...I was thinking the rounds would be smaller overall without needing propellent, but that's a good illustration of me underestimating sizes here(I dunno how I thought soda can-sized rounds could reasonably fit 200 in a box). Ok, standard would be whatever amount that can fit in a box of reasonable size, preferably as close to 50 rounds as possible. Also, what the heck is that in the picture, some sort of squad-portable 40mm cannon?(looks baddass btw)
Still going to need ammo prices and overall weapon costs, as well as whether I can get this prototyped.
Edit:Run some tests for the people at hep so they don't need to ask for the data:
1) Baseline test of weapon against guy in mk 1
2) Test against robosod
3)Test against synthflesh sod
4) Test against a guy in a mk III and milnoplate
5)Full performance test against a battlesuit
6)Just for completeness, see if it can hurt a AOW at all
Finally, spawn a completed Jackhammer, and load up a full combat scenario: A couple squads and I(with the Jackhammer) in a war-torn city(lots of rubble, ruined buildings, and such) holding a hardened, fortified point blocking progress deeper into the city versus waves of increasingly difficult enemies, each wave containing at least one hard target of some description. The squads aiding me have a mix of weapons costing 10 or less credits, and some have exoskeletons with milnoplate. Ammo is assumed to be infinite for the purpose of the test, but time for swapping mags is still needed. (Since I want to run this manually, this can happen here or the On-ship thread, whichever is more convenient for you)