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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 692346 times)


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #960 on: May 04, 2014, 08:44:11 am »

For the next (if there is one) world, can we please not cull unimportant historical figures? Even if it gets rid of the people who are born, marry, have kids, and die, it also gets rid of the people who kill demons in battles and murder goblin law-givers. Also, can we get rid of spimmators because all they do is die of old age before anything important happens.
yeah go ahead since we cant change their age. Sorry about that thought the age was okay but if they did live they would be amazing fighters since they break all your bones, or kick your heads of.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #961 on: May 04, 2014, 09:54:41 am »

I think that, as of now, Gnora is more interested in working in solitude than starting a rebellion, considering most of the fortress actually likes Vlad.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #962 on: May 04, 2014, 10:38:03 am »

22nd Galena

"Ungrateful *hic* bashtards, the lot of 'em, I tell ya. Makesh me glad Evening Prayersh exishtsh."
"You know, you're sho right, your lordship."
"I toldsh you to shtop callingk me that."
"They jusht... don't get it, you know? We tell them shomething needs to get done for the fortress good, and they jusht complain and complain and complain. And when we take mattersh into our own handsh, they call ush tyrantsh.
"I never haaaaaaaad those problemsh."
"But thatsh... becaushe you never had to do *hic* anything unpopular for the good o' the fortressh, Padre."
"You're forgetting the shunberriesh."
"But that... that vasn't real controvershy, yesh? That vas jusht Gnora beingk shtupid. Godsdamn liability."
"Hey, if Tarmid can tolerate her, sho can you."
"Ish Thane shtill mad at you?"
"Yesh. You'd think she'd undershtand, you know? She's a leader too. Shometimesh you got to make hard decishions. Vere ish she, by the vay?"
"Formenting rebellion againsht you, I expect."
"Vell BUGGER 'em. I never vanted thish job anyway, bloody traitorsh. But vho do they think vould do a better job, huh? After *hic* all I've been doingk for the fort. You two vant the job back?"
"The thought of it makesh me shick..."
"Preeeeeetty shure he jusht passhed out."
"I guessh ve call it a night then?"

"Vhy haven't you completed the trade depot?"
"There's an item blocking the site."
"... vhy don't you try movingk it?"
"Fucking tyrant."
"... you know vhat, I don't even care anymore. If you don't appreciate me gettingk you new rooms, keepingk the fort safe, and raisingk our standard of livingk, your opinion doesn't matter."
"Tell Gnora and Thane and vhoever keeps badmouthingk me I don't care. Hell, they can try this job! I dare them! Go find someone better, right now."
"Just move the fucking bolts off the depot."
"... tyrant."

"Forgotten beast sighted heading towards the adamantine dig site!"
"Damn. Call off the hit on the diplomat. Ve're goingk down to the cavern."

The militia rushed the beast, striking as a single unit. The mayor, drafted into Vlad's squad, was the first to reach the beast, which pounded him ineffectually until it knocked him into the murky cavern pool. Barkov was the the next aggressor, being knocked flying but entirely unharmed.
Thane, seeing her comrades are risk, scored the first real blow against the beast. Sir Brenzen was not far behind. Together they inflicted a score of wounds, distracting the beast long enough for the rest of the militia to surround it. Utes was attacked from all sides.
Though all helped slay the beast, the kill went to a speardwarf of Thane's squad named Sibrek Koganrungak.
None of the militia sustained injuries during the operation. Webs, however, got everywhere.
The reptile man vampire calling itself a diplomat led the dwarves on a chase though the lower levels. When finally cornered, on axedwarf was severely injured. It was hoped Cornelius would be able to heal him; every dwarf would be needed for the next years war.

