I very much would still like to see a Your Turn To Die style game so I wrote out some more stuff.
Card MafiaGeneral Rules:Don't quote my PMs anywhere unless I said it in the main thread.
Don't quote other player's PMs anywhere unless you're talking to them via PMs.
You can PM other players, but include me.
You can "vote" in the thread, but only your vote sent to me via PM during the Vote Phase counts.
Card Info:There can only be one card at one time, the only exception is the
Commoner card.
Every card is guaranteed to appear each Day in the vanilla YTTD version.
Vanilla Your Turn To Die (YTTD) Cards:Keymaster - everyone loses if they are executed.
Sage - knows who the Keymaster is.
Sacrifice - wins if they receive the most votes, dies and loses otherwise, has two votes. Chooses one other player to win with if they win.
Commoner - no ability.
King - cannot be executed.
Servant - knows who the King is, if they exist.
Mystic - knows how many commoners there are.
Trickster - once during the Trade Phase they can swap two players cards, the affected players are told what their new cards are in private. It will appear the same to each player as a normal trade action. The Trickster doesn't learn what the cards were. The Trickster is allowed to trade their own card, but they'll lose their ability if they haven't spent it. Whoever received the Trickster card is allowed to use it once as well. The Trickster can't target themselves with their own ability.
Bomb - you win and die if nobody votes you during the Vote Phase, you lose and die if you have at least one vote on you during the Vote Phase.
Game FlowHandout Phase (Night 0)Cards are assigned randomly to players.
Discussion/Trade Phase (Day 1, 48 hours)Players discuss and secretly trade cards.
Once per game, each player is allowed to trade their card with another player. The player they trade with won't know who traded with them, but they'll learn what their new card is. The player that initiated the trade will also learn of the new card they received.
The current Sage will know who the current Keymaster is, if the Keymaster changes they will know as long as they are the Sage.Trades are processed in the order they are received via PM. However, the mod may purposely delay these trades to obfuscate trade timings to prevent metagaming. The order received will still stay true regardless. The mod will try to be active so that a big chain doesn't happen, unless trade actions are all submitted at the deadline. This is a valid strategy for players.
In the very unlikely event that two PMs are sent at the exact same time then the mod will flip a coin. The player whose trade didn't go through will be told how unlikely this is and how unlucky they are. They can try trading again at least.
Discussion/Pre-Vote Phase (Day 1, 24 hours)During the last 24 hours of Day 1 no more trades will be accepted.
Players discuss who they are going to vote and why.
Vote Phase (Day 1, 24 hours)The thread is locked.
Players PM the mod who they want to vote.
Self-votes are allowed.
Votes are anonymous.
In the event of a tie:Discussion/Pre-Vote Phase 2 (Day 1, 24 hours)If there is a tie, then a Phase 2 Discussin/Pre-Vote will be held for 24 hours.
Only the players that are tied with the most amount of votes will be allowed to be voted. They cannot vote anymore, but they are allowed to talk during the discussion.
The remaining players that are not eligible to be executed will discuss who they are going to vote.
Vote Phase 2 (Day 1, 24 hours)Same as the first Vote Phase. If there's another tie this continues until there are no more ties.
Execution Phase (End of Day 1)The player with the most votes is executed unless they are the Sacrifice. The game is over if the Sacrifice is executed. The Sacrifice wins and chooses another player that wins with them. The game is also over if the Keymaster is executed. Everybody loses if the Keymaster dies.
If the Sage or a Commoner is executed then the game continues. The executed player loses. The Sacrifice dies and loses.
Handout Phase 2 (Night 1)New cards are assigned randomly to the remaining players.
These phases continue until the Sacrifice or Keymaster is executed or there are less than 5 players during the Night in which case the 3-4 surviving players win.
So basically the Sacrifice is allowed to decide if they want to hold onto the card and try to win that day or if they're able to they can trade it to somebody else and try to survive the game. The Sacrifice can also try to win over another player via PMs to join their side and vote them. If the Sacrifice loses enough then the remaining surviving players will win.
I think the secret day trade system will add a lot to this game. You can only trade once, so you have to decide whether you really want to use it today or save it for a possible tomorrow.