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Author Topic: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 44 - The Markets  (Read 148700 times)


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #795 on: February 12, 2014, 11:14:07 pm »

BTW, did the "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" include the thing about Lyu's Life Tattoos? COULD that kind of thing be made permanent? And could it also be applied with other forms of magic? RESEARCH MUST BE DONE!))

That's actually an offshoot of overloading Lyu with Life magic. There's a one in six chance that that's what happens, the other various ones being hulkification (Which is, yes, augmentation, but that mayor is currently eating like a bear who's just come out of hibernation to replace all of the rearranged mass), residual life energy causing a terrible reaction to the next piece of iron touched and a couple of others.

I'm sure you could figure out how to create them, but they wouldn't be permanent... unless you worked really, really hard. well as completely rebuild your respiratory system to cope with secondary input
I'd say that that shouldn't be too hard, especially if the gills are in the chest area. A bigger problem would be avoiding dehydration when out of water.
Which happens to be a really big part of the rebuilding process. Along with, y'know, finding ways to make an airtight seal across your throat that can resist high pressures (such as those generated at depths, which force you to expel the air from your lungs leading to you swallowing water and shit going haywire), finding a way to make the oxygen exchange across your gills efficient enough to support the high rate of oxygen consumption terrestrial mammals use and making sure that wherever you locate the gills, the muscles already there don't interfere with the massively increased blood flow to the region that would be required.

He would also have to have extra channels in his mouth so as to swallow water to direct across the gills (The gills are the site of water expulsion, not water intake) and that's a whole other kettle of fish.

Long story short, no, you can't have gills.

And you'd need to do it all, really fast, since they all involve massive bodily changes that if stopped halfway through would kill you.
Depending on the change and the method, he might be able to do some of them halfway.
If he starts dismantling his skin, he's going to be wide open to infection for at least part of the process. If he builds the stuff over his skin and then reabsorbs it, he has to go back into magically contaminated scaly skin and start attaching nerves, which risks all sorts of weird stuff happening - it's the same as when he tries to heal wounds caused by magic tearing its way out of his body. And his regeneration spell would destroy all of his hard work and revert him to 100% pink-skinned, fleshy human.

And he certainly couldn't stop halfway with the gills thing. Again, openings for infection - at least until he then goes through and builds in redirections for the lymphatic system - and once he starts rerouting respiratory processes (so as to include the gills in the circuit) he's going to have to break something first, which gives him a minute, tops, before his brain freaks out and he starts gasping for air involuntarily, destroying his concentration and then he falls over dead.

Out of universe: I've already accidentally given you freaking Dohvakiin powers, I'm not letting you become some sort of mash-up of Colossus, Mystique and Aquaman.
Wait, that was an accident?
I didn't realise the full implications of the power I'd given him until a turn or two later.
What's wrong with using magma? That's almost always the easiest method.
I have issues channeling it properly to do that method. I end up flooding the fortress with magma.
Check out my RtD!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #796 on: February 13, 2014, 07:09:02 am »

Which happens to be a really big part of the rebuilding process. Along with, y'know, finding ways to make an airtight seal across your throat that can resist high pressures (such as those generated at depths, which force you to expel the air from your lungs leading to you swallowing water and shit going haywire)...
Either copy sperm whales, expel the air and suppress various reflexes, or don't go deep if you're not designed for it.

...finding a way to make the oxygen exchange across your gills efficient enough to support the high rate of oxygen consumption terrestrial mammals use...
I'd say lowering oxygen consumption rate would be easier. That, and not needing the gills much.

He would also have to have extra channels in his mouth so as to swallow water to direct across the gills (The gills are the site of water expulsion, not water intake) and that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Why would water intake need to be in the mouth? It would make sense to have it be a slit or something in the neck or collarbone area, near the natural area for gills to be placed (the chest, near the heart). This also (slightly) lowers the difficulty of finding a pathway for it.
And the gill slits are for water expulsion. The gill filaments are for oxygen exchange.

Long story short, no, you can't have gills.
Not contesting that, just some bits of your reasoning.

I said depending on the change and the method.

