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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1126813 times)


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7545 on: April 08, 2018, 04:09:32 pm »

aaa. Just buy the thing and move on, having a few extra things would be nice.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7546 on: April 08, 2018, 07:47:20 pm »

Hey, this seems a good as any time to join. Again.
(Jimmy Grouse)
what the hell kind of world has magic AND science??
buy them nice meds


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7547 on: April 08, 2018, 08:26:48 pm »

However, the fact that I felt something when I attempted to recreate my Gate network is actually super critical. I need to keep working on that. (when rested) The way that my Gate network functioned was based on linked pairs, so it won't let me go someplace I've never been. But if I can make one end of a pair to leave behind us, and then make its match later on, it'll make backtracking much faster.
You keep focusing on that feeling whenever you get some spare time, for now simply trying to make it easier to focus on it.

The Sword feels obliged to remind you how difficult casting outside your primary element can be. Even if you are a special case, it still feels you should be careful about what you attempt. Normally mages start with small spells before moving into things as grand as creating portals. If it was anyone else attempting this it would call them foolish for even thinking they could do this. If you get consumed by the Void then it will be left stranded here instead of being returned to its resting place and that would be somewhat inconvenient for it.

Are the nightly attacks staying the same, getting worse, or getting milder?
You'd say they're not as potent as the first but they are still focused on your location. Something is definitely targeting your group or you specifically. As you approach the town of Traveler's Rest the intensity rises once more.

The corruption is also getting worse the closer you get to the town, to the point where even moving your field forward during daytime feels somewhat like an attack on your extended self. You bet that if you were to ride into town without slowly clearing a path first, it would not feel pleasent.

Yes, I'm willing to heat up metal to extreme temperatures for you, just don't ask me to breathe fumes please, I don't have the body mass to filter out airborne toxins.
She claps her hands and smiles like a little girl.
"You know just what to say to make a girl happy!"
Not that it takes much effort, she looks like she's incapabe of spending a moment not being excited about something.
"Oh! Oh! Can you also make the fire make cool designs while you do so? Make lightning bolts come out of the steel, make ribbons swirl around it!"
"I suppose I-"
"And make writing too!"
"Yes, I could-"
"And have a giant arrow with 'best alchemist ever!' on it, pointing straight at me!"
"I think-"
"And a crown with every color of the elements on my head!"
"That sounds dangerous and-"
"And a sheet of flame to provide me with some shade from this awful heat. The sun isn't good for my skin, you know!"
"That's not how-"
"And maybe put on a little show, some jokes, some stories, act them out! Use the fire to make them come to life!"
"Well, an old friend once told me the one about the witch in the brothel. Ever heard that one?"
"No! Excellent! Let's go!"

She finds a man willing to follow instructions and get to work shaping the metal according to her instructions. After that she gets down to experimenting. Several exploded guns later, she finally finds a formula that works and gets a working rifle. However it's more of a small cumbersome cannon at the moment, merely enough to demonstrate the principle. She's excited about it nontheless.

regarding how to handle the Traveler's Rest situation, I'm willing to follow other's lead for now. Am open to advice.
You make a standard RTS unit selection sound.

"We have two of those Mercator's mirages. A couple small teams could sneak in with those to do sabotage or kidnapping.

No civilians left? That means we can use heavy artillery with no worries. No worries except for killing the dark mage and destroying the well we need. And destroying the loot."

"No civilians that we can see." one of the mages reminds you.
"We cannot simply assume everyone is gone."

Get our recruits to do some last minute few days preparations in attempt to improve their chances.

Get them to construct crude shields out of whatever scrap wood or other suitable materials they can scavenge. I want everyone with a one handed weapon to have a shield to hide behind.

Get them to build javelins. I don't care whether they use spare arrowheads, knapped flint, or fire hardened wooden points. I want a large stockpile for everyone without a bow to throw.

Get them to make some staff-slings. It is a larger sling on the end of a staff. Gives a lot of leverage so you can throw big rocks very far. It takes very little skill to use or make, but has very little accuracy. Good for attacking or defending a fort.

Get them to make some fire arrows. Arrows wrapped in rags that can be soaked in oil or booze. Usually ineffective but should support Irene well. Also get them to make a stock of molotov cocktails. They can throw them with the staff slings.

Also get the archers to make some monsterbird talon arrows. Because we have a lot of spare monsterbird talons and paralysis arrows are good. Craft a few monsterbird talon bolts for myself.

