problemSleuth [PS] has opened up a memo on the board Wrecking The Session
PS: This working properly?
aceDick [AD] responded to memo.
AD: Appears to be.
AD: I've managed to secure the server of Sburb so that this chain will work properly.
PS: Does one of them have your old copy of Sgrub?
PS: We won't be able to wreck their session if the nine of them can't link up properly.
AD: I 'traded' with one of them.
PS: Alright then, here we go.
problemSleuth [PS] ceased responding to the memo.
aceDick [AD] ceased responding to the memo.
pickleInspector [PI] responded to the memo.
PI: AD, can you place the Punch Designix
aceDick [AD] responded to memo.
AD: Sure thing.
FUTURE dividedTranscient [FDT] 3 hours from now responded to the memo.
FDT: ssoommeetthhiinngg hhaass ccoommee uupp
FDT: aabboouutt tthhee sseessiioonn,, tthhaatt iiss
FUTURE dividedTranscient [FDT] 3 hours from now has been banned.
problemSleuth [PS] began responding to the memo.
PS: Alright who gave away the passcode to the memo?
AD: Wasn't me.
PI: it is either one of those trolls or a slimier species, they can post anywhere. They have quirks with speech and can talk to you at any time you want, one of them has probably interfered with our plans, probably the one that AD did with the martial arts guy since he is the only one I know we have plans with. Just to make sure, unban the DT
FUTURE dividedTranscient [FDT2] 3 hours and 1 minute from now responded to the memo.
FDT2: wwee aarree nnoott sslliimmyy!!
FDT2: aanndd hhooww ddoo yyoouu kknnooww aallll tthhiiss??!!??
PI: Sorry, it was similar that I was going for, not the other thing with slime, and we in this dimension have a webcomic called "homestuck" that tells us all the things I mentioned except the plan, witch is the most logical thing you could of mean, witch was also a big guess. And I got lucky on that guess. I will guess, or is it something else you were talking about?
FDT2: oouurr tteeaamm ddooeess nnoott hhaavvee aa wwiittcchh......
FDT2: aannyywwaayy,, tthheerree rreeaallllyy iissnn''tt aannyytthhiinngg yyoouu ccaann ddoo aabboouutt iitt
FDT2: ssiinnccee yyoouu aallll aarree aallrreeaaddyy iiiinn yyoouurr sseessiioonn
PS: Screw it, I'm leaving. That 'quirk' is too much of headache for me right now. My land is horrible enough on my mind as it is.
problemSleuth [PS] ceased responding to the memo.
AD: I'll probably...
AD: Shit. I need to go. Enemies at the gates.
AD: Give me a summary after it is over.
aceDick [AD] ceased responding to the memo.
FDT2: ppii, aarree yyoouu ggooiinngg ttoo lleeaavvee aass wweellll
PI: sorry, I have bad word typing sometimes, as demonstrated with the previous comments, which I press the wrong button on the correction thing for words. But do you have anything else to say??? Or any hints to the future if you people have the ability and/or the tech to do so.
FDT2: tthhee mmaarrttiiall aarrttss gguuyy,, aass yyoouu ppuutt iitt,, iiss ggooiinngg ttoo eenntteerr aa ssoolloo sseessssiioon
FDT2: wwhheenn tthhiiss hhaappppeennss,, hhiiss ccllaass wwiillll uuppddaattee ttoo lloorrdd ooffff vvooiidd
FDT2: tthhiiss iiss ggooiinngg ttoo bbee bbaadd ffoorr yyoouurr sseessiioon iiff yyoouu ccaannnnoott ddeeffeeaatt hhiimm
FDT2: yyoouurr sseessssiioonn bbllaacckkss oouutt wwhheenn hhee eenntteerrss
FDT2: aanndd nnoonnee ooff uuss ccaann ccoonnttaacctt aannyy ooff yyoouu aafftteerr tthhaatt ppooiinntt
PI: Looks like emergency plan 8-952 will be needed. It will involve indrick boreale imps and the god emperor of mankind from Warhammer 40k, want to hear more???
FDT2: hhooww ccaann yyoouu eennaacctt tthhiiss ppllaann ooffff ggeettttiinngg tthhee iimmppss pprroottoottyyppeedd wwiitthh yyoouurr eemmppoorreerr iiffff yyoouu ddoonn''tt hhaavvee aannyy ccoonnttaaccttss oouuttssiiddee tthhee mmeeddiiuumm ttoo ggeett nneeaarr hhiimm??
PI: No, I'm going to get someone to pre-medium prototype indrick boreale, then I will prototype my sprite with a poster of the emperor so he can control the imps, I will tell him about the reckoning if he somehow didn't know and apologize about him being elvish, since this will only guarantee that we will have a powerful ally to help us at least, at beast we can seize control of the imps and win the non sidquest part of the game much easier. due to the imps having power of Space marines.
FDT2: hhooww, uuhh, hhoossttiillee iiss yyoouurr eemmppoorreerr??
FDT2: sspprriitteess ccaann hhaavvee tthheeiirr oowwnn aaggeennddass
FDT2: aanndd tthhee oonnllyy lliimmiitt iiss tthhaatt tthheeyy ccaannnnoott hhaarrmm tthhee oonnee tthheeyy pprroottoottyyppeedd
FDT2: wwee hhaadd ttoo ffiinndd tthhaatt oouutt tthhee hhaarrdd wwaayy
PI: He REALLY likes mankind, he will probably try to and succeed in stopping the reckoning, since that would kill all of man. and some other unimportant stuff. And tell me about what you learned the hard way.
FDT2: wweellll, tthhaatt llooggiicc wwoouulldd bbee ssoouunndd,, iiffff aallll ooffff tthhee ppllaayyeerrss ooffff yyoouurr sseessssiioonn wweerree hhuummaann
FDT2: II''dd rraatthheerr nnoott ttaallkk aabboouutt tthhee hhaarrdd wwaayy
FDT2: ssuuffiiccee ttoo ssaayy,, iitt iinnvvoollvveedd mmyy mmooiirraaiill
PI: they can defend on their own. And since the black king causes the reckoning, the emperor would either go after him or destroy most of the meteors. preventing mankind's extinction or it becoming inbred. or something else might happen, hmmm, maybe something else though. If someone doesn't prototype that space marine Indrick Boreale.