What does the internet consist of? Is it still comprised primarily of cats, japan and pornography with distressingly high (that is, greater than 0%) amounts of overlap?
Has humanity reached point where, statistically speaking, every piece of visual art or music probably resembles some previous form of visual art or music? Are there any artists who ended up making things like the Star Eater portrait or Gilgamesh's paintjob?
Is The Sheep actually Jesus?
Is there any correlation between historical knowledge, particularly of the ancient 20th and 21st centuries, and tendency to commit crime?
Are invasive species a common problem? Or do human-occupied worlds still vary enough ecologically that it isn't too much of an issue?
What has been the most outright idiotic action performed in human history thus far?
Are there standardized exchange rates between the currencies of each planet? If so, would there be a certain latency in exchange rate fluctuations due to most forms of information transmission being limited to lightspeed?
Did Bishop, Charles, Jason, Gerald and Kyle see the same sheep? Or is there an entire species of hallucinatory talking sheep frolicking somewhere out there?
If someone named their character 'Primate', 'Cardinal', 'Patriarch' or 'Pope', would they have a higher chance of seeing The Sheep?
Do sheep still exist? Or are people hallucinating an extinct species that, as far they know, could have normally been in possession of seven eyes, seven horns and the ability to speak? Would they even know its a sheep? Or might they mistake it for a mass of anthrax or something?
For the Videodrome, if for each length of time of a certain value, the presence of NSFW content was considered to hold the value 1, and its absence 0, or vice-versa, would that binary conversion yield any meaningful message?
What would happen if someone takes a Crystalline Projector seed crystal, grinds it up and then snorts it?
Are there any standardized forms of certification for higher education and whatnot? Or does it vary between locations?
What is the dominant modern model of the human psyche? Is it just a derivative of Jung or Freud's model? Or is it something new, like some sort of hypothetical model based on the assumption that every conscious thought is due to some Lovecroftian horror somewhere in the universe fucking with your brain in a (hopefully) figurative manner?
What was the most petty, minor reason for being sent to the HMRC?
What was the most grievous reason for being sent to the HMRC?
Since the HMRC units have rebelled and Nyars is now associated with them, would he have difficulty getting new boxes? Or is his method of acquisition still unaffected?
How badly would time dilation affect people in fields such as computer science, medicine, law, etc who end up traveling long distances? Would they have to catch up with a few centuries of changes and developments in their field afterwards?
The Armory Master mentioned the Doctor spiking people's food, are there any cases where the results have been interesting enough to recount? How close is Mesk to becoming another Doctor seeing as they both have unorthodox practices and a tendency to spike people's food?
Do Oslaov Spears draw blood, so to speak?