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Author Topic: (SG) Adventures of a Drow: Sins of the Daughter - Interest check.  (Read 12959 times)


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**NOTE: This is not a game about a dumb Drizzt Clone. I am NOT writing about an over-powered kill-everything-easily angsty purple dude. This is a game set in my own universe (with heavy influences from elsewhere) with what i hope is a far more realistic and less cliche portrayal of the Drow (and other races in general).

Now, please give this game a go! I have a writing itch and i cant exercise it!**

Hi all! I've decided to do something a little different than my usual attempts at Sci Fi combat. I've been batting this idea around my head for the last few days and, as anyone who pays attention to forum avatrs will tell you, i am going through somewhat of a Drow Obsession at the moment.


A cool breeze ruffled the trees and played at the branches of shrubs lining the road, gradually building, until it was bending entire trees over at various angles. It whistled through the forest, eventually reaching the gorges and foothills that defined the beginnings of a mountain range in the north. Picking up speed, it tugs at everything it passes, seeming to want anything and everything to join it in its endless journey.
   Alone in the forest, lying in the centre of the road buffeted by wind, unconscious and helpless, was what at first would seem to be just a pile of dumped clothing and old leather armour. Yet this tattered, dirty pile was a young woman.
   She stirred, trying to brush her long, luscious dark locks out of her eyes. Shivering in the cold wind, she pulled her dirty, but undamaged fur lined cloak around her. She wore a mask of confusion, looking around questioningly at her surroundings through bleary eyes.
“W...Where am I?” she ask no one in particular. “Who am I?” She tensed, eyes rolling upwards. A vision comes to her.
A woman with pitch black hair, intermingled with white streaks seems to be holding Arin as if she were a newborn babe. She is sitting in front of an open fire in a room that seems to be underground. Arin can hear a baby gurgling happily, although it seems Arin herself seems to be suckling at the woman’s breast.
‘You are Arin Winterlocks. My daughter, with a strong heritage and an interesting destiny’
The woman’s says, smiling and stroking Arin’s face.

Her eyes rolled forward again and refocused. Relaxing from her tensed position, she looks around, shaken and panicked. That was no vision, she was sure of it, it felt more like a memory. At least she had a name. Arin. Arin Winterlocks. 'Strong heritage? Interesting destiny? Who was that, my mother? Damn my head hurts...... All i remember is my mother and my goddess, Calithari....'.
   Curious, she examined herself. She played with her hair, seeing for what she believed to be the first time, the hair that she must be named after. Although her hair was of a dark colour, it had strands and highlights of natural crimson red, but the biggest defining feature was the thick locks of pure snow white hair, a lock of which intermingled with black to frame her face.
   Moving her hands further down, she felt her ears. Points that must measure two inches protruded from where she thought a normal human’s ear would have ended, whilst also angled outwards slightly.
   Using a small pocket mirror she felt in one of the pouches on her belt, she examined herself. She saw her piercing ice blue eyes, her dark bluish-purple skin (one of the two defining colours of her race, the other being dark grey), her looks and body that would have put goddesses to shame.
‘Right, now that little adventure has been completed, I think it’s time I tried to find out just where the hell I am’ Arin thought to herself, trying to get motivated for whatever comes next.
   Arin leant down and grabbed her cloak. She fastened the warm cloak around her shoulders using the steel lock and set off at a brisk walk, heading further into the forest, away from the gorge and mountains behind her.
   'I have one hell of a headache' Arin thinks to herself, rubbish a small-ish lump on the side of her head. 'Better take stock of what I have'. Arin decided to take stock of her current inventory. Apart from her cloak, she was wearing sturdy knee high boots, form fitting leggings that, she felt, also encompassed her lower legs and feet. She noted that the thigh area was protected by splinted armour.
   Around her waist was a belt, with a water skin, an empty scabbard on her left hip for what looked like a broad, long sword, and various large pouches as well as two smaller scabbards sitting crossed and nestled in her lower back, which she guessed were for some type of long knives.
   On her body was some sort of steel plated leather body armour over a light chain shirt, both of which covered her upper arms and shoulders as well, continuing on to a pair of sturdy looking vambraces. Finally, she had a pair of tough leather gloves, the right one of which looked worn slightly for extensive use of something in that hand........