This might be a bit of a stretch with our available time and resources and tools and skills, but try to get them build a ballista. Or catapult or small trebuchet, whatever siege weapons we can manage. We can never have too much artillery. Make sure they have wheels and can be towed in our caravan.

Oh yeah, plug my signaller into a convenient fox-shaped charging station.

You spend some time helping increase the number of and/or improve the weapons of your soldiers. It goes quite well.

You could probably make a trbuchet if you sacrificed one of the wagons, good sturdy wood is hard to come by.

One quick question. Does the airship look like something I can reasonably tsar, or is it too big? Even if its big it should be made of very light construction so that should make it easier.
Well, its nature should make it somewhat easier to Tsar than other similarly sized things but it won't be easy. You think it's just outside the reach of your abilities.

Ask the Alchemist if she has any potions or anything that can help lessen the effects of overusing my magic. The headaches, weakness, dizziness that comes with tsaring something too big. Specifically to help tsar the airship.[/b]
"I want to sneak in and go straight for the airship and steal it and tsar it and rain down lightning."
"Hmm... I would enjoy having my own airship... Hm. Hmmmmmmm... Hum hum hum. Tell you what. I can give you a potion that should give you enough strength, but it's a one time thing. It will fill you with pure Chaos energy, temporarily stabilized. But you have to make sure to use it right away, every moment it spends inside you is another moment you could explode. Or... you know. Turn into some horrible creature. Or turn into a superhuman. Or develop a proper fashion sense and stop wearing that stupid scarf. I have no idea. But it would probably be bad."

Edit: While I'm at it question the alchemist about my magic being chaos element, on the grounds that it can repair things.
"Who ever heard of chaos magic fixing things? Thats the reverse of entropy!"
"Order can be used to destroy things. So why can't Chaos be used to fix them? Chaos is change. Why can't change be for the better? You should try to keep an open mind. It's the only way to get anywhere with magic."

Lightweight camo netting cloak is relevant for sneaking at night, yes? See if Lune ever got around to it.
Turns out Lune isn't so good with working with fabrics.

((Nik is Chaos / space aligned. Although nobody has direct overlap but Alan's chaos Irine's fire is adjacent to chaos, and chaos links to space. So in theory she might be able to help.))

Check with trisword about the above theory.
Fire magic can be used to fuel the efects of Chaos magic, certainly. It's not uncommon to do so. After all, the Tower was using Fire-fueled Order-stabilized Chaos to generate the portal that broght you here. The Sword is not exactly certain about how you can use your Fire to aid Nikolai but it's certain it can be done.

<I'm not going to convince any of you of my stance on this. Certainly not Ike, but including the rest of you. Our stated goal here, after all, is not a mission on ethics but rather a retrieval of a fugitive. Whatever long-term impact your actions may have here are ultimately not going to be reviewed by us. This world could end the day we leave and nobody would know the better. So, whatever. There's no need for this conversation. I'd just wax philosophical to no avail.

I'm going on patrol.>

With that, Zechariah gathered his supplies, his armor and his staff, and headed out to consult with another recruit on the current situation regarding the security of the group's location.

Take a bit of water and food and go out on a patrol to guard the group. If I spot anything dangerous, alert the rest of the group and keep an eye on it. Only retaliate if taking direct fire. Try to stay out of the open, if possible.
You stand guard. Nothing intersting happens.

Although Light magic isn't in my nature, I want to spend some time learning at least the basics about it. Both to try to help Theri and to help fill the gap in my capabilities that is holding back Trisword.
((Ah fish, I thought my post went through/I had posted! :'())
Your Renegade score is not high enough to use Intimidate. High Paragon players should use Charm instead.
((I'm still able to be :I to people and that's considered a Paragon act :P Depending on if the receiver are jerks or their personality is like that. I know; I tried in every game also I lack the heart to do Renegade actions until I learned 'Renegade != bad' in second-playthroughs))

Theri decided to let the mercenaries go, with a bit of extra coin on them, and a promise of not being harmed (as well as subtly hinting that she wasn't that really mean, to that one other mercenary who looked like a kind soul but was forced to do tough stuff). She was glad her comm-wire could pick up words from others--in the least, she also spent time telling everyone what she learned, inconspicuously out of ear-shot from those not in their group.

