Does that mean it's impossible to use Masterwork with mac computers? Or is there a way to update wine's .NET to use v4? I suppose I'll have to look that up, then...
EDIT: Found a way to get .NET 4.0 for Wine. And what do you know, everything's working perfectly! Yay! Thanks slay_mithos, that helped clear things up a lot!
EDIT2: Crashes after clicking any of the drop-down tabs. Starts spamming the console with "not supported yet" messages, meaning that somehow the classes that make such drop-downs aren't supported even though they work fine in the other utilities. Oh well.
EDIT3: Ok, everything WAS working, until I tried to launch DF. The game appears to go into a sort of uber-fullscreen mode where it zooms in so far that the pixels on the giant D in the top-right corner (that's all you can see) are blurry. Pressing ESC makes the giant D disappear/reappear. There is no sound, no music. Changing the init file didn't seem to change anything. Going into windowed mode from the launcher doesn't do anything either; you instead get a nice window that would normally house DF, but it's a giant D instead. That blinks in and out of existence by pressing ESC (showing that it's actually running; ESC usually brings you to options from the main menu, right?).
Also, the linux version is a whole release behind; version 5. I don't like being without some of the features/bugfixes present in the current version, so a way to use Masterwork without using older versions on Mac would be highly appreciated. I'm trying a desperate attempt to download the mac version of df 0.34.11 to replace the Windows one included with Masterwork.
...And as it turns out, even that doesn't work. Trying to create a world crashes the program. Dammit.
EDIT4: Did some googling and found out that Meph himself had tried using the Linux version in some kind of combination with the newest version and it worked (reddit post)... but it was an old post where Meph had just released the Gnomes, 7 months ago. Of course, that's not going to stop me from trying anyway
Probably would've worked if there was a way to run Linux-compiled binaries on other systems without having the source code. I'm stuck!