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Author Topic: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Conclusion  (Read 18086 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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~International Battle Royale Federation~ Conclusion
« on: November 09, 2013, 03:22:37 am »

The elements of this game were inspired by countless Kung-Fu Movies, Professional Wrestling, and 'Def Jam: Fight For NY', one of the greatest Fighting video games ever created. This game is a Freestyle Arena Fighting RPG, in which your fighter strives to be the best in the world. While this is a simple set-up, as the game progresses, various plots and developments will come about, and the story will become an epic tale, one that you've influenced.
No prior knowledge required.
The systems of the game are subject to change. Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome at any time.

Everyone has their own introspective quest to find a purpose for their existence. But only the fortunate few realize where the revelations become clear: THE ARENA! FIGHTING! The greatest sports in history have revolved around combat in one manifestation or another. In the times of old there were Gladiator Melees, Mock Battles, and Duels. In the modern times we have popularized Boxing, Rugby, and Football. Even Chess, a game of intellectual prowess, is a simulation of a gigantically-scaled fight. And now, we've perfected the production of bloodsports, making fighting not only a sport, but a form of art.

In the year of 2002 A.D., an eccentric lunatic horde of rich motherfuckers innovative team of wealthy individuals from across the globe have developed the 'International Battle Royale Federation', a league of diverse fighters who come from all corners of the globe to engage in combat in its most pure form.

Are you a bad enough dude to enter the arena?

Gameplay Overview:
The game is split into 'Weeks', and at the beginning of each week, your fighter battles another fighter at random, fighting in a randomly designated Arena. Each fighter begins with 100 Health Points (HP), and most modes in this game are primarily concerned with subtracting from that 100 with attacks. HP can only be reduced to 1, and can not become 0 or negative. (This is explained in the 'Victory' section.)

Turns (or Rounds, as this game refers to them as) consist of your character performing some kind of action: offensive, defensive, movement-based, and so forth. Anything that doesn't immediately cross realms from semi-reality into magic is allowed. No spontaneous fireballs and teleporting allowed, but brief wall-running or double back-flips with a graceful speedster, or picking up a refrigerator with a muscle-bound brawler is fair game.
To declare an action for your turn, simply bold your action in, e.x.: Roundhouse-kick Fighter X in the kidneys and then grab from the rear to perform a German Suplex. You can perform any (feasible) attack in this format. There's no defined chart or list of moves that you can do. The main system that governs every action is this:

The More Spectacular/Damaging/Awesome/Complex/Holyshitthatwasawesome-factor = Higher potential for success or self-harm.

A list of standard moves are listed below with their predicted the range of their "average" damage in a neutral situation (Standing Fighter Vs. Standing Fighter) where an attacker successfully strikes their defender:

Slap: 1HP
Chest Jab: 3 HP
Face Jab: 5 HP
Hook: 6-7 HP
Uppercut: 8-9 HP
Gut Knee-strike: 6-9
Groin Knee-strike: 10-15 HP
Ripping Out Your Own Beard Hair and Using It is An Improvised Strangulation Device While Biting Your Opponent in the Nose: TBA.

The initiative for fighters in each round is randomized. If your character's action involves harming another player in some, a standard contesting (X vs. Y) is rolled with a D20. If (X>Y), the move succeeds, if (X<Y) it fails, and if (X=Y), nothing happens.

The numbers also represent the ability that each respective fighter has either attacked or defended with. Getting a 1 means that they have absolutely failed and have placed themselves in a compromising position (possibly even hurting themselves), an 8-10 means that they gave their action mediocre effort, 15-17 is a display of real expertise, and a 20 means they've done something that every member of the audience will talk about for weeks. This means that many things are possible, including the fact that a failed, low-dice-rolled attack will can not only put a fighter in a bad position, it can also lead to direct self-damage, and the higher a move's risk, the higher the potential self-damage is. This also means that in most cases it's better to a roll a (10 vs. 1) than a (20 vs. 18).

In the Freestyle nature of the game, situational circumstance is an equally important damage determiner. For example, a basic punch to the face will deal more damage if to a target that's running towards the attack than one who is standing still.

You can also PM me your action in secret, but you must post a 'Fake' action in the thread at the same time. Secret actions are dealt with as "Fake-Out" attacks. In the following round, your character will first appear to be performing your 'Fake' public action, when they spontaneously switch to their 'Secret' PM'd action. Doing a Fake-Out adds complexity and spontaneity to your action, automatically increasing its damage/self-harm potential.