As for the mage...she decides to consult the others; as Irine was busy (but she could contact Theri if needed as she can...see her), Theri goes over to pick up River (who, by now, is an ossum doggo) and passively scrutinizes the importance of the last mage prisoner, letting the mercenaries go out of line of sight from the mage.

Also try and help Irine learn Light Magic! (By comparison and natural observation since I don't understand my magic either!)

Although Light magic isn't in my nature, I want to spend some time learning at least the basics about it. Both to try to help Theri and to help fill the gap in my capabilities that is holding back Trisword.
Brief the team and request input!
"Well we've still got a captured mage with us--I released the mercenaries in exchange for the information I told you all (in the link at the start of this post). That mage is very important but I don't know why and the mercenaries didn't either. Can't we- um, use him instead? Also there's placebo instead of mind control, if the receiver does not know what is being used--it's all in the impression if they're coercive enough.

"And on the note of assault or the town, how's about sending in a small team to create either a diversion or an impression of a greater attack (or at least disorganization)? I'm willing to go with them there!"

The mercenaries thank you for releasing them and then start running South as fast as they can. Well, you probably won't be seeing them again.

passively scrutinizes
I'm not sure what that means so I'll assume you and River just glare at him for a long time.

You demonstrate your abilities to Irine and try to convey to her how you think and feel when you do so, how it feels to reach into that part of you that offers its power to you and allows you to do such things, how it aligns with your intentions... By now it's relatively easy to call upon minor magical effects, however talking about how you do so is not, you barely understand how you do it, you just... do. It's like trying to explain to someone how to move their arm by explaining how it feels. You think you did a good job regardless, you think Irine is closer to understanding your abilities, even if she is unable to use them.

((Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been kinda hard to get into the proper mindset to act as Alan for the past week or so for various reasons. All IRL, don’t worry about the game scenario, this is actually somewhat fun.))

Alan, Sensible Princess

"Don't you worry friend Cherubs, I'm going to get you a bunch of food really soon! Just be patient for me, okay? Watch some internet videos with my new guard friend in the meantime, okie? I'll see you soon, byyyyyyyye~"
The guard manages to mumble the beginings of a question before he is cut off.

Alan switches off the phone and looks back to the Sovereign to apply his signature charm. "Hey listen, mister dad," he begins, spreading his arms wide and offering his best charming grin. "All you need is patience! This world's got a lot of stuff to do, and even I can't be in more than one place at a time." He giggles. You saw my friends in the phone call? They're just one of a bunch of cool things I've got cooking up, so don't worry about getting results. The only reason I haven't told you about some of the stuff I've been doing is because I don't want ya stressing out over them when you've got more important things to work on. Like you said, you've got this big war to win, and those take a lot of thinking. I wouldn't be very helpful if I distracted you from that with all the cool details of the stuff I'm working on to help you win, now would I?"

As he talks, Alan makes sure to be really expressive with his body language, conveying how much he wants to be helpful to Dad King Guy. He's pretty sure that's what Ammie would want him to do.
"And what if my enemies in the elector-princes move against me before your... plans give us victory?" he says, sneering at the word 'plans'.

"If you're having trouble with people trying to vote you out I can always go visit those guys and go convince them what a great guy you are! I'm a very persuasive princess." He flexes his spider legs for emphasis, then caresses his chin with one of them.
"Then go. But if you fail me in this-"
"Yes, yes, my suffering will be great." you finish his sentence while dismissively waving your hand.

"Besides, cutting me loose wouldn't be very helpful to either of us. You're already in a whole war and all that, and you wouldn't be worried about my experiments if you were sure you could win. If I can't help you, the other guys' side probably won't be as nice as a bunch of grumbly statesmen, and your dorfs won't stop getting raided by wandering dubstep artists and eaten by monsters and stuff just because I go away. You need my help to turn this frowny situation upside down, so just let me,  pretty please? There's gonna be some neat stuff happening soon, trust me, you won't want to miss it."
"Your assurance leave me cold, Princess."
"Events have proven the results of my experiments useful to you time and time again. You can be certain-"
"Events have proven you fortunate, Princess! But your luck has run out. Your plan to take over Chizra has backfired. Now the monks mobilize against us, sending their mages to support the resistence!"
"My Lord, these flies are minor annoyances that will easily fall before your impressive might. Besides, I already have a new ally amongst them who is more than ready to betray them. Soon their pathetic little army will walk right into our trap."
"You better hope your spy is as good as you think he is. I will be waiting for your detailed report on this. And on anything else you may have done to... spare me the details. My agents will be sure to report to me if you don't. Now go!"
"Of course, my Lord. I shall not waste any more of your precious time."