I didn't realise the full implications of the power I'd given him until a turn or two later.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #797 on: February 13, 2014, 07:41:48 am »

Also for Pancaek I personally kinda assumed that the timeskip turn where we "took" "your" books would include our characters politely asking instead of just snatching them like you did when it was looting time. While I can understand a certain amount of possessiveness with looting, its generally a good idea if we allow any loots that have no real benefit to the looter but lots of benefit to other teammates to be taken by those teammates freely. For example, when I reforged Baldur's Greatsword I didn't try and keep it for myself, I handed it right off to him. Granted I wasn't ASKED in that case, but I didn't need to be, I woulda given it anyway.
We are a PARTY, and making sure our companions are all they can be is a major part of being successful with that. Hell my character was DESIGNED for just that reason. He's....kinda grown since then :P but the concept still stands and I don't intend to put my healing on the back shelf just cuz I have a crazy amount of munchkinry to do.))
((I've got a few problems with your...problems. First of all, I didn't just snatch them, I found them. Or are you also saying Lyu "snatched" the gold he found? And yes, I am possessive about them, since they might be a nice form of income to me later on, maybe for a special bow or something. You will be pleased to note that the only book I'm not letting you guys see is the one pertaining to my magical bracelet, the others are being passed around as we speak. And really, you're honestly going to call me out on not sharing items that aren't as usefull to me as they are to other teammembers when I gave away the sword and the staff the very moment I found them? Anyway, the way I see this we aren't some kind of marxist commune that has to share everything they own, but rather it's up to the finder to decide what to do with the loot.

Also, your argument with Baldur's greatsword doesn't really apply here in my opinion, because no matter wether you reforged it or not, it was and is still his sword, so it was at no point yours to keep anyway.

But hey, let it never be said that I'm a cross asshole, and I do understand that the books are pretty important to you guys. So I'll just give them to you guys as a sign of good intentions.))

"Apologies for any offense. We've been a bit out of sorts since the devil-town, as most of us were quite injured, or at the least very, very tired. Would you mind lending me the Force and Water books so that I might study them and harm less teammates when I eventually use those spheres? I'm particularly bad at Force magic, so that one would be appreciated especially. I'll be heading over to the University, as that seems the popular place for some reading, and after doing so I will be asking around about the Cnoc Adh devils.
And if you still have doubts about my ability to return them in the same condition I would be willing to put down gold as collateral."

"Oh by the waves, keep the damn things if you like them so much. Just keep your grubby mitts off of the light book."
Felice leaves the water and force book for the mages to fight over, following Baldur.

-edited for reading the inventories wrong-
Non-mages can't always find useful things, but if Felice was of a mind to learn psychic abilities then he might find something useful.
((I'm assuming that psychic powers fall under the light category, yes?))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 08:26:25 am by Pancaek »


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #798 on: February 13, 2014, 07:59:12 am »

And his regeneration spell would destroy all of his hard work and revert him to 100% pink-skinned, fleshy human.

((Why would it work that way? Is the default for healing spells keyed to Thuun's genetic code or something? Cuz if that's the case then everyone I ever heal will turn into me. Which is AWFULLY exploitable :P
But in all seriousness, why would we assume that Thuun wouldn't just automatically change the spell slightly to account for his changes? I mean we ARE talking about MAGIC. As in a force that can best be explained as "hey reality, go fuck yourself"

I know I know, "game balance" but I like watching you squirm to try and come up with In-universe justification. Kinda important for turning shit into book form.))

Also for Pancaek I personally kinda assumed that the timeskip turn where we "took" "your" books would include our characters politely asking instead of just snatching them like you did when it was looting time. While I can understand a certain amount of possessiveness with looting, its generally a good idea if we allow any loots that have no real benefit to the looter but lots of benefit to other teammates to be taken by those teammates freely. For example, when I reforged Baldur's Greatsword I didn't try and keep it for myself, I handed it right off to him. Granted I wasn't ASKED in that case, but I didn't need to be, I woulda given it anyway.
We are a PARTY, and making sure our companions are all they can be is a major part of being successful with that. Hell my character was DESIGNED for just that reason. He's....kinda grown since then :P but the concept still stands and I don't intend to put my healing on the back shelf just cuz I have a crazy amount of munchkinry to do.))
((I've got a few problems with your...problems. First of all, I didn't just snatch them, I found them. Or are you also saying Lyu "snatched" the gold he found? And yes, I am possessive about them, since they might be a nice form of income to me later on, maybe for a special bow or something. You will be pleased to note that the only book I'm not letting you guys see is the one pertaining to my magical bracelet, the others are being passed around as we speak. And really, you're honestly going to call me out on not sharing items that aren't as usefull to me as they are to other teammembers when I gave away the sword and the staff the very moment I found them? Anyway, the way I see this we aren't some kind of marxist commune that has to share everything they own, but rather it's up to the finder to decide what to do with the loot.