"They've seen the entrance traps. The humans are smart, yes? They von't be taking any casualties there."
"So we'll have the shut the gate and engage them with crossbows should their number be too great?"
"We don't have enough soldiers."
"Thane will be receiving 3 new recruits. If my mandate vas obeyed, that is. Did you seize vhat I ordered?"
"Dishonorably, yes. Everything iron from the cavarvan. They had a lot of anvils."
"Good. Ve'll need that to jump-start Steel production, yes? Ve can't wait for the forges to come online. Ve'll get started now. Adamantine gear, too. Ve can use the veapons, at least.
"Was this really a good idea?"
"It was the only thing we could do, Thanatos."
"It vas a terrible idea, but think about it. There's no vay that vampire vasn't allied vith the Bloodkin. Ve can't let them rule over a human kingdom and risk attacks from behind. Ve'll fight them now, and then vhen they loose, they'll forgive us in about a year or two. Hopefully no 'Kin vill show up before then."
"At this point, I'm more worried about... threats within the fortress. I notice Thane hasn't been attending these security meetings."
"For the last time, Brenzen. I know you mean vell, but I'm not startingk a witchhunt in the fortress, yes? She's just... helping down at the forges or somethingk. Besides, this vhole thing vill blow over, you'll see. I only have 2 seasons to go, anyway."
"I hope so. We can't be divided with the 'Kin on the way. Wherever they are."

Yeah, I started a war.
Sorry for no pics, my uploading service broke for some reason.
We've played to the start of fall, and things are looking... not terrible. The rooms are all finished, the pumpstack continues its slow growth, and the militia is still growing. A swordsdwarf lost an arm at some point, but I can't find out when or where, and those 3 new recruits will have a good season to train before I expect the next siege.
Important note: the humans aren't going to be affected by our weapons traps, so their siege will be difficult. I confirmed this by watching their soldiers walk right over it after I robbed the caravan to get rid of them (they were still friendly, but pathing all over the fort for some reason). If a diplomat sees it, then that trap is forever useless against the humans. So be advised.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #963 on: May 04, 2014, 11:31:19 am »

Hey, put me up for dorfing and being overseer of the fort.
As a wise madman once said,
"This isn't just a madhouse designed by a madman. This is a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with a hate for the past madmen's own flavor of madness."
Since my forts are organized to the point where finding stuff could be hard, why not?
I'll probably end up a child, like that one guy in Syrupleaf, but hey.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #964 on: May 04, 2014, 11:36:02 am »

If we have the time, we can deconstruct and reconstruct the traps to make them effective again.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #965 on: May 04, 2014, 11:41:13 am »

Hey, put me up for dorfing and being overseer of the fort.
As a wise madman once said,
"This isn't just a madhouse designed by a madman. This is a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with a hate for the past madmen's own flavor of madness."
Since my forts are organized to the point where finding stuff could be hard, why not?
I'll probably end up a child, like that one guy in Syrupleaf, but hey.

Sure thing. We just need more details on who you want to get dwarfed as; a backstory and whatnot.

OOC situation update:

What's currently going on;
I'm harvesting the vast amounts of metal goblinite/caravanite left around on the map. Mass smashing has been put on halt to prioritize this and keep dwarves inside the palisade.
13 pumps remain before magma smelters come online. We're going to make it before the end of the year, although I'm burning through fuel to melt bars now as opposed to later.
The military's growing by another 2 dwarves drafted into the swordsdwarf squad.
I'll post more when things start happening.
EDIT: Are you f*cking kidding me.

18th Limestone

"You've got to be jokeingk.
"Very vell then. Let's slay the beast before it finds a route into the fortress.
"Who are you sending?"
"The archers vill be able to tear this thingk appart before it reaches close range. Other than that, I really can't afford to be sending my squad, the swordsdwarves or the knights..."
"So Thane'll be guarding the archers?"
"I vish it veren't so, but yes."

"The Marksdwarves killed it vithout casualties. However, some of them vere caught in the dust. And dust tends to spread."
"Do we know anything about what this dust does?"
"Ve'll have to vait and see. This could be very bad. I'm just glad Thane and the others didn't make it on time to be put at risk."
"Any luck recruiting new migrants?
"Ve got a new axedwarf and a new archer. Other than that, nothingk.

"The early symptoms are dizzyness. However, there is a lot of bleeding of indeterminate origin occurring. Still, I see no new symptoms. I think they'll survive."
"Vhat can ve do to mitigate the spread of the dust?
"Nothing, really. Everyone will just keep their clothes on and minimize exposure. Contaminated clothes should of course be smashed."
"Hopefully some of that dust got on their bolts. That vould be useful at least."
"Any good news on other fronts?"
"Adamantine miningk has continued at a rapid pace. And the caravan has come - ve'll be trading for as much iron as ve can, in addition to some bags of sand if they have them."
"Trogs in the caverns again."
"Deal vith them."
"Aye, sir."