You exit the chamber. You feel great. Your mom is so proud of you. She can show them what they think they want, but you managed to come up with something they didn't even know they wanted until you showed it to them. Your imagination will make this so much better.

((I love how quickly you adapted your character to this new situation.

Don't worry about the frequency of your posts, I'm not posting that quickly either. Focus on your life, that's the most important thing.))
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 07:20:04 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7548 on: April 08, 2018, 09:16:08 pm »

<You're right, it's risky for me to try to cast outside my element, and that I should work my way up slowly. The problem is I didn't ever do anything small-scale that way. I've only got large-scale memories to work off of - really large-scale. Do you think it would be best for me to give up on Creation magic entirely?>

"Erm, I think we can either sneak in, directly assault, or ignore and bypass. I think it would be risky to ignore and bypass this because it would put us in a position to be pincered. I don't see a way to get that airship you want, nor to avoid allowing word of our attack to spread, if we directly assault. So that leaves sneaking in."

"To sneak in, I again see three main options, either we try to get in without them noticing our approach, we try to impersonate someone they would want to let inside and convince them to let us in, or we allow an intentional capture. I think an intentional capture would be way to risky for to little gain, any benefit we could get from that would be also gained from failure conditions of other plans, so I'd like to set that aside. Sneaking in undetected might actually be possible, but I don't think we have enough information to do it right now. We'd need to know patrol routes and defenses and such. For impersonating someone they would want to let inside, we can either act as civilians seeking shelter or as one of their associates there on buisness, maybe a supply convoy. the problem with the first is it seems likely that civilians are being mistreated, and for the second we don't know what right looks like."

"So then we have the 'wait, see, gather more information.' option, but that again seems pretty bad. We know we're being targeted nightly for magical attacks, our location is probably not hard to determine. On top of that they have a lot of air recon assets here, so it seems safe to assume that we will be found sooner rather than later by those even if we haven't already rung magical alarm bells. If we take too long, we're going to end up detected, the defenses here reinforced, and ourselves attacked."

"Yet another option I see is to attempt to just talk things over. To be diplomatic. That... well, I think it's clear I shouldn't be the one to talk for that. I think that if we announce our presence though, it'll make defenses against a stealthy approach much tougher, and we'll have to announce our presence if we want to try to talk it out."

"Anyone got any ideas for how we should handle things? Right now I think the best risk-reward is from a small party acting as civilians and asking for shelter in order to gain entry, but there's a lot of ways that could go badly considering how civilians seem to have fled the area."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7549 on: April 09, 2018, 01:34:15 pm »

Brian Hoss, Maximus

Look around for other entrances. If I don't find any, go through the hole.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7550 on: April 09, 2018, 02:30:41 pm »

<Svajoklis, Maximus, Next to Medical Center>

"Okay, there is no real combat damage inside the medical center. So the trees are either relatively harmless or immediately lethal. Seeing as there are no random corpses strewn about, I'll go with relatively harmless. As long as we don't poke them, probably.The fleshball is more suspicious, but I'm hopeful it can be dissuaded from anything nasty until we get our limbs back."

Wait for Brian to look around, and follow after him.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7551 on: April 10, 2018, 11:56:18 am »

She finds a man willing to follow instructions and get to work shaping the metal according to her instructions. After that she gets down to experimenting. Several exploded guns later, she finally finds a formula that works and gets a working rifle. However it's more of a small cumbersome cannon at the moment, merely enough to demonstrate the principle. She's excited about it nontheless.
"Ha, we did it! You actually did it! Now you can say things like "This is my boomstick" or "Say hello to my little friend". Lets make more! Sorry Zech!"
First teach them about the principals of various firing mechanisms. Matchlock, flintlock. We could use something similar to those detonators I have for my explosive crossbow bolts as a primer. Teach them about caplock, revolver, bolt action, simple recoil operated machinegun. Lets see how far we can advance. Sorry Zech.

Also put in a request for a personal firearm, something specialized for use with my powers. Pistol sized.

Spoiler: Design document (click to show/hide)

As somewhat of an afterthought, try to improve the prototype and make it more practical to wield, just improve the erganomics and give it proper grips and stock and sights, etc.