Also, your argument with Baldur's greatsword doesn't really apply here in my opinion, because no matter wether you reforged it or not, it was and is still his sword, so it was at no point yours to keep anyway.

But hey, let it never be said that I'm a cross asshole, and I do understand that the books are pretty important to you guys. So I'll just give them to you guys as a sign of good intentions.))

((1. We can't all be magpies. Especially when 3/5ths of the team is too injured to move of their own power.
2. Letting the mages get some neat spells and power levels out of your books isn't going to decrease their value, so there is no reasonable explanation for being upset about it. Unless the mage somehow manages to tear the book to shreds, at which point I'm sure the general consensus would amount to "mage pays Felice for destroying his income source"
3. You don't have to share EVERYTHING, but when there are no perceivable downsides to doing so it just seems PETTY to avoid it.
4. Baldur's sword was basically scrap at that point, whereas I reforged it for him for free. Ask any blacksmith what that service would normally cost.
5. Thank you, and when you're done getting psychic powers we would also like to see the light book before it's sold off, as it would give both mages a level in that skill.
6. If you need a special bow and can't afford it then Thuun would be happy to chip in gold. I'm not advocating "Communism the RtD" I'm advocating helping out our party members who our character's lives could well be saved by some day.))

"Oh by the waves, keep the damn things if you like them so much. Just keep your grubby mitts off of the light book."
Felice leaves the water and force book for the mages to fight over, following Baldur.
"Hey, big guy, I see you've got your sword back. It's bigger than I expected. You still using the sword I gave you a bit earlier then?"
((Er, Thuun currently has the other sword, because DUAL WIELD. Also his other one is blunted. Do you expect payment?))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 08:03:12 am by BFEL »
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #799 on: February 13, 2014, 08:14:46 am »

And his regeneration spell would destroy all of his hard work and revert him to 100% pink-skinned, fleshy human.

((Why would it work that way? Is the default for healing spells keyed to Thuun's genetic code or something? Cuz if that's the case then everyone I ever heal will turn into me. Which is AWFULLY exploitable :P
But in all seriousness, why would we assume that Thuun wouldn't just automatically change the spell slightly to account for his changes? I mean we ARE talking about MAGIC. As in a force that can best be explained as "hey reality, go fuck yourself"

I know I know, "game balance" but I like watching you squirm to try and come up with In-universe justification. Kinda important for turning shit into book form.))

((I'd guess that it's because life magic is mostly about reversing changes to the body rather than creating them, at least the healing part of it. Self-mutilation, even if done for a noble cause, I would also guess is one such change.))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 08:17:10 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #800 on: February 13, 2014, 08:21:46 am »

And his regeneration spell would destroy all of his hard work and revert him to 100% pink-skinned, fleshy human.

((Why would it work that way? Is the default for healing spells keyed to Thuun's genetic code or something? Cuz if that's the case then everyone I ever heal will turn into me. Which is AWFULLY exploitable :P
But in all seriousness, why would we assume that Thuun wouldn't just automatically change the spell slightly to account for his changes? I mean we ARE talking about MAGIC. As in a force that can best be explained as "hey reality, go fuck yourself"

I know I know, "game balance" but I like watching you squirm to try and come up with In-universe justification. Kinda important for turning shit into book form.))

((I'd guess that it's because life magic is mostly about reversing changes to the body rather than creating them, at least the healing part of it. Self-mutilation, even if done for a noble cause, I would also guess is one such change.))

((Yeah that's the cliché answer, but Niccolo never explicitly stated that that's how Life magic works in this universe.
In fact the consequences of its first successful usage all but eliminate that explanation :P That mayor wasn't a hulk BEFORE Thuun came around.

