1.) There is always
dot peek if you are worried about the project dying from lack of source. My updated version (using winforms instead of WPF) I'll put up there, I just haven't really decided on what license etc. to use. (eventually new version will be here:
https://github.com/maackey/PictureFort) Also the old stuff is pretty much useless because mono doesn't support wpf at all and there were a bunch of bugs that I hadn't found (eg. .net's automagical palette generator doesn't work for colors with alpha). So I'm starting over almost from scratch, but this time with a better idea of what I'll be doing.
2.) I was thinking of having a picturefort.ini file which the program would read from when it loads up. So in practice you could emulate multiple profiles by just saving the file as something else, eg my_picturefort.ini and reverting back when you wanted to use that particular profile. However, it's also possible to add in multiple profiles, I'll have to think on it.
3.) * custom folder for csv files -- its the first thing I'm testing with the persistent settings
Yeah I had a similar idea -- I only kept the textbox because I had no idea what was supposed to go there and figured people could type in what they wanted
Now about the start point -- what is the syntax/usage of the center/top-right/left/etc. combined with comments? I didn't find any examples. Is it something like #dig start(center; comment) or #dig center; comment or just something I put in as code which converts top-right to start(image.width,0)?