If I'm getting a gun soon I should make a couple modifications to my armour. Pad one shoulder to help protect from recoil, and try to make some sort of wrist brace thing that will help protect my wrist from recoil without limiting mobility too much. Some tight wrapping of cloth at least should help.

((Feel free to completely ignore the above part depending on IC or OOC time constraints.))

You could probably make a trbuchet if you sacrificed one of the wagons, good sturdy wood is hard to come by.
"Does anyone not want to sacrifice a wagon to build a trebuchet!?"
Assuming there are no strong objections, turn that wagon into a trebuchet.

"Hmm... I would enjoy having my own airship... Hm. Hmmmmmmm... Hum hum hum. Tell you what. I can give you a potion that should give you enough strength, but it's a one time thing. It will fill you with pure Chaos energy, temporarily stabilized. But you have to make sure to use it right away, every moment it spends inside you is another moment you could explode. Or... you know. Turn into some horrible creature. Or turn into a superhuman. Or develop a proper fashion sense and stop wearing that stupid scarf. I have no idea. But it would probably be bad."
"Yes please I really need that potion. What would happen if I tsared it before drinking then used the tsar potion power to tsar the airship?"
Request potion. Request information.

<You're right, it's risky for me to try to cast outside my element, and that I should work my way up slowly. The problem is I didn't ever do anything small-scale that way. I've only got large-scale memories to work off of - really large-scale. Do you think it would be best for me to give up on Creation magic entirely?>

"Erm, I think we can either sneak in, directly assault, or ignore and bypass. I think it would be risky to ignore and bypass this because it would put us in a position to be pincered. I don't see a way to get that airship you want, nor to avoid allowing word of our attack to spread, if we directly assault. So that leaves sneaking in."

"To sneak in, I again see three main options, either we try to get in without them noticing our approach, we try to impersonate someone they would want to let inside and convince them to let us in, or we allow an intentional capture. I think an intentional capture would be way to risky for to little gain, any benefit we could get from that would be also gained from failure conditions of other plans, so I'd like to set that aside. Sneaking in undetected might actually be possible, but I don't think we have enough information to do it right now. We'd need to know patrol routes and defenses and such. For impersonating someone they would want to let inside, we can either act as civilians seeking shelter or as one of their associates there on buisness, maybe a supply convoy. the problem with the first is it seems likely that civilians are being mistreated, and for the second we don't know what right looks like."

"So then we have the 'wait, see, gather more information.' option, but that again seems pretty bad. We know we're being targeted nightly for magical attacks, our location is probably not hard to determine. On top of that they have a lot of air recon assets here, so it seems safe to assume that we will be found sooner rather than later by those even if we haven't already rung magical alarm bells. If we take too long, we're going to end up detected, the defenses here reinforced, and ourselves attacked."

"Yet another option I see is to attempt to just talk things over. To be diplomatic. That... well, I think it's clear I shouldn't be the one to talk for that. I think that if we announce our presence though, it'll make defenses against a stealthy approach much tougher, and we'll have to announce our presence if we want to try to talk it out."

"Anyone got any ideas for how we should handle things? Right now I think the best risk-reward is from a small party acting as civilians and asking for shelter in order to gain entry, but there's a lot of ways that could go badly considering how civilians seem to have fled the area."
"Diplomacy? Ha! Not likely. Sneaking in under cover of darkness is definitely the way to go. Their walls are low and we have magic and tricks to help with sneaking.

I want to take a small team in using the mystifying mirage. Capture that airship. And Tsar it. Tsar airship is a very solid thought out plan itself. Only question is who comes with me what everyone else is doing. We should send another small team to capture the dark mage."

Hey Alchemist, you have some alchemical cloriform to help capture the dark mage, right?

((I am very very sorry for turning this into Tinker. Medieval magitech tinker. And for not getting on with the mission. Feel free to give me a kick in the butt to get moving forward at any time. I tend to take infinite time preparing if given the chance.)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 01:45:31 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7552 on: April 10, 2018, 02:47:01 pm »