Common Match Types:
The more exotic and dangerous a Match Type is, the more Respect it offers. (See Respect Section Below)

Fight: Standard 1v1 fight. Win by any available means.

Duel: Victory only by K.O.

Pinbrawl: Victory only by Pin.

Kinky(?): Victory only by Submission.

Threesome: Match with three fighters. First to get a K.O./Pin/Submission wins.

Foursome: Same as threesome, with an additional participant.

Riot: Can include any number of fighters. Fight until you're K.O.'d/Pinned/Submissed. Last fighter standing wins.

O.G. Sez: An O.G. will watch the fight, and change rules every turn. Can making changes like, "O.G. Sez you can only grapple!" and "O.G. Sez no more rollin' and shit!"

Hardcore: Can be applied to any other Match Type as a prefix. Fighters start with an additional 50 Health. Knock them into the negatives to win. No refs, no rules.

So, over the course of the fight, you've been whittling away at your opponent's ever-decreasing HP, and it's gotten low enough that you've decided to end the fight. But you can't get your opponent to 0 HP, so how do you win? There are several means to achieve victory, and the most common ones are listed below. Certain match types are exclusive to certain Victory types.

Finisher Knock-Out (Standard K.O.): Each character has their own unique finisher, a magnificent and (usually) brutal attack that deals higher damage than a majority of standard attacks. If the damage a successful finisher deals is greater than the amount of HP your opponent has, they get K.O.'d. If they have HP left afterwards, the Finisher is calculated like any other attack.

Pin: A Pin refers to a fighter managing to pin an opponent's shoulders or torso to the ground, and then keeping them in that position for a count of three seconds. If they are pinned for three seconds, the pinner wins. To pin an opponent, they must either already be on the floor, or forced onto the floor by an attack. When a Pin is successfully made 3D100's are rolled. If all three dice are higher than your opponent's HP, you win.

Submission: A Submission refers to placing in an opponent into a locked position of discomfort and pain until they forfeit. Submissions are usually done by locking onto an opponent's knee, thigh, elbow, shoulder, or neck, and then applying pressure. Submissions are a two-step process: One turn must be spent getting a submission on your opponent, and the next turn must be applying pressure in a 'Hold'. When a Submission Hold is successfully established, the following roll is made: (Opponent's Total HP)/10 vs. D6. If D6 is greater than a tenth of your opponent's total HP, you win.
Note: Once Submissions are established, a Hold can be done as like as your opponent is still submissive, and Holds even do some HP damage. However, Submissions can be totally Broken by successful counters, and in some rare cases, even reversed!

Environmental K.O.: Certain Arenas have environmental structures that can play an important role in combat. Similar to a Knock-Out, if an attack involving an environmental structure delivers damage to your opponent that is greater than their HP, they are K.O.'d.

Weapon K.O.: Certain Arenas also supply weaponry, one way or another. Similar to actions, each weapon has a value that increases damage/self-harm potential if used. Weapons have varying durability, (though some turn into improvised weapons when dismantled) and most can be thrown. If a weapon based attack deals greater damage than an opponent's HP, they are K.O.'d.

Conditions: Other matches have victories conditions that actually do not center around putting your opponent into a trauma-based coma! There are many types of Conditional Matches, with goals like 'Get The Briefcase Dangling From the Ceiling!' or 'Catch the Feisty Cat!'


Even with the precautions and highly advanced emergency response medical teams of the I.B.R.F., Injuries do occur. There is a small chance that when your fighter is the victim of a devastating attack, or conversely failed to perform a highly risky move, they will suffer an injury, and the chance increases as actions increase in danger. (So before pulling off an attack involving a Moose, a Bucket, 3000 Paperclips, a bottle of glue and a copy of Shakespeare's Hamlet translated into Chinese Mandarin, you may want to think carefully your next move.))

If a character suffers an injury, they will be ailed with a penalty to any rolls involving that body part. For example, a broken knee may cause a (-3) penalty to all rolls involving that fighter's kicks and movement. Fighters may surrender at any point, and surrendering for an injury will not count as a loss or damage your Respect. Afterwards, the injury is evaluated. Minor ones usually heal in time for the next week, or result in taking a 1-3 week vacation. The worst injuries can cause a fight to stop immediately, resulting in several weeks of leave, or possibly being out for the rest of the season.

If an injury is caused by an attack, the referees will judge whether the attack was intentional or accidental. If it is the former, the referees will place some sort of sanction on the attacker, such as suspending them for the same amount of weeks as it takes their victim to heal. The attacker may also lose Respect. If the referees find it accidental, then nothing happens, and even if the injured fighter surrenders, the other fighter gets a legitimate victory.

