I coup France! Mass produce and export pretentious bread while importing as much expensive wine as possible!
[1] The French are tired of being taken over/couped, and throw you out of the country in contempt. Insulting their bread didn't help matters...
Start secretly sending farm animals into cities as rugby mascots!
[2] They've already got mascots. Bhutan's a rubber duck, for some reason...
Coup Canada, they won't even notice.
[6] Someone already beat you to the punch, and easily sees through your plots and schemes. They call out their Apache Helicopters!
seize control of the second circle of hell
[4] You manage to take over the second level of hell! BFEL is furious!
Secretly poison him in the hospital.
[3] You poison him, but he is given the antidote by some wily protagonists! ((That guy just won't die, huh?))
Inform the UN before setting up defence lines in space and on the moon along with UN support if it sends any. Also ask any other nation for support. It is 2014 and war was beginning.
[3] You set up your defences, but the earthlings noticed your contempt and think it's a trap!
Use new internet to build up sales for Tropico
[4] Your sales increase steadily! It helps that you bundled Tropico with Call of Duty in a package deal.
((If you'd gotten a five, Tropico would have
been the Internet. So close...))
There is a bounty on IcyTea31, placed by the Canadian Goverment! Whoever collects on this bounty will get an extra roll on their actions to represent political support by the Canadians!
((Don't mess with Canada.))