So I decided to give the warlocks a shot, mainly to test them a little and to see how much has changed in the clown circus.
Got as soon as I sneaked in without a ticket visited by the angry clowns in their car... well expected to be doomed since some enemies (Frost Wraith, Some Procedurly genned overpowered "ankylosaurus" clowns with some kind of neurotoxin stinger launch, fire man clowns (not the good kind who save your life eventually))... I found myself with 2 skeletons, 1 ghoul, 2 dead warlocks and a lot of killed ghouls and annihilated skeletons and the overlord being hurt badly, but apparently not badly enough to die any time soon ("just" some fractured bones and thats it). The rest? Some skeletons, ghouls in Ironbone and some in bloodsteel, 2 other warlocks all dead... But at the end it didnt even matter, why? They ran in, got killed. Overlord moved in... and damn it... a damn killing spree before an icewraith was capable of stopping her killing spree. She was the only one armored in adamantine and wielding propper weapons if that matters anything.
So is this a thing that warlock overlords seem to go on a killing spree on those clowns or is it just me getting incredible lucky with this? To be quite frank I really expected to be dead as this was nothing but a test how hard the circus could be before I send my dwarfs in my other currently running fortress down there to their circus (hope theres no clown with some steel body and dust cloud attacks or something like that...)