I've Already locked down as many doors as I can and vented the atmosphere.
I really hope Steve meant to say "vented the atmosphere from the areas I haven't locked", because otherwise those people I left without a suit would be mostly dead.
Team A
Assist Milno's action of hunting Sods, if possible.
Else, start ungagging the people on the bridge one by one, talking to them and caring for them and then re-gagging them.
Specifically, offer them food, drinks and cigarettes(unless there are smoke detectors in here) from my backpack and ask them their name, where they're from and why they joined the military. The last two questions are the most important, I don't need to know everybody's name but I am interested in knowing where they're from and why they're here, since it could make me better at speech rolling them and other UWM people by making me able to understand them better.
Generally be a good prison guard and inform them that they will receive adequate clothing, housing and medical attention once the battle is over.
If piecewise is too busy to provide knowledge and/or RP (or if they refuse to speak and simply give me their name, DOB, rank and ID number as per Geneva conventions), just look for important stuff in the bridge or find an important looking computer screen to watch. Any sort of security monitor I could use to see which doors were recently used and with whom's keycard? Do not touch anything.
You sure you wanna do that, what with what happened with the sod controllers?
...I don't see how this could possibly go wrong? What could they do? Their hands are tied, so they can't do something physically. They've got no way to communicate, since they're naked, unless they have implants, but in that case they would be using those already. They can't give some sort of voice command to the ship since Steve's controlling it. If they wanted to commit suicide and were capable of doing that (and any good suicide device designer would have made sure they could, since you usually want to commit suicide when you're captured by the enemy) they'd probably had done so already. I'm ungagging them one by one so they couldn't start talking to each other or biting their restraints while I'm not looking. To misquote Monty Python: "What are they gonna do? Bite my legs off?"
Still, every time you've asked me that question and I've disregarded it bad things have happened, so for once, I'll be smart and do nothing.
She just wants to be with Fliiiint~
And I just thought of another reason I regret not having my battlesuit. One of the limitations of the rainbow cannon is limited energy supply. So if I plugged the suit in the ships powergrid, I could spew forth red hot plasma and overcharged shots until there was nothing left flying or until the reactor runs dry.
Sean, modify your ships, we need one to have the capability to accept a Gilgamesh turret attachment!
Spend DD to buy these three kindred spirits a beer.
Each, or total?
Tough bastards.
Or just big enough that more can't fit.
I'm imagining total, since 1DD=3 Beers.
And the program is probably having trouble defining what constitutes an altered, if it's in "wall of flesh" mode. That or they are some sort of enemy that spawns 4 more when you kill one.