Pretty much all we know about Life magic right now is that it does heal-y stuff and that it was originally supposed to be REALLY different then the other magic and attract demons with every use.

It seemed a natural assumption to me that the sphere of Life covered other forms then just human, and it also seemed a logical conclusion that a powerful life mage could use that to their advantage.))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 08:31:17 am by BFEL »
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #801 on: February 13, 2014, 08:25:40 am »

((1. We can't all be magpies. Especially when 3/5ths of the team is too injured to move of their own power.
2. Letting the mages get some neat spells and power levels out of your books isn't going to decrease their value, so there is no reasonable explanation for being upset about it. Unless the mage somehow manages to tear the book to shreds, at which point I'm sure the general consensus would amount to "mage pays Felice for destroying his income source"
3. You don't have to share EVERYTHING, but when there are no perceivable downsides to doing so it just seems PETTY to avoid it.
4. Baldur's sword was basically scrap at that point, whereas I reforged it for him for free. Ask any blacksmith what that service would normally cost.
5. Thank you, and when you're done getting psychic powers we would also like to see the light book before it's sold off, as it would give both mages a level in that skill.
6. If you need a special bow and can't afford it then Thuun would be happy to chip in gold. I'm not advocating "Communism the RtD" I'm advocating helping out our party members who our character's lives could well be saved by some day.))

((Er, Thuun currently has the other sword, because DUAL WIELD. Also his other one is blunted. Do you expect payment?))

((1. Really, I'm a magpie because I loot after the battle when there wasn't much of anything else I can do? Allright then.
2.I don't know what you're on about here, seeing as I'm not keeping you from the books at all. I am also not being upset, Felice had a little outburst because the books weren't where he thought he left them. Seemed reasonable enough for me at the time. 
3.again, I'm not avoiding it. The only book I'm not lending out at the moment is the light one, because I'm using it.
4. Still doesn't mean you would have gotten to keep it at any point. Usually when you want something in return you state the details of the deal on beforehand. But whatever, this is between Baldur and you.
5. Naturally I'm going to let you guys read it when I'm done with it.
6. How generous of you.

And yeah, I read the inventories wrong about the warriors sword. I was keen on getting it back because Baldur had a two hander and all I have for melee is a knife. You also don't seem have some kind of bonus for dual-wielding, but if you really think having two swords will help out then I'll just drop it.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #802 on: February 13, 2014, 08:27:49 am »

((Yeah that's the cliché answer, but Niccolo never explicitly stated that that's how Life magic works in this universe.
In fact the consequences of its first successful usage all but eliminate that explanation :P That mayor wasn't a hulk BEFORE Thuun came around))

((Ah, but that's only when it goes wrong. If life magic reverses changes, then errors in its practice would naturally do the opposite and introduce changes. The question, though, would be what would happen if somebody healed the mayor - would he regain his original form, or is his new form is also the new shape that healing magic returns him to?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #803 on: February 13, 2014, 08:41:38 am »

((Yeah that's the cliché answer, but Niccolo never explicitly stated that that's how Life magic works in this universe.
In fact the consequences of its first successful usage all but eliminate that explanation :P That mayor wasn't a hulk BEFORE Thuun came around))

((Ah, but that's only when it goes wrong. If life magic reverses changes, then errors in its practice would naturally do the opposite and introduce changes. The question, though, would be what would happen if somebody healed the mayor - would he regain his original form, or is his new form is also the new shape that healing magic returns him to?))

((That wasn't a REVERSAL, that was an OVERLOAD. So I would assume that's his new permanent form, no matter how much healing magic you use.
Just like I assume that I can spawn a swarm of wasps inside your lungs AT ANY TIME.
Note: never piss off Life mages.))

((1. Really, I'm a magpie because I loot after the battle when there wasn't much of anything else I can do? Allright then.
2.I don't know what you're on about here, seeing as I'm not keeping you from the books at all. I am also not being upset, Felice had a little outburst because the books weren't where he thought he left them. Seemed reasonable enough for me at the time. 
3.again, I'm not avoiding it. The only book I'm not lending out at the moment is the light one, because I'm using it.
4. Still doesn't mean you would have gotten to keep it at any point. Usually when you want something in return you state the details of the deal on beforehand. But whatever, this is between Baldur and you.
5. Naturally I'm going to let you guys read it when I'm done with it.
6. How generous of you.

