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Author Topic: Trader of Favors (SG)  (Read 28416 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #150 on: February 04, 2014, 07:43:50 am »

Learn the language some more.

GM can you put down a sample sentence that we can say?

For exams: The duck walks vs. Duck...walk.


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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #151 on: February 04, 2014, 02:06:02 pm »

"Book... buy... money... price? Ugh, terrible. Most of my scant vocabulry focuses around buying goods or asking for directions, and i havn't yet grasped the sentence structure."


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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #152 on: February 04, 2014, 07:39:18 pm »

"Book... buy... money... price? Ugh, terrible. Most of my scant vocabulry focuses around buying goods or asking for directions, and i havn't yet grasped the sentence structure."

More sentence structure!


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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #153 on: February 05, 2014, 12:00:08 am »

Trader of Favors, a Pactbinder.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You remove your book from the bag and offer it to the spirit. "If you would, i would like instruction on whatever is in this tome. Further instructions on language would also be appreciated."
Loras nods eagerly at this."Yes, yes of course.""

You spend the latter half of the day in conversation with the ghostly arcanist, who begins to lecture you on the basics of arcane magic, switching back and forth between doing so in the lower infernal tongue, and very simple Ebbakian. The spells in your book are apparently of intermediate difficulty, well beyond a novice, and mostly concern with disassembling and assembling matter, a very complex discipline. Instead your tutor lays out the basics of arcane magic. You learn that most mortal arcanists do magic by drawing on the excess power created by a living soul. The soul of a living mortal is always casting specks of power across the cosmos, however, those creatures without souls must consume other forms of power to create such magic. For a demon this is a frustrating hurdle, for a spirit it is potentially fatal. Loras explains that magic has to draw power from *somewhere*, and for him this means that every time he casts a spell he is forced to draw substance from his very spiritual essence, something that would only replenish if he was a living person. You however will not be able to do arcane magic at all without drawing from your metaphysical hoard, or from a consenting mortal.

All the same, Loras runs you through the basic mental exercises any apprentice arcanist must learn, has you memorize basic formulas, and forces you to think through logic puzzles. Arcanism 1d20-4(no experience)+6(teacher skill)=6
You're making progress, but slow progress, you will need more than a single marathon lecture to get any real skill in the discipline. Loras tells you as much, and mentions that he is definitely willing to teach you more. He mentions that you are now free to look through any of the books in his home, and that some may prove helpful in gaining a base skill.

During these lessons, and while he's reading, you ask him a few questions. About any shadowy elements within the city, and his contact with the world outside.
"My information is less than up to date, but i can tell you what i know. I used to have a passage from here into the catacombs, but i had it walled off. Used to do some trading with goblin scavengers and a cult that took up residence there, i can't guarantee they are still there though. I also heard from my grandson that there has been a problem with a tribe of amphibian men living in the sewers, stealing away children and eating them or so the rumors go. That was some decades ago they started in so i'm not sure they are still there. Long as i was around though, the Dasmir were in charge of crime. Local legend has it that they were some sort of tribe that wandered into the city and were forced literally underground by the local authorities. They handle the local slave trade, and generally other criminal organizations pay them to operate. The Eritokri are -or at least were- a band of spellthieves, i hired them once to humiliate a rival, heh, watched their first leader go crazy and be put down by her second. They might still be around."

When shifting from the topic of the local shade to his own contact with the outside, he seems to become greatly frustrated.
"I don't get many visitors, it's pretty well known that the place is haunted, and the property is still owned by a descendant of mine so nothing has been done with the place. I'm... bound to my body, the farther i get from it, the weaker i become, and i'm not comfortable with letting someone move it, so i'm stuck here for the time being. I've tried to make sure that members of my family see to me at least once a year, but all save one grandson of mine have met unfortunate ends. I used to have an apprentice, a brave young mage who heard i was haunting this place and sought me out, but he left to seek out some dwarven necromancer. The truth is that my presence proves harmful to mortals over time, it drains on their psyche, and i cannot help it, i'm no gaurdian spirit. I'm here because of unnatural magic, and there is a price to that."