"And how exactly do you plan to reach the ship undetected?" the mage Ahos asks.
"The plaza is crawling with Sovereignty troops and the entrance to the Spine is bound to be well defended. Even with your enchantments and our magic one of them is bound to detect, merely by our proximity to them."
"Yes, as powerful as our concealing magic is, it is very likely that we will bump into someone. Not to mention any magical defenses or dark magic we might face inside the Spine." the other mage agrees.
If we are unable to silence them in time... The airship will surely undock a few minutes after the alarm is raised and by that point we will be unable to reach it."
"I have to agree. Reaching the airship undetected will be hard. It's not like we can just fly up to it. Without a way to bypass or quickly force our way through their defences this plan is unlikely to succeed." the third mage agrees.
"We can always build a catapult and *pching*" she moves her arm in an arc "launch people straight to it. Quick and easy." the alchemist suggests.
"Sure. You volunteer to be the first to try that?"
"Wha-? Hey!" she protests, waving her hands in front of her to emphasize her disagreement.
"I'm merely the one with the good ideas. It's your job to execute them."

((The gun stuff (beyond improving the prototype) are unlikely to happen. The previous experiments happened over several days of traveling. However right now it's a bit after midday and I understand you want to attack some time tonight, which is barely enough time to work on the gun assuming everything rolls well. I can roll for the trebuchet and the potion.

And you already have sleep bolts and one of those grenades you got from those Beastmen.))
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 02:49:56 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7553 on: April 10, 2018, 03:36:09 pm »

"If we abandon capture as a true objective, and simply make it a hoped-for-bonus, direct assault becomes an option. Quite frankly, I could just directly overpower them and burn them down. I'd like that to merely be a backup plan though, for in case less destructive plans fail."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Sir Elventide

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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7554 on: April 10, 2018, 06:52:16 pm »

((Meanwhile, a dollish prince is shaking his fist menacingly.))


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7555 on: April 10, 2018, 07:22:20 pm »

((Sorry I didn't label it more prominently. It's here: ))


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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7556 on: April 11, 2018, 09:51:20 am »

"The catapult idea could work if we give someone a parachute or wingsuit...maybe my tsar water armour can absorb the impact? No, still to inaccurate and risky.

Maybe we can modify a crossbow into a grappling hook harpoon gun thing that can help us reach the airship without going up the spine?

Or we can capture a glider and use that to fly to the airship. Their airfield is close to the edge of the city.

We could try tunneling under the city. Set bombs or come up right next to the objectives. Probably way too slow.

Could just sneak quick and quietly kill anyone we see before they raise alarm."

Yes to building trebuchet.

Yes to potion. I promise to put it to good use. Maybe to tsar and repair the wreckage of the airship if we end up destroying it.

Yes to prototype gun improvements.

"If we abandon capture as a true objective, and simply make it a hoped-for-bonus, direct assault becomes an option. Quite frankly, I could just directly overpower them and burn them down. I'd like that to merely be a backup plan though, for in case less destructive plans fail."
"Two can play at that game. We could always use a good old fashioned siege. Bombard them until they raise the white flag."

Here is Nik's plan for a siege:

We set up a wagon fort like the recruits are trained for. Layers of wagon, barricade, trench, and traps. With most of the defenses facing the city.

Set up all our artillery weapons (trebuchet, lightning cannon, crossbow with special bolts, and the prototype musket) in a row. Have recruits operating each one. Nikolai will tsar the first one, point his magic sword at the enemy and yell "Fire!". Then he will move on to the next and do the same. By the time he is done tsaring the last artillery the first one should be reloaded. Cycle through them and launch an overwhelmingly powerful and rapid barrage of tsar artillery. Try to aim mostly for important targets like the spire, central camp, airship, or the airfield.

Irene, Zech, anyone else who can contribute to long range bombardment should help. We should probably have someone flank to take out the airfield because those gliders dropping bombs could be a big problem.

Everyone else should help crew the artillery, and defend the makeshift fort from the inevitable counterattack. Or maybe circle around and ambush any messengers or anyone trying to retreat from the city.

If they surrender fast enough there might even be a city left to save and some of our secondary objectives intact.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2018, 09:53:38 am by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
  • The sword cuts with finality when guided by wisdom
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7557 on: April 11, 2018, 10:26:08 pm »

"Relax. We did nothing wrong." Jack says, perfectly calm now.
"The way I think about it, those people aren't real. No real person would live in a box. They're just things made by this place. Made to play a role in this game, like puppets in a play."
Looks like he found a way to justify his actions.
"There's nothing wrong with killing a puppet to defend a real life."

There are no stairs or emergency exits but there is a maintenance area for the elevator. This should at least let you get down to the vault's level. While he works on breaking open the door, you focus on modifying your doll.