And yeah, I read the inventories wrong about the warriors sword. I was keen on getting it back because Baldur had a two hander and all I have for melee is a knife. You also don't seem have some kind of bonus for dual-wielding, but if you really think having two swords will help out then I'll just drop it.))

((Oh, sorry about that then, I saw you being upset in character and kinda thought you were upset OOC. Nevermind! :P
Oh...well Thuun doesn't actually have a dual-wield bonus right now as I didn't really clarify that all too well in his original character sheet XD, so yeah, have the sword.))

Give Warrior's Sword to Felice before leaving for the UNIVERSITY.
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #804 on: February 13, 2014, 08:45:29 am »

((Thanks. I'm just happy this got resolved. It's horribly easy to have misunderstandings when you comminicate through text. And if you do get some kind of dual wield bonus I'd be happy to give the sword to you.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #805 on: February 13, 2014, 08:51:25 am »

((That wasn't a REVERSAL, that was an OVERLOAD. So I would assume that's his new permanent form, no matter how much healing magic you use.
Just like I assume that I can spawn a swarm of wasps inside your lungs AT ANY TIME.
Note: never piss off Life mages.))

((You should actually try conjuring wasps. Otherwise you'll look really silly when you're making the defecation expression I imagine mages make when they're magicking and nothing happens. Or worse, when you manage to conjure complex life out of nothing and your brain turns into paste and shoots out of your ears (which would be pretty hilarious, but I digress). You know what they say about assuming things, after all. Assumptions are the noose that a vengeful GM constricts around munchkins' unwitting throats.

No, this is stuff you should research. Do science and shit. Magic has become the unpredictable, undiscovered country now, and those who do the most testing are the new archmages.

Also, you don't know if the overload wasn't actually a reversal. Overloads have varying side effects, after all.))
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 08:54:02 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #806 on: February 13, 2014, 09:42:52 am »

Yeesh. Here we go!

Which happens to be a really big part of the rebuilding process. Along with, y'know, finding ways to make an airtight seal across your throat that can resist high pressures (such as those generated at depths, which force you to expel the air from your lungs leading to you swallowing water and shit going haywire)...
Either copy sperm whales, expel the air and suppress various reflexes, or don't go deep if you're not designed for it.
That is indeed possible. If he knows that sperm whales exist and such a solution is viable. But really, what's the point in being able to breathe underwater if you can only go down a couple of feet?

...finding a way to make the oxygen exchange across your gills efficient enough to support the high rate of oxygen consumption terrestrial mammals use...
I'd say lowering oxygen consumption rate would be easier. That, and not needing the gills much.
You have no idea how much oxygen mammals in general need, do you? Dolphins have several hundred million years headstart on Thuun and they can only take in enough oxygen in one go to stay down for ten minutes or so. Mammals are incredibly complex creatures. We have dozens upon dozens of systems and subsystems going non-stop and at a much higher rate than fish or reptiles. It's why we needed to eat at least twice a week as hunter-gatherers, but crocodiles only need to hunt once a week or once every two weeks if they caught a big meal. Everything about mammals is designed to be moving rapidly.

Slowing that down would mean, essentially, becoming more reptilian. For a start, Thuun would have to disable his body's internal heating, since that's one of the largest drains on oxygen. All active forms of temperature control would probably have to go, actually - as would most of his higher brain functions. Critical, rational, logical thought takes a lot of energy, which means in this case a lot of oxygen. To conserve oxygen, Thuun would have to find external heat sources like a sunny rock and sit there and just do nothing but bake for a while. Basically Thuun would be a potato.

(Okay, there are a few species of endothermic fish, but they're the exception.)

He would also have to have extra channels in his mouth so as to swallow water to direct across the gills (The gills are the site of water expulsion, not water intake) and that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Why would water intake need to be in the mouth? It would make sense to have it be a slit or something in the neck or collarbone area, near the natural area for gills to be placed (the chest, near the heart). This also (slightly) lowers the difficulty of finding a pathway for it.
And the gill slits are for water expulsion. The gill filaments are for oxygen exchange.