Language 1d20+4(linguist)+2(instructor is fluent)=22
This conversation has proven greatly useful in expanding your vocabulary and establishing basic speaking patterns. You still sound like a deeply accented tongue clumsy foreigner, but at least now you do not sound like an idiot.
By now, the sun has probably risen, in fact it's likely been just over a day since you arrived, which means that in three days you will be recieving aid from your demonic allies. What is your next move?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 04:05:32 pm by Mlamlah »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #154 on: February 05, 2014, 12:42:39 am »

Let Loras know we will not be returning by the front door.
Head into town to buy Loras's stuff. Convert some gems into currency for us, too, and get the ring identified; also, get some tools for knocking down walls. Let no-one know we are assosiated with Loras, yet. Find the place where the priestess-in-training currently lives, and locate a Dasmir contact or something. Arrange a meeting with a slave-trader on the 'morrow, and then meander into the catacombs. From there, find the way back to the mansion, and knock on the sealed off entrance (first with fist, to let Loras know we are back; then with our purchased tools).
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.

escaped lurker

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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #155 on: February 05, 2014, 04:13:36 am »

Flaborts plan is sound - basically that is. I would like to agree to it, but some parts are really sticking out as "dangerous" in my mind.

The Dasmir are trouble. Real trouble. We are a non-local of no renown, if we come to them with a greater sum of money there is no guarantee that they don't just off us and be done with it. Same thinking applies to the catacombs, where gods-knows-what is stalking around.

While I agree that we want to do those things sooner, I'd rather have them later. As in - With Demonic Strength. We still have ample things to do "inside", even after the purchases Loras wants us to do. If we are able to talk like a local, have inhuman strength and maybe even some specks of magic, most dangers that this city can throw at us will become managable, rather than fatal.

Sell the Gems and do the purchases. Gather information in a pub afterwards.
Loras - while undoubtly in our current best interest - only has old information. Let's just insuspiciously ask what is going on around these parts. The guise of a traveler with a cautious streak ought to do fine for that.


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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #156 on: February 05, 2014, 08:08:58 am »

Before leaving ask about the spell thieves and what kind of words would motivate them to help us. Also is murder part of their services?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #157 on: February 05, 2014, 04:06:31 pm »

Update inbound, just after i update prince.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #158 on: February 05, 2014, 08:56:26 pm »

Trader of Favors, a Pactbinder.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You prepare to leave. You stow away your torch and the bag of gems into your sack, and make sure your sword is situated comfortably on your hip. Loras has you write directions and his shopping list on an aged piece of paper. Most of what he wants are basic supplies, paper, ink, and quills. But he's also asking for certain alchemical poisons and such.
Before leaving you ask him about the Eritokri. He doesn't know how they might be contacted. He explains that in his experience the spellthieves arn't terribly violent, they leave that sort of thing to the Dasmir legbreakers, but coin can convince a criminal to commit most any crime. Leaving your spellbook with him, you bid him bye.

Soon, you are on your way. Out of the secret passage, through the bedroom and into a hallway you walk. The house you find, is not terribly big, and mostly used for storage. You pass by an empty larder, a small personal library, and a dining room. There is another section of hallway you have let to move through, but your mind is on the task ahead, so you move out through the front door, one of the few doors in the house that has not been nearly ruined by disuse. 

As you step out into the bright morning light you find yourself on a quiet street on a steep slope. The slope actually cuts both down and up for quite a ways. Looking around further, you are greeted by a remarkable sight. The entire city is situated on a great crater, a bowl gouged into the earth messily, but weathered and molded both by the elements and human craftsmen. A wall encircle the top of the crater, with great towers set upon it at intervals. Quite remarkable for human architecture.


Navigation 1D20+4(Directions)-4(unfamiliar territory)= 19
The layout of the city is clever, and well organized. It's not at all hard to get to your destination. On the way there you see the city keep, and an area which seems to be the religious center, with a temple and shrines all arranged around the statue of a dragon bearing a huge man down to the ground. Soon, you are swept away by the hustle and bustle of the crowd, which helps to carry you where you are going.

The first place you go is to a local jeweler to pawn off some of your stones. Mercantile 1d20+5(Mercantile skill)-2(not fluent)=8
Sadly, he is completely unwilling to budge his price, and buys only the least valuable decorative stones. It seems that the merchant does not take kindly to foreigners. Still, the money you get from the encounter is more than enough to make your purchases, and the valuable gems you have left will still prove decent for bartering.

Mercantile 1d20+5(Mercantile skill)-2(not fluent)=12
Your remaining purchases go more smoothly and politely. You manage to get plenty of paper and ink at decent prices, and you trade a few gems for a few vials of gila monster and adder venom. A street wizard examines your ring primarily by putting it on, and exclaims as he does so. Apparently the ring helps improve ailing eyesight. He offers to buy it from you, either in gold or in enchantment. He also claims to have a good recipe for a love potion that he could offer you in trade. When you ask him what sort of enchantments he can do he tells you that he specialises in temporary charms of protection and minor glamours.

