The round-robin wouldn't require 12 people on at once, nor would the simultaneous draft (and it'd be at worst 4 lists). Both could be done asynchronously. In either case, each team would plot and scheme together, and then either make the monster draft list or (what appears more likely, and not unreasonably so) shoot a couple messages back and forth before making the team's pick in a round-robin draft. The idea is very much to work together to come up with a cohesive team, but there's no need to reduce the teams to autocratic captains to manage that, nor for all of us to be online at once - especially since we have time to kill. We can roll through a drafting process over a day or two.
Right now I'm leaning for calling this vote for round-robin, given that at least a plurality of support looks to be leaning that way (a plurality since I'm leaning to regret my vote against it, upon reconsidering our demographics). Barring a massive outcry for the alternative and/or a compelling 3rd way before tonight, round robin will win by default at that point, and we can begin scheming and moving forward.
Are we all good with the provisional teams? Speak now, or...
Edit: As far as diplomacy goes I'd prefer us to not talk about that at all out of game publicly. Having our actions made aware of makes back stabbing harder, and back stabbing is fun in strategy games.
Yes and no. Private diplomacy doesn't make backstabbing easier, it just fosters trust between players/teams and makes
collaboration easier. You can backstab just as readily with public diplomacy, it's just harder to have coordinated sneak attacks/offensives. Public diplomacy makes coordinated backstabbing trickier and more subtle to arrange, and strongly discourages sharing of tactical plans. It doesn't eliminate skulduggery, it complicates it. However, if the majority follows the trends of the vocal first responders on the subject, this will be irrelevant, because early consensus looks to be against it.]