Well dark paladin,it doesn't seem that you have enough time on your hands to keep this constantly updated so I'll be hijacking this thread unless you want it back.
A banshoo, two banshee?
Then what would three be?
a Banthree?
Banish the banshees.
(5) The Banshee are banished to the dark realm,you also obtain the bane of the Banshee so they'll never attack you.
Declare the bar as my own nation, declare everyone in it my slaves.
(6) The Chinese treat the bar as a weak small nation and invade!
Look if there is more furniture in the bar. If there is, attack it. If not, call a hardware store to purchase more furniture and charge the bar for it.
(2) You find that the furniture has mounted a resistance against you! They will fight you to the last...chair?
continue commentary with bar tender.
(1) The bar tender ends up with wood shrapnel inside in from all this furniture wreaking.
Bite the dude and his buddies undoubtably hiding in the shadows around me, converting them to the pack!
(1) You bite your lips instead.
I challenge Blazing Glory to a duel of honor and reason, then laugh and stab him in the back because I'm an insane scumbag who can manipulate reality!
(3) Blazing Glory's avatar is coming for you,using his power of the GM he avoids being back stabbed.
Use my new found martial arts skills to beat someone up.
(6) You start beating up a Chinese soldier,all the others point their guns at you.