Wether you choose to trade the ring or not, you find yourself conflicted on what to do next. Shall you try to establish contact with criminals? Delve into the catacombs? Or perhaps see what local news you can glean in a tavern or pub? It's about mid-day, so the city is at it's busiest hours, but you could also simply return to Loras and give him his things, barely a dent has been placed in your sack of gems, so you could also make some personal purchases.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #159 on: February 05, 2014, 09:25:16 pm »

So the ring IS magic, but of little practical value to us, especially when our demon sight arrives. Still, it is of more worth than a glamour or temporary enchantment; I say we hold onto it for now. HOWEVER, keep THIS wizard in mind, because glamours are disguises, and disguises are perfect for crime. And crime is how we intend to kidnap or kill a certain maiden.
In short, have him disguise our hired men when we put the plan in action.

As to the day, get ourselves a sturdier bag, and I say we hang out near a local pub. Instead of gathering news, however, gather Mortal Emotions, such as suffering, or those other ones that would be found in a pub. If someone should happen to bother us, we can get news from them, especially if they are connected to the criminal element, but we can be the shady guy in the corner pretending to stir his drink.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.

Mr. Strange

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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #160 on: February 06, 2014, 02:52:30 pm »

As to the day, get ourselves a sturdier bag, and I say we hang out near a local pub. Instead of gathering news, however, gather Mortal Emotions, such as suffering, or those other ones that would be found in a pub.
+1 if it can be done discreetly. As in, mage next table won't notice discreetly. Otherwise -1. And keep your ears open and ask around what's happening in town recently. Better bag is a must, and maybe some nice/average clothes that make us blend in. Other than that, visit to the temple to see this priestess-to-be-or-not-to-be?
Then you get cities like Paris where you should basically just kill yourself already.

You won’t have to think anymore: it’ll be just like having fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #161 on: February 06, 2014, 09:01:21 pm »

Trader of Favors, a Pactbinder.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You tell the street magician you will be holding onto the ring for the time being, and though he is disappointed he accedes and returns it you. Instead you trade a fire opal for a fine leather satchel he has. The satchel has a single large pouch, but also all sorts of pockets and tubes to place small delicate objects in, and even a thong to tie a knife to the bag. You extricate yourself from the man's complaints about a chill in the air, and have him point you towards the nearest pub. A place called the steamy haunch, apparently famous for it's alcohol soaked meat.

When you arrive, you find the place bustling with conversation. Workers taking a break to eat and get a drink. It takes time for a barmaid to get you a place to sit, and when you've been escorted there you find it's at a seat at a crowded common-table. Food and drink is spread around the table, and there is no division, no individual meals ordered. You pay and are given access to the communal meal.
As you eat and drink and listen to gossip, you attempt to eat in a way more filling for you. The emotions being flung back and forth are foreign to demonic digestion, but power is power, and you've seen some of these human emotions being sold by extraplanar merchants of other types. Consume Emotions 1d20+5(power broker)-4(wrong metabolism)-4(demon foreign power)=17 Natural Twenty

Power floods into you. More than you thought to gain today. Actually using the power will still be difficult, but that you gathered it at all is impressive. Perhaps you can learn how to be an emotion leech, like some fey prince. Actually, you could probably stay a while and try to draw yet more in, and hone your talent, you've only been here a half hour. The rush from sucking in forms of power you've never experienced before distracted you from the gossip of those eating with you.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 09:03:50 pm by Mlamlah »

escaped lurker

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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #162 on: February 06, 2014, 09:15:34 pm »

Well, with being exiled an all, we certainly can't be a chooser about the way we gain our power. Meaning, I'm all in favour of trying to gather more of the stuff, while listening in on the gossip. Thou I'd rather use it later, in the tower. No telling how these "new" energies could go wrong - and we do not want to draw attention to ourself just yet.


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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #163 on: February 06, 2014, 09:20:07 pm »

Yes, Fey demon prince trader we must become.


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Re: Trader of Favors (SG)
« Reply #164 on: February 06, 2014, 09:28:47 pm »

Well, with being exiled an all, we certainly can't be a chooser about the way we gain our power. Meaning, I'm all in favour of trying to gather more of the stuff, while listening in on the gossip. Thou I'd rather use it later, in the tower. No telling how these "new" energies could go wrong - and we do not want to draw attention to ourself just yet.

+1 also look keenly for the spelltheives in the tavern. At night see if we can make some deal with them {obviously away from others unless they themselves are with the same organization}. Tell them about a certain "person" have been asked to kill as a favor.

An this might be a bit rude but maybe we can try and find a brothel? Suffering should be plenty of in their.
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