Weeks, Years, Arenas, and Tournaments:

The game is composed into parts called 'Years', with each Year being a set of matches leading up to the Championship. Each individual set of matches is a 'Week', which takes place in a different 'Arena Complex'. Each Arena Complex contains several identical, individual arenas, allowing every match in a week to take place simultaneously. ((This is purely for fluff for game logic, as it would be a pain to have two fighters battle in a single arena while everyone else waits for their turn.)) At the beginning of each week, the Arena Complex is described, with the basic layout and any special details laid out. After all fights are over, the Week is finished, and each fighter is given a Win or Loss, as well as positive, neutral or negative 'Respect'. (This is explained in the Respect section. For right now, just think of it as Reputation Currency.)

Some weeks will feature special Match Types, and these are optional,

After several weeks, (the total number of Weeks in a Year is determined by the number of players) the Championship is held. The fighters with the best Win-Draw-Loss records for the season enter the Championship, which is a tournament of the Top 8 or 16 fighters, (Again, this number is based on the total numbers of people playing.) If the number is unequal, fighters with equal or very similar rankings are forced to fight, and only the winner gets to enter the Championship.

The Championship works like a normal Week, but with elimination rules in place. This means that the loser of each fight drops out of the Championship, while the winner progresses to the next Phase. (In a Top 8 Tournament, the Phases would be: 8 Fighters, 4 Fighters, 2 Fighters.) When the Championship is down to the final 2 Fighters, it becomes the 'Championship Grand Finale!' The winner of this fight is declared I.B.W.F. Grandmaster Champion for that Year.

At the end of the Year, you can decide to keep your character going, or to retire them for good.
Afterwards, the next Year begins all over.

Post-Week Actions:

There's even more to the story; at the end of the week, your character can perform special actions that will effect the upcoming week! Post-Week Actions can be posted publicly or by P.M. Your character can do perform one of the following each week:

Sabotage: Select another fighter to sabotage before their next match. Two D20 are rolled: The first is the 'Damage' Roll, where the dice result equals the amount of HP your target will automatically lose even before the fight begins. The second is the 'Stealth Roll, if your Roll>10, then no one finds out the that you are the true perpetrator of the sabotage. However, if your roll is = or >10, then you are discovered, and your Respect may drop based on how low the roll was.

Disrespect: Dissing another fighter does not hurt their respect, but it does increase the animosity between you and them. A D20 is rolled to determined the viciousness of the Diss. Be warned, a good diss will get someone furious at you, but a bad diss can turn into an accidental apology.

Settle: Settling with another fighter serves as the opposite of Disrespect, in which you cool off the heat between you two. A D20 is rolled for effectiveness. A good settlement makes everyone happy, but a bad one can be seen as a sarcastic insult.

Guarantee: Guarantee the victory of your next fight. Doing this doubles the Respect Range of your next fight. If you win, you'll be able to bask in foresight, lose and look like an idiot.

Gift: Give another fighter a gift before a fight. Customize your gift to be whatever you want, and choose for to sign it anonymously or with your name. The gift can be any of the three following:
Generous; 60% chance target gets a +1 to all rolls for the first two rounds of their next fight, 20% chance they get a -1 instead, 20% chance nothing happens.
Malicious; 60% chance target gets a -1 to all rolls for the first two rounds of their next fight, 20% chance they get a +1 instead, 20% chance nothing happens.
Normal; Nothing happens.

Chill: Your character relaxes until the next fight.

Respect & Relationships:

There is much more to I.M.B.F. than the fighting. The audience, announcers, referees, sponsors, and I.M.B.F. officials all hold their own relationship with the fighters. This is called Respect, and it is critical to the federation. At the start of their career, all fighters start with 0 Respect, and can not be decreased below 0. Normally, at the end of each week, each fighter gets a Respect Result ranging from -10 to +10, based on their weekly performance. A respect of +/- 0 means they did a mediocre job, while worse gets them negative, and better results in positive. Respect isn't honor, chivalry, or ethics. It simply means how much heart you put into your fight, how good a show you put on. Are you the fighter that just does endless jabs and hooks, or do you jump off a table to perform some amazing flying maneuver? This is what determines your weekly Respect. Also, your Respect Result has nothing to do with winning or losing; a winner might lose respect for being dull, while a loser can will still gain respect if they gave the match their best.

Yet, there is even more. Little things that make respect fluctuate. Doing an awesome move in the middle of a fight nets you some bonus Respect. Insult-trading and banter in the middle of a fight, (done via Roleplay) also effects your Respect. Like with damage results, Respect is not set in stone, but is situational and subjective, rising and falling from a multitude of seemingly secondary events.