"So how much do you know about this place? Have you been here long?"
"This would be my 5th level. I don't have any special insights about this place. Last thing I remember I had just won my third poker championship."
Guess that explains his clothing.
"So how did you get here?"
"I just woke up here. Played a card game with someone calling himself the Cardinal of Sin. Then when I beat him he just sent me on my way. Every level since then has been challenge after challenge."

After using two cards he finally manages to break the door open. You're about halfway through your modifications. The doll is definitely more agile and dextrous but not much more do than you.

The dolls you left in the hallway have knocked out and captured one guard. You make them hold her hostage to keep the others from approaching the door. However with no means for your dolls to speak beyond simple gestures, the stalemate probably won't last long.

"Your abilities are quite interesting. Did you always have them or..."
"They just sort of happened one day. Beyond that, I'd rather not say."

You start going down the stairs, followed by Jack as the doll tries to close the door behind you. There's no telling how much time you have left, they are probably coming towards this junction right now.

"So you haven't heard anything about the Queen?"
"What, you mean the Casino?"
"No, the one that brought me here, she mentioned something about a Queen, that she was the one that brought me here."
"Yeah, my guy said something similar. Haven't seen or heard anything beyond that though."
"Hm. Makes you wonder how long they're going to keep us going through this."

You reach the bottom of the maintenance area. The elevator is using some sort of hydraulic system, its bottom taken up by a few hydraulic pumps and pistons. There's another armored door here but it looks somewhat thinner.

((Thanks for giving me the heads up.))

♚The Doll Prince: Breaking the Bank♚

"The Cardinal of Sin?" Napoleon wondered out loud. "I'm willing to wager that he and the person I met is both working for the Queen. Her name is Lady Amarante, the Knight of Silver."

Napoleon examined the door. Though it resembled the security door above them, it appeared thinner. Obviously, the casino is more concerned with keep potential robbers out of the vault than keeping them in. Through his hive-mind, Napoleon made sure that the defeated guard cannot break free. If any of her comrades arrive, he can speak through the dolls themselves to keep them at bay. However, that wasn't his immediate concern.

"This is my second trial, by the way," Napoleon said as he moved the 'twisted doll' into position. He decided to focus most of his attention on its actions to maximize success. "The first one involved me waking up inside a museum of sorts. It could've been a mansion but that's beside the point. Anyway, I'd left one of my dolls in the room where I appeared to distract the watchman. Lady Amarante later possessed the doll, morphed it into the same shape as this doll standing before us, and attacked me! The nerve of her! As I tried to regain control of the doll, she tried to seize control of my mind me as well. However, before I fell unconscious from the shock of it all, I managed to pin her to the wall with a sword I found."

Napoleon then sighed. "Well, I supposed I'd lost that fight anyway. However, it's a good thing it was only a test that I passed due to my dogged persistence and unerring intellect, otherwise I would've been her meat puppet and I can't have that!"

Readying the doll, Napoleon decided to change the subject. "So, what do you think we're supposed to steal from the vault for our mysterious patron?"

Use the 'twisted doll' to break down the security doors. If any more guards show up, speak through the dolls a stern warning for them to stay back. The moment they try anything, execute the captured guard and attack the others with clawed forearms.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7558 on: April 12, 2018, 06:30:43 pm »

Kosak Durar:

"Blasted headache... I need a drink. Hm. I've heard that you humans sometimes use alcohol as a disinfectant--a bloody mistake, by my reckoning-- but do you think there's any in the medical facility?"
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Your Friendly Salvation
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Re: Special People: Photon Carnage
« Reply #7559 on: April 13, 2018, 01:17:31 am »

((I love how quickly you adapted your character to this new situation.

Don't worry about the frequency of your posts, I'm not posting that quickly either. Focus on your life, that's the most important thing.))
((If there's one thing I really like about playing Alan, it's that he's the most chill, go-with-the-flow type mask I've donned in quite some time. Put in pretty much any situation, no matter how bizarre, he generally won't blink, just find something to work off of as a reference point and go from there. Also I'm somewhat adept at playing bad guys from all my ER experience, though mayhaps less megalomaniacal this time around >:3))

Alan, Helpful Princess

Hooray, I did a good thing! Does Ammie want me to do anything in particular right now? If not, I'll go visit my new friends in person - phone calls are nice, but it's always better to catch up face-analogue to face-analogue!
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))
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