Tickle it until I get a better subplot.
Grr... fine. TELEPORTINGSpend all my unused energy on this holy service!
You have to go slay a massive dragon. Great.
"Well, I can function and speak, and I remember what things are and how to use them, but I don't remember anything before waking up in that bed. Sorry. So, what's going on?"
Ask Liara what's going on, other than the blizzard.
((Gee Smurfington, with all these subplots it's a shame you didn't hijack Roll to Derp.))
"Nothing at all, huh? Well, this world's in the middle of something we call an Ice Age: massive sheets of snow and ice are covering everything. It's been pretty disastrous for mankind.
Anyway, I'm a scavenger. I go through all the old buildings and look for useful equipment, then I sell it off. Do you want to help me until you get your memory back?"Sick Boss Knight and an adrenaline-filled miner on GrizzlyAdams.
They're asleep right now. Shit.
Pharika: "Hmm..."
Send in an Archetype of Finality and hope it manages to graze something. Hoorah, deathtouch.
Something dies messily over there.
[6] VS [2]
Again, dakka misses everything. The scyther is still on the floor.
Live. Real men take bombs to the face like bread. Scare the Venusians with my badassitude.
You live. You're also implanted into a wall. The Venusians laugh.
I can't remember.
"Amnesia. Great. Well, best we can do is hand you a couple bucks and send you off into town."Turn my captors into willing potatoism slaves.
They summon reinforcements while you're wololoing, and they thump your ass.
Organize funerals. Give victory speech.
A sad day for whatever.
Turn my captors into willing potatoism slaves.
Turn Sinvera into a double agent to eliminate the strife that has disunited us all for so long, preferrably at a fondue for the GM. Long live fonduism! Down with Goldberg!
He's prone to randomly being required to follow your orders.
Peel myself off his face and run back through the door before he has a chance to recuperate.
The door is locked. Shit.
Change my avatar: become the Universal Cosmic Woobie Destroyer.
Your old character explodes, as is the way.
You are now the UCD.