You play potato patty-cake instead.
Tell the RNG that I'm sorry for trying to assassinate him and I am now a better person,then wander off and blow up mars.
EDIT that's right I'm dead,I can't blow up mars,respawn as a my cowboy gunslinger self.
You spawn at the appropriate location. Where Earth was. Floating through space now, cowboy.
Stalk the dark city, and try to find some proper English gentlemen's brains to nomp. Also, try to locate the nearest Elder Brain and/or large gathering of other Ilithids I can convince to create an Elder Brain.
The englishmen put you in an Illithid prison that they created in order to keep their brains.
Lose consciousness, for I am a mere mortal, albeit a semi-magical one.
You stay awake instead. Huh.
have earth's people move to my mini earth
You shrink them down. Now humanity is tiny as shit.
Shocking! Disaster! I use !!SCIENCE!! to coup heaven, FOR THE RAPTOR EMPIRE!.
Yay, omniciding parallel dimensions.
((Does this mean that I control Heaven?))
If so, I banish the remaining angels to the underworld to make room for the Raptor Empire.
If not, I lead some of the Raptor army into Heaven, for the freaking Raptor Empire!
Counter-attack! You're being pushed back by archangels.
But you said plz.
Well, perhaps if you shared a good example, I could do just that?
For you, there's two options: One is find someone to do it for you, and the other is drunk science.Both: Reform.
You reform as one big lump. Ew.
Never give up, never surrender!
Yay, RNG clearance! Time for a crappy plot just for you!what anime have I finished watching latelyA rift opens up in front of you. You're being sucked in.
Summon giant turtle things a la The Avengers.
You summon many, all of which immediately attack you.
God, took long enough to get that perfect strip. Now, go do secret agent things, in sexy mode.
Sneaking around a spaceship naked. Woo.
Get into a high-stakes race.
You're still floating through space.
Retire. Start producing cheese.
Yay, cheese factories.
Attempt to fly in space towards a star. Thankfully I don't need to breathe, being dead already, although freezing isn't in my best interest.
You fly straight into the sucker. Poof.