Councilor Bowtie Kerman suggests the Orbs flag, and everyone else is too busy discussing silly little things like "plans" and "practicality," so the Director smashes his comically oversized gavel into the table and declares it our flag.
Councilors Bigdee and Usec Kerman weigh in on plans, the latter pulling out a children's astronomy textbook and trying to make a checklist. In the end, the Council decides to science the surface. Kerbal Space Center has the middle word crossed off of the big sign out front and replaced with "Science" so we can pretend we always intended to do this. Our warehouse of rocket parts is supplemented with with some big white tarps we found lying on the road and two antennae from one of our kid's toys. This little rocket is named the SciMax Mk I.
Jebediah Kerman, our first pilot, standing by the SciMax Mk I.Sciencing began immediately.
Science!Jeb also discovered that he has a flag!
You're telling me you wouldn't do something like this?He then prepares to head onwards and outwards.
Who knew being an astronaut involved so much walking?
More science!We then got a weird bug that made the camera spin and ended the mission.
The location of the last 0.4 Science Points is unknown, despite three engineering interns giving their lives for what we assume was that purpose.We promptly decide to start spending these Science Points. Director GreatWyrmGold makes the controversial decision on how to spend them without consulting the Council.
Truly a difficult decision for any kerbal to make.Director GreatWyrmGold has provided colorful brochures describing what our top scientists think our next practical research possibilities are.
Diagram of technology.
The technologies we can choose.
An unrelated but colorful image.
When consulted, our kerbonauts were of three minds. Jebediah advocated General Rocketry, since "it'll let us fly high and maybe hit something in the sky"; Bill went for Survivability because "if things explode, I want a bunch of ways to not explode"; and Bob advised Stability because "it's the only one left".
Director GreatwyrmGold notes that General Rocketry just gives us bigger versions of stuff we already have, and while Survivability gives landing struts, Stability gives us the ability to point our rockets at things, helping us reach distant locations. And also not crash.
We also find a bunch of mysterious goo! This is probably going to be helpful.
Using some of our new technology, we build a bigger SciMax rocket, the Mark Two!
The Mk. II, currently falling from where it was being stored on the ceiling.
No one tell Jeb we moved the flag.We launch the Mk. II...
So far, so good.
Wait, I already separated the stages...While in midair, Jebediah attempted an EVA.
His gloves were slippery.
Who put this image here? I certainly didn't press that button!He returned to base, having collected scientific data: Rocket fuel is bad for fish. On an unrelated note, fish BBQ for dinner tonight.
We launched another Mk II, more successfully and less wetly.
Generic note of flyingness!
Why are the decouplers always sticky? Is it the bubble gum we use to assemble them?
Separation at last!
Casually floating down...
What a lovely vista!We land the capsule safely and carefully.
Either the flight was restful or Jeb stayed up too late at the BBQ party last night.
Who wouldn't want to put a flag down?Sciencing begins.
Do you have any concern for the people who wash those spacesuits? Neither do we.
Didn't we already determine this? Oh well, more sciences.
The only reason to make sure your crew hatch is accessible to your scientist wannabes.
Jebediah tries to find the "Examine Goo" button, making sure not to confuse it with the "Self-Destruct" button. You can see Kerbal Space Science Center in the background.The mystery goo is observed, Jeb brings down the throttle, and the tracking center sends out a sledge to haul back the pod.
More science!Director GreatWyrmGold notes that we now have 26 science--enough to learn about something! But what will it be? And what will we do after that?
Screenshots during launches are kinda stressful. Don't expect them all the time.