(Point: Yes, I know the difference between gill slits and filaments. I wanted to ensure that bystanders were aware that water didn't enter through the gills.)

The percentage of oxygen in water can be measured in parts per million. He'd need to take in a phenomenal amount of water to sustain a normal human-sized body. One of the reasons that sharks, for example, cannot stop moving - they need to constantly be on the move to ensure that the volume of water going in is of a high enough rate to provide the oxygen they need.

Tidal volume of the average human male: 0.5 L per breath.
Volume of oxygen inhaled with each breath: 0.1 L (Oxygen ~ 20% of our atmosphere)
Average breathing cycle: 7 seconds (At complete rest)
Concentration of oxygen in water ~ 20 degrees C: 20 mL/L

Therefore, for Thuun to take in the same amount of oxygen through his gills as through his lungs (and thus maintain all higher order functions), he'd need to 'inhale' just under litre of water each second while he's underwater. The opening would need to be quite large to ensure that the water inflow wasn't basically a high-pressure jet, and his gills would need to be pretty big to ensure that the oxygen was rapidly extracted. And this is all assuming Thuun's just floating along merrily in the water; the second he starts moving, up go his oxygen requirements.

I suppose that the best point would be gigantic openings on his shoulders or something, but then you're disrupting muscles and blood vessels. The shoulder joint and general region is an extremely complex anastamosis of blood vessels, since flimsy tubes of blood and moving parts tend not to mix too well.

Ultimately, wherever Thuun decided to put the gills he would have to sacrifice something of great importance to functioning as a terrestrial mammal or as a human.

Long story short, no, you can't have gills.
Not contesting that, just some bits of your reasoning.
Hopefully I can answer your questions.

I said depending on the change and the method.
He'd still have to do it exactly right. One fuck-up and stuff would go terribly wrong, since he's futzing around with very delicate and rather important processes. And given Thuun's proclivity for disasters, I'm going to go ahead and say he'd die.

Long story short: Thuun is now a potatofish.

Non-mages can't always find useful things, but if Felice was of a mind to learn psychic abilities then he might find something useful.
((I'm assuming that psychic powers fall under the light category, yes?))
What I love is how you paid absolutely no attention to what Kidzuku was doing.

I'm going to tell you straight up, because I did an absolute shit job of explaining it in-universe: The design on Kidzuku is a central character (That being the titular kidzuku, which means comprehension). It looks a little like:

Carved lines run out from that to other lesser signs, governing its power and whatnot. The page that you read is the same page that Thuun read; you recognised it because the information was written in the same way as it was on your bracelet; a central idea with lines running to connected themes and meanings - whereas he recognised it as describing the angel Nathaniel, who's sphere of influence covers Light and Fire (and he found the exact same diagram in the centre of the Fire manual, too).

Sorry for the confusion.

Anyway, some psychic stuff might be in the Light book.

And his regeneration spell would destroy all of his hard work and revert him to 100% pink-skinned, fleshy human.

((Why would it work that way? Is the default for healing spells keyed to Thuun's genetic code or something? Cuz if that's the case then everyone I ever heal will turn into me. Which is AWFULLY exploitable :P
But in all seriousness, why would we assume that Thuun wouldn't just automatically change the spell slightly to account for his changes? I mean we ARE talking about MAGIC. As in a force that can best be explained as "hey reality, go fuck yourself"

I know I know, "game balance" but I like watching you squirm to try and come up with In-universe justification. Kinda important for turning shit into book form.))

You didn't pay attention to your regeneration spell's flowery, overly long description. It's okay, I knew you wouldn't. There's a reason I spent so long describing it in plant metaphors - it works in the exact same manner that sunlight and warmth do on a plant. You didn't heal your legs, you literally grew them. From scratch. For a while, you had tiny little zygote-legs, which grew into a newborn's legs and onwards and upwards until it hit your current age. Same thing for Baldur's eye. Eyes are complex, but they don't grow much once they've fully formed, so his eye didn't need thirty-odd years of growth on top of the nine months - which is why it regrew so much quicker.