You are Arin Winterlocks, a lost Calithari-worhipping drow in the middle of a forest. You are unarmed. You also have amnesia, for the moment, although you do seem to be having visions.

Your intuition seems to be telling you to follow the road, keeping the mountains, foothills and gorges behind you.

What do you do?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 01:05:35 pm by kahn1234 »


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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2013, 06:56:43 pm »

(14 views and no bites? forums have been a bit slow recently).


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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2013, 10:20:29 pm »

Also, it's a pretty simplistic concept. Suggestion games of amnesiacs are pretty easy, and often considered a mark of low GM investment in a game. Also, you didn't give us any good hooks to go off of.
Also, people around here are a bit anti-elf on average, and drow have a particularly bad rap ever since Drizzit.

That said...well, only one choice, really. Follow the road, hope we don't die.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2013, 04:51:43 am »

Also, it's a pretty simplistic concept. Suggestion games of amnesiacs are pretty easy, and often considered a mark of low GM investment in a game. Also, you didn't give us any good hooks to go off of.
Also, people around here are a bit anti-elf on average, and drow have a particularly bad rap ever since Drizzit.

That said...well, only one choice, really. Follow the road, hope we don't die.

((I'm hurt, have you ever known me to not put effort into my work? I will try my best on this. Hell, the whole reason i started this was to both try something new and show that i am not slacking off in the games department.

Also, adding the work 'Amnesiac' to the thread title was a mistake of my tired-late-night brain. And i am ill, so that's a thing. If things go roughly the way i plan, Arin should get a fair amount of her memories back fairly soon.

To the Anti-Elf thing, I dont really get that feeling around here (at least, from most people anyway). I dont know anything about a Drizzit guy though.

Finally, before i get to writing, I would like to say that, if you think i dont give enough 'hooks' to go off, please give me advice on how to improve my writing and game starts. I am here to learn. I lean towards a more hands off, let-the-players-explore type GM. For example, instead of just heading down the road straight away, you could have looked around for any clues as to the reason for your predicament, but ho-hum. I tend to think games where the GM gives the only options of action tend to be restrictive and almost boring, unless there is an incredibly good dose of humour.)).

You walked for what seemed like hours, the scenery barely changing. Trees, shrubs and bushes as far as the eye could see except along the wide paved road. You wonder just how far away the next settlement was. It had even started to get dark, although that meant nothing as she didn’t know at what time she awoke.

She reached for her water skin, only to find that it was almost empty. She checked the other pouches for food. Not a single thing. Whatever had happened to her, it had left her with nothing.

‘Great. Lost in the woods with no food, water or tools. This could not get any worse...’. No sooner had you thought that, than you heard a rumbling roar. You stop stock still. As you turn slowly, scanning the area behind you for the source of the noise you realise the source was pretty hard to miss, making you wonder why you hadn't seen it well in advance.

   The largest bear you think you have ever seen was lumbering slowly out of the woods, focused right on you, its beady little eyes full of rage. It slowly lumbers towards you, its hide shaking with every step, like it has all the time in the world.

You back away, making sure to always keep eye contact whilst keeping as large a profile as possible. Despite her best efforts to stay calm, she let out a small whimper. ‘Oh god, why me?’ She wondered.

The Bear roared again, charging forward. You spin on your heel and bolt down the road, running as fast as your legs can carry you which, it turns out, is very fast indeed. Trees past by in a blur, but it seemed the grunting of the bear was still behind her, hot on her heels. 'By the gods, what has this bear been eating?' You wonder, both impressed and terrified of the bears speed.

What do you do? Do you run into the woods on either side of the road and try to lose it in there? Do you turn and fight, attempting to beat it in hand-to-paw combat? Do you try to hide up a tree? Continue down the road and hope your stamina hold out? Or do you decide to do something else the voices in your mind can think up?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 04:53:42 am by kahn1234 »

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2013, 09:42:26 am »

Be nice to the bear the bear is your friend. :3


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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2013, 09:51:02 am »

As you are running, you have an idea. Befriend the bear! It couldn't possibly go wrong! And even if it did, it might surprise the bear enough that it veers off and smacks into a tree.