Besides a fighter's relationship with everyone outside the ring, they also maintain relationships with those from within. Relationships vary uniquely between each two Fighters. There are Friends, Allies, Rivals, Enemies, Mentors/Students, Bullies/Victims, and so on. These relationships lead to special types of fights, in which the stakes for Respect are raised beyond the typical -10to+10 range. Each relationship also has its own effects: Friends and Allies will be paired up in team matches together more often, Rival and Enemies will face each other more, etc.

Respect is carried over with a fighter over the Years. At special levels of Respect, fighters can access to special abilities, including (Fighters must have Respect at least equal to the number listed to perform the special action.:

X - Request a Fight: X represents whatever amount of Respect your fighters have. The chance of your Request being supported by I.B.R.F. match-makers is based on your Respect level.

10 - Swift Move: Allows an additional action in a single turn. Costs 3 respect and can only be used once per fight.

30 - Booster: Bring your favorite snack/drink/narcotic into the fight, and pull it out when you need a pick-up! Rolls a D8-15 to determine amount of health restored. Costs 6 Respect and can only be used once per fight.

50 - Backup: Call in a homie to aid you in your battle! They'll be a flimsy fighter, with 10-20 HP and low damage potential, but maybe they can act as a distraction or help set-up a complex maneuver. Just pray they don't make things worst. Costs 8 Respect and can only be used once per fight.

70 - Resurrection: Well, you've been knocked out, pinned, submissive, etc. You lost....or have you?! Revive after a fight to 20 HP. Costs 35 Respect, can only be used once per fight. Can not be used during the Championship.

100 - Legacy: You're in the I.B.R.F. Hall of Fame. Your rise to the top will serve as an inspiration for generations.

100 to 0 - You've gone fucked up now dawg'.: You managed to get kicked out of the Hall of Fame. Hey, as long as you're proud of yourself.

Note that these are only the public milestones of respect, as there are several secret abilities...

You have to have something that separates you from the next guy. You're a posh, 18th century Englishman who fights exclusively in fisticuffs style and bum-kicking assaults? Well there's thirty other blokes just like you. So, whattdya' got?

Limit Breaker - You put all your focus into making sure that your last blow ends the fight. +2 to Finisher attacks.

Brawler - You hit hard, plain and simple. 50% chance of a +1 to any offensive rolls.

Martial Artist - The best offense is a solid defense. 50% chance of a +1 to any defensive rolls.

Wrestler - Get them to the ground, and make them stay there. Pins deal moderate damage.

Submission Expert - "UNCLE! UNCLE!" - Submissions deal extra damage, and submissions are harder to break.

Determinator - Bones bruised. Skin purple. Teeth missing. So what? It ain't over yet. - Instead of losing a fight, automatically revive with 1 HP left.

Charismatic - "Yeah, I'll head up on stage. Just let me get a few pics in, alright?" - 1.25x Modifier to Positive/Negative Respect gained after a week.

Tough - "Raised in a ghetto barn, so you know I hard/brawlin' ward/fuckin' gangsta' yard for ya'/" - Start with 110 HP.

Ninja - "...HYAH'!" - Stealth roll on 'Sabotage' action always succeeds.

Loyal Companions - "TASK FORCE ASSEMBLE. SUUUUUUUUU~" - Can start using 'Backup' action at 40 Respect, and costs only 5 Respect. Homies are slightly stronger.

Sex Appeal - Graduated from the Justin Timberlake School of Combat. - 10% Reduction from any attacks by fighters of the opposite gender.

Character Sheet:
You actually read through that? Damn. I lack cookies, so have a free Character Sheet.

Name: Your fighter name. No government names please.
Gender: The I.B.R.F. is an equal-opportunity bloodsport foundation.
Apperance: What your fighter looks like when they show up to the arena.
Origin: City and Country, if possible.

Fighting Style: Can be based on real styles, or your own unique flavor. Currently popular are MMA, Streetfighter, Kung-Fu, Krav Maga, and Hipster-Destroyer.
Skill: Your fighter can have any one of the skills listed above.
Signature Fighting Move: Your own special move for when you need to win in the most awe-inducing way possible. (Note: Finishers function like 'Super' versions of regular attacks: The more risky they are, the higher the reward/punishment.)
Theme Song: The song you walk into the Arena with. Any song is fine. Cept' Alice in Chains, no more of that.