For smaller wounds, again it doesn't heal them - it massively boosts the body's inbuilt regenerative capabilities (and pushes them a little further to eliminate scars because fuck tracking scars). So basically, you grow back into what you were. It strips everything away and rebuilds from scratch. You would have to alter your genetic code so that the changes are the norm. But, as I mentioned before, Thuun doesn't know about genetic code, since Maskan scientific progress is best defined as still being in the 'poke shit with a big stick' stage of the tech tree.

Also, Life magic won't appear anywhere in the books. Your entire existence is going to be somewhat edited; you'll keep the cool stuff like volcanoes and epic reforgings, but Baldur tearing your legs off? Not so much.

((Yeah that's the cliché answer, but Niccolo never explicitly stated that that's how Life magic works in this universe.
In fact the consequences of its first successful usage all but eliminate that explanation :P That mayor wasn't a hulk BEFORE Thuun came around))

((Ah, but that's only when it goes wrong. If life magic reverses changes, then errors in its practice would naturally do the opposite and introduce changes. The question, though, would be what would happen if somebody healed the mayor - would he regain his original form, or is his new form is also the new shape that healing magic returns him to?))

The mayor was turned into the Hulk because shenanigans.

If you reeeaaaaally want a more in-depth explanation: you healed his body and then shoved it full of so much Life energy that it had to do something with it, so it does what any organism with a vast excess of resources does: it grew. And he is now eating twice as much as anybody else in the town to make up for the fact that although he's so much bigger, he's not all that heavier; Life magic temporarily filled in for missing muscle filaments and bone mass, but with that dissipated he's currently in terrible condition.

If somebody tried to heal the mage, his body would immediately start using the Life energy to fill in the gaps where he was still missing mass like some sort of terrible magical spackle. He'd then probably turn into a rage-monster again. or, y'know, they could carefully compress him down to a normal size. They'd have to be damn good at what they were doing. Thuun's regenerative spell wouldn't have a freaking clue what to do, though, since as far as it's concerned he is perfectly normal. Just a little big.

Before you ask, yes you COULD have made glowing green energy-legs. They would have been a bitch to design and you'd probably leave a trail of grass wherever you walked like some kind of fertility goddess. But too bad, no take-backs. And if you cut your legs off solely for ferti-feet I swear to God I'll designate the next source of evil as being Thuun's bollocks.

((That wasn't a REVERSAL, that was an OVERLOAD. So I would assume that's his new permanent form, no matter how much healing magic you use.
Just like I assume that I can spawn a swarm of wasps inside your lungs AT ANY TIME.
Note: never piss off Life mages.))

((You should actually try conjuring wasps. Otherwise you'll look really silly when you're making the defecation expression I imagine mages make when they're magicking and nothing happens. Or worse, when you manage to conjure complex life out of nothing and your brain turns into paste and shoots out of your ears (which would be pretty hilarious, but I digress). You know what they say about assuming things, after all. Assumptions are the noose that a vengeful GM constricts around munchkins' unwitting throats.

No, this is stuff you should research. Do science and shit. Magic has become the unpredictable, undiscovered country now, and those who do the most testing are the new archmages.

Also, you don't know if the overload wasn't actually a reversal. Overloads have varying side effects, after all.))

No you can't spontaneously create life. And you certainly can't induce death by lungwasp. Can you imagine the fun coroners would have with that particular corpse? Yeesh. If you beat up a bunch of devilwasps and somehow convinced them to be your little summoned pets, you could thereby launch wasps at Lyu and hope that he inhales one or two, but that's decidedly less impressive.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 10:07:49 am by Niccolo »
What's wrong with using magma? That's almost always the easiest method.
I have issues channeling it properly to do that method. I end up flooding the fortress with magma.
Check out my RtD!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #807 on: February 13, 2014, 10:06:48 am »

Baldur rolls his eyes as his companions squabble over the books. He helps Ekoka find lodgings (+1 to barter!). Afterwards he finds a convenient tavern to sit in, quaff booze and listen to rumours.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #808 on: February 13, 2014, 11:07:55 am »

Anyway, the way I see this we aren't some kind of marxist commune that has to share everything they own, but rather it's up to the finder to decide what to do with the loot.
((The way I see it, we're a team. Should I get punished because I chose to heal Lyu instead of getting first dibs on searching? Should the others fall behind because they were busy enough with other stuff to let us do the loot-finding?))