You stop and turn, arms flung out wise. "Hello, Bear. Would you do me the pleasure of....." You are interrupted as the bear, surprised at your sudden turn around, veers off to your left, right into a mighty tree. It stumbles back, clearly stunned. Its face is covered in scratches and its nose is bleeding. Whilst you might not be one of those forest dwelling Silfroudar elves, this encounter went better than expected.

Unfortunately, the bear set its sights on you again, despite your best efforts and, with a ground shaking roar, charges at you. You roll to your left and spring into another sprint, trying to outrun the bear.

Your actions seem to have just angered the bear more. What do you do now?

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2013, 09:56:07 am »

Find a dear and kick it really hard in the leg. (I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you. :3)


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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2013, 11:16:38 am »

After your failed attempt at befriending the bear, you decide to try distracting the bear.

As you run, you try to keep an eye out for any other type of non-predatory wildlife the bear might take an interest in. Luckily, you spot a deer grazing in the forest to our right. You aren't too far away either. Despite your hunger and thirst you put on an extra sprint to try and catch the deer.

Unfortunately, the deer sees you coming and bolts. As fate would have it, it bolts onto the road and starts running in front of you. Trying to increase your speed yet again, you hit a wall, your hunger and thirst preventing you from catching up to the deer, which pulls away from you and bolts left into the forest, where you lose sight of it.

Today, it seems, luck wasn't on your side.

Fortunately you still have options. What do you do?

The Froggy Ninja

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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2013, 12:57:29 pm »


Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2013, 01:11:23 pm »



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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 02:06:37 pm »

((I'm hurt, have you ever known me to not put effort into my work?
Just the messenger, sir. Amnesia and other forms of limited backstory are cheap tools used by many new/inexperienced/bad GMs to avoid having to do lots of work.

If things go roughly the way i plan, Arin should get a fair amount of her memories back fairly soon.
That's good. Hopefully, once this picks up more people should come.

To the Anti-Elf thing, I dont really get that feeling around here (at least, from most people anyway). I dont know anything about a Drizzit guy though.
As to the first: It's one part typical dislike of Mary Sues to two parts DF-based prejudice.
As to the second: Drizzit Do'Urden was a drow ranger who spawned a whole new archetype for cheap characters. It didn't take long for drow to be composed primarily of, to paraphrase Nale of The Order of the Stick, Chaotic Good rebels with a Mary Sue streak. So...kinda like Edward Cullen*, but with less creepy questionable romance and more scimitars and adventure.
*Edward's the vampire, right?

Finally, before i get to writing, I would like to say that, if you think i dont give enough 'hooks' to go off, please give me advice on how to improve my writing and game starts. I am here to learn. I lean towards a more hands off, let-the-players-explore type GM. For example, instead of just heading down the road straight away, you could have looked around for any clues as to the reason for your predicament, but ho-hum. I tend to think games where the GM gives the only options of action tend to be restrictive and almost boring, unless there is an incredibly good dose of humour.)).
At the moment, there really isn't much. Part of the problem with an adventure starring an amnesiac in the wilderness is that starting point. Maybe starting in a town would have been better. Nut I don't know your plans, so I won't judge.

You are interrupted as the bear, surprised at your sudden turn around, veers off to your left, right into a mighty tree. It stumbles back, clearly stunned. Its face is covered in scratches and its nose is bleeding. Whilst you might not be one of those forest dwelling Silfroudar elves, this encounter went better than expected.
I can honestly say that that was the least-expected possibility.


Locate a tree and climb it.
Bears that big don't climb trees.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

Harry Baldman

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  • Bay Watcher
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Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

Harry Baldman

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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2013, 02:49:01 pm »

True enough, I suppose. But how else are we to find out if elves can digest cellulose? It seems like an entirely reasonable adaptation for them to have, and it never hurts to know for sure.

Locate a tree and climb it.

Do this. Hang on tight if the bear decides to try and shake you off.


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Re: (SG) Adventures of an Amnesiac Drow
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2013, 02:53:14 pm »

I PTW anything that seems interesting
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