Current Roster:

1. Pontificus Nemo CMXDXXXVIIIVI - Xantalos
2. Lt. Mayhem - Bdthemag
3. Frodi Tarik - LordSlowpoke
4. The Linguist - Player Gamer
5. Little Red Riding Wolf - Giglamesh Despair
6. Street Rat - Yourmaster
7. Momento Mori - scapheap
8. Brawl - Doomblade187
9. Aye Que - Maxinum McDreich
10. The Fallen Angel of Retribution - Rolepgeek


1. Jaeger Vaulk - mastahcheese
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 10:06:59 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 03:23:21 am »

Reserved spot for Legends and such.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 03:32:37 am »

Character Sheet:

Name: Pontificus Nemo CMXDXXXVIIIVI
Gender: Male
Apperance: He is extremely Roman in appearance. As in capital R Roman. Strong, defined face like a statue, muscles on his muscles, and flowing hair.
Origin: Nemo is a mystery. He descended from the clouds on a thunderbolt, the legends say, though a nearby airline had an incident with a crazy hijacker that jumped off the plane directly above the arena. He claims he is one of the 'Lords of Atlantis' and that winning enough wrestling matches will give him enough 'Trident Power' to raise his sunken city from the sea and reclaim the earth in his dark name. The IBRF are happy to tolerate his ramblings so long as he fights good, which he generally does.

Fighting Style: Pankratic Atlantean Concussive Hydration Wrestling - fancy speak for beating the shit out of one's opponent by any possible means while yelling 'water' in various languages with each attack.
Signature Fighting Move: Atlantean Vortex Fist Cannon, which involves diving off the edge of the ring to the feet of the stunned opponent, rolling to his feet, and doing a jumping uppercut directly to the chin of the opponent, carrying both contestants a good distance up in the air, at which time Nemo axe kicks the person down to the floor and performs a devastating elbow drop to the sternum of the opponent from about 5 feet in the air.
Theme Song: O Fortuna, which he apparently likes the edginess of.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 09:03:24 pm by Xantalos »
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 03:34:42 am »


Spoiler:  Lt. Mayhem (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 03:28:38 pm by Bdthemag »
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2013, 05:56:11 am »

brilliant. let's die horribly then

« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 03:35:13 pm by LordSlowpoke »


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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2013, 01:46:57 pm »

I made this last night in a state of half-consciousness, and this morning I fixed some issues, namely that I forgot to put 'Apperance' and 'Skill' in the character sheet.

LordSlowpoke: You have to choose some sort of finisher by the time the first match rolls around.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2013, 03:21:06 pm »

So, here's my sheet of just-throwing-this-out-there because I hate reserving.

Spoiler: The Linguist (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 04:33:28 pm by Playergamer »
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2013, 03:30:11 pm »

Name: Little Red Riding Wolf
Gender: Female
Appearance: A short, thin woman wearing a red hoody, and brick-pattern camouflage trousers tucked into combat boots. Her eyes are gold and piercing in their shape and clarity.
Origin: A mysterious woman, with a love of both eating and fighting, sometimes both at once. She came to the notice of the I.B.R.F when a video of her beating several policemen unarmed went viral. A technicality got her off the court case and into the arms of the I.B.R.F. With an obssession for children's stories, and was a suspect in an never-solved cannibalism case, Little Red Riding Wolf is both mentally unhinged and ready to fight.

Fighting Style: Karate
Skill: Sex appeal
Signature Fighting Move: Little Piggy Crusher: trachea grab and rip, spinning into thrust kick into abdomen, other leg axe kicks onto back of neck.
Theme Song: Love Bites
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 10:24:02 pm by GiglameshDespair »
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2013, 05:07:09 pm »

 Street Rat
Tall, long hair. Green eyes, medium build.
A thief in New York city,Alex wanted to get more money than what he makes. He feels as he would fit at IBRF

A reckless acrobatic fighting style
Determinator skill
"The street" Special move is a flying elbow crush from a wheel kick
Song is Ain't no rest for the wicked cage the elephant
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 09:10:38 pm by Yourmaster »
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2013, 05:39:18 pm »

Alex Raman

I.B.R.F. Protocol: No government names allowed.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2013, 05:53:30 pm »

What government name?
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2013, 05:57:31 pm »

What government name?

The name you sign on any official documents. Basically, your 'Real' name.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2013, 08:40:59 pm »

And there's my guy.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2013, 09:11:46 pm »

Also, i just noticed: area figthing! We can thing figs at people for respect, whatever thinging a fig actually is.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~International Battle Royale Federation~ Freestyle Arena Figthing Game
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2013, 09:13:00 pm »

Do you want to know?
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))
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