assuming that the Shadow Spirit doesn't personally intervene. Unlikely...but possible.
(Code word: Moordnag)
Still in GURPS. Many tears.