VHAT DO YOU MEAN HALF THE PUMPSTACK VAS NOT MAGMA SAFE AND I HAVE TO BUILD IT AGA- oh wait vhat you mean is I am stupid, yes? Good vork."
"No seriously good vork."

"So, the pumpstack is finally finished, but ve can't use it because the river is frozen?
"I hate this job. I'm glad the year's almost over, yes?"
"Sir! It keeps happening!"

"Vhy me."
"Baron; be advised.

"Er, Vlad?"

"Alright. Brenzen, Thanatos; you take the lower cavern with me. Thane and Dantheman will take the upper. Don't come back until the beast is dead, yes? Ve have honestly the vorst luck I've ever seen a fortress have."

The Forgotten beast Those proved nigh-impossible to kill. Before long every part of its body was broken, yet the beast, powered by some unfathomable bloodlust, continued to plow on into the dwarves, an unknown, noxious gas rising off its body. Even with its head a bloody mass of fractures, the beast clung to life. Finally, the beast was felled by Sibeth Koganrunguk, adding another forgotten beast kill to his tally.
From beyond the grave, though, Those fought on. Thane's squad came down with a mysterious affliction; Brother Cornelius was unable to say what it did to them, other than 4 dwarves were rendered temporarily unconscious by it.
Uthimi, on the other hand, immediately fled the dwarves and hid itself in the farthest reaches of the cavern. It was only a matter of time until it discovered the fortress entrance, so letting it skulk was not an option. It was not till the 15th of Obsidian that the beast was finally lured into the waiting arms of Vlad's squad; the other squads having been sent back to recuperate. The beast mangaged to tear the leg of an axedwarf off before Vlad was upon it, hacking with a newly forged adamantine battle axe. The baron mangled the beasts torso, spillings its guts and severing many nerves, before slicing off its tail. With that, the beast was slain.
Deep within the bowels of the fort, seemingly abandoned machinery sprung to life. Magma, the lifeblood of the world, slowly began to rise up to the fortress above.
And so ends the reign of Vladimir Uristovitch.

Dwarfed FallenAngel as our legendary armorsmith.
Finished all goals except reequiping (partially done) and making Gnorm's ballistas work (never started).
Don't think Archmage ever showed, so he's not dwarfed. Someone should PM him to confirm he's still in. How he gets to be overseer is a problem I'm leave to someone else.
Here's the Save.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 03:37:13 pm by MDFification »


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #966 on: May 04, 2014, 12:01:48 pm »

Well, if possible, I'd prefer to be a male in a profession that works with a furnace. A vital backbone that is often overlooked but still a glorious job.
I promise I won't go crazy while on fire and end up killing the greatest soldier with fire.
I'll probably end up making the sword that kills the greatest soldier instead.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #967 on: May 04, 2014, 12:14:49 pm »

I think most of the weaponsmiths are taken. There're probably a few good armoursmiths though.

Thane isn't very good at staying angry, so she's not scheming against Vlad. She'd only be avoiding him if she didn't want to apologise.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #968 on: May 04, 2014, 12:17:20 pm »

Anything with a forge will work.
Armorsmiths are even more forgotten since not everyone uses armor.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #969 on: May 04, 2014, 12:41:37 pm »

Posts have been altered in various ways. Did Gnorm want another turn?

If we generated another world, it'd be pretty easy to keep the spimmators alive, by the way. All we'd need to do is remove or increase their max age. To keep the bloodkin alive, we could do a lot of islands, so they wouldn't be able to fight anyone until we arrived.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #970 on: May 04, 2014, 01:18:52 pm »

I say we make a trap corridor filled with crossbows to the max and use only... what metals do we have? But any ways just go Indiana Jones temple trap.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #971 on: May 04, 2014, 01:43:45 pm »

Posts have been altered in various ways. Did Gnorm want another turn?
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #972 on: May 04, 2014, 02:32:32 pm »

Right. Everything should be up to date now.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #973 on: May 04, 2014, 03:27:09 pm »

Edited my post instead of starting a new one. Turn's done.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: There Are No Heroes
« Reply #974 on: May 04, 2014, 03:44:38 pm »

I believe Archmage was dwarfed, but got killed in an ambush. Are all of Thane's squad up and about again, or is the syndrome still active? Did Thane get affected by it, actually?
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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