((1. Really, I'm a magpie because I loot after the battle when there wasn't much of anything else I can do? Allright then.
((No, he never said that. If everyone had to find their own loot or trade with fellow party-members to get it, though, everyone else would be searching instead of other stuff, assuming they could, which would make everyone magpies.
And refusing to give up any loot is a bit...magpish.))


4. Still doesn't mean you would have gotten to keep it at any point.
((I don't think he's saying that...))

That is indeed possible. If he knows that sperm whales exist and such a solution is viable. But really, what's the point in being able to breathe underwater if you can only go down a couple of feet?
Without any kind of diving gear, people commonly dive to a dozen feet or more, without even expelling air from their lungs. Some people manage to (briefly) achieve depths in the hundreds of feet without significant problems (and what problems there are have more to do with eardrums than sphincters.
And rereading...why would depths lead to air being forced from your lungs?

You have no idea how much oxygen mammals in general need, do you?...
I do. I said easier, not easy.
And you have some Firstly, dolphins don't have terribly long breath-holding times, but sperm whales can go an hour or so, without extracting additional oxygen from the water. And all that complexity you cite isn't really the issue; that would be from high metabolic rate, which is almost entirely due to the constantly high body temperatures mammals keep. Brain activity is a pretty big sink, a solid quarter, but it's not entirely enormous. And, remember, these are with normal creatures; with sufficient biological knowledge, because body-modding wouldn't work without at least a subconscious understanding of it, I have no doubt one could find a way to exceed the record-holders of real-world biology, without even considering magic.

(Okay, there are a few species of endothermic fish, but they're the exception.)
And this fishman wouldn't be?

The percentage of oxygen in water can be measured in parts per million...
((You're assuming baseline human metabolism. I can't find any sources, but I'm pretty sure you could reduce it significantly if you had to.))

He'd still have to do it exactly right. One fuck-up and stuff would go terribly wrong, since he's futzing around with very delicate and rather important processes. And given Thuun's proclivity for disasters, I'm going to go ahead and say he'd die.
((Fair enough.))
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Go Mad: Turn 37 - Interlude
« Reply #809 on: February 13, 2014, 11:25:41 am »

((Ok so what I got out of that first part was pretty much "NO GILLS EVER" which is fine, I was actually just using gills as an example.
What I REALLY want to do is grow 2 extra arms and get claws on all my fingers, because QUAD-WIELDING. Then I can level Force magic and Telekinetically sword people while quad-clawing them as well. Ah MAGIC.

Also about the ferti-feet, go back and look at the wording of the action I posted. I was trying to grow dragon-reptilian legs. Because you said "Thuun could do things even MORE impressive then the rock-hand" so immediately I thought "oh hey, lets grow super-awesome dragon legs, because awesome" and you either dismissed it as impossible (More impossible then ferti-energy feet? SERIOUSLY?) or just ignored it completely. So in the long line of people not paying attention to shit in this RtD, the GM is also in on it, have no doubt :P

From the Kidzuku stuff does that mean Kidzuku is an angel as well? Did Felice just FIND A GOD-ANGEL LYING IN A BUSH? I mean yeah I got mine from a poison-induced hallucination but JEEZ. I mean, one angel is just hanging around in drugland, one is napping in a bush as a bracelet, and the chick one is A FUCKING STALKER :P

I am now upset that like 90% of Thuun's character is just out the window for the novelization :(

And why COULDN'T I just spawn life? You specifically stated just now that I GREW legs. Granted apparently that's because genetics, but whateves, I could just grab a wasp and run some "detect" style Life magic through it and discover, if not what genes are, at least the general idea of how to grow one. Then its just "change piece of lung into wasp-cancer"....oh god, wasp-cancer is like the worst thing possible in all worlds.

But yeah, failing that, the summoning thing works too. But couldn't I summon them INSIDE someone? It just kinda loses that sadistic edge if they aren't eating them from the inside out.))

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 11:29:50 am by BFEL »
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.
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