Focusing on this because it needs a bit more context, the only time she did manage to do it she passed out. And that was for a fairy. Not nearly as useful as you think it is. And the drawings take up massive amounts of energy for her to make since she is basically making something out of nothing. Although she can animate them in the pictures for less but... it's still a picture.
I still maintain that the problem is less with living beings or combat anything, and more with the ability to instantly create dang near any kind of magic item. *cough*bracelets*cough*
How exhausted you are afterwards doesn't matter, because there's no permanent penalty for the permanent (and often significant) power.
By the way, say we work out a good system here, would you guys be resetting the whole thing? Or would you want to keep certain things as they are (characters, settings, ...).
We'd probably keep the characters but we're working out the details of what the hell we're doing.
I prefer to not infer IC from OOC.
That was OOC? I would have considered piecewise's posts to typically be IC.
I had a thought a few hours ago about having a system for how fantabulous magical powers work - their power level is inversely proportional to how known and understood they are by other people. So if you leave witnesses, show off and, gods forbid, start making a name for yourself, well, you'd find your abilities plummet over time. And if you try to team up with someone else, you must make damn sure they never find out any of your secrets if you want to keep blasting things and doing impressive (if obscure) acts of heroism and/or villainy.
That's one way to maintain a masquerade.
*scribble scribble*