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Author Topic: Special People: Mechanical Syndrome  (Read 1126730 times)


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2220 on: August 02, 2014, 10:10:05 pm »

Wake Zoe up

Wake up
((Oh, hey, lucky roll.))

There's pain. Then there's light. Everything seems a bit off. It's all a white haze.
"Hey! Are you awake? Can you hear me?"
Your host seems to be awake, but she can only produce a groan in response. There's a lot of pain coming from one of her legs, but it feels disconnected from you.
Her thoughts are distant, but there's something about them. Something you know. Something wrong.

<Good! You're back! I was so worried. I know that was tough and that you must be tired, but you've got to be ready.>
That's strange. You don't feel tired at all.
<Whoever did this is going to attack again. Soon.>

<Man, Ike Wayne's made of stern stuff, I'll give him that! Best body I've inhabited yet!>

Check time left if possible.

Then PM. For fun.

You get up and start walking, eyeing the semi-collapsed wall and the cloud of dust through your cracked visor. Your entire body aches from the burns and the other forms of abuse it has putt up with so far. Or is it the body of your host? Eh, now is not the time for such metaphysical thoughts.

<Oh, this looks bad. Hope I'm not in trouble.>

Proceed with action?

That...was unexpected. Awena, Zoe probably can't respond due to the stress on her body. If you will it, I may be able to help lift that thing off her. Such a slab it is.

River, any ideas of what happened? Where is Boris? Where is Amelia?

...Awena, if the worst comes down to worst and we need to carry these people out, may you grant me control enough that I could activate any adrenal response for this emergency?

My knowledge is open to you. I'll try sensing for the rest.

Give ideas to host; mutuality is a go.

Sense around for Irene and Boris'...other. And probably other life forms in the vicinity.
Where is Amelia?
Also converse with River.

Zoe stirs a bit and groans.
"Hey! Are you awake? Can you hear me?"
She doesn't respond.
Please, do whatever you must! Just help her.
You take control of your host. You then bend your knees, crouching near Zoe. You put your hands under the slab and push it up with all your strength. Even with your best effort and your above average strength, you're only able to lift it no more than a couple of inches off the ground. Still, that's enough to free her leg and that's all that matters.
Zoe unfortunately doesn't take this opportunity to move, for whatever reason. Probably because she hasn't fully regained consciousness yet. You use one of your legs to push a sturdy looking piece of rubble under the slab to hold it up, making sure it doesn't crush her leg again.

<Explosion happened. That's why I don't like modern worlds. Explosives and guns... Swords are better.
Boris is probably not in a very good shape after what happened. He was... close. As for Amelia, we're still here, so that means she's still alive, for now. Not sure in what shape she's in, though.
You may also want to let your teammate know what happened.>

The explosion didn't move you. You're still near the shell of machines surrounding Amelia. Or rather, what's left of it. It has been severely damaged, multicolored wires, pieces of metal and green circuit boards spilled on the ground where the rubble crushed it. She should be in there, somewhere, behind the crushed machines. She has to be. As for the rest, it's hard to see through the dust. Everything gets dark a small distance away from you, although the distance you can see is rapidly increasing as the dust settles.

((While it may not have been what I meant, it turned out to be an apt description didn't it.))
It turns out I was justified to not work with my team mate, at least he still might have a chance.  I hope it was a worthy sacrifice.  I don't think I can continue but I have to try.  ((I'm assuming that because of how the possession works for this I can still think.))

Wake up?  At least to see what's going on.

>Move into the building slowly and quietly. Observe where the voices are coming from - hopefully, not from my mind, because that would suggest something far worse. Use the Shadow if you need to in order to make your profile a bit less noticeable - even though you are wearing hospital clothing.

In spite of my recent luck, Zechariah thought to himself, I have a feeling that this is not going to end the way I want it to.
Your host falls on the door and presses his head against it. Yes, there's definitely speech coming from behind the door, but you still can't make out what is being said. Whoever is speaking sounds a bit agitated. Your host slowly moves the handle of the door downwards and opens it just enough so that he can-
He stops, completely unmoving.
"You won't get away that easily!" says someone with a pompous, distorted voice.
"Oh, no!" responds another with an exaggeration of sadness.
"Nobody escapes the Red Defender!"
Your host opens door a bit more and looks through the crack. There's a middle aged man sitting on a folding chair, watching television (The Red Defender and Crimson Boy is on), his back turned on you. The area he is in is some sort of junction or communal area, you're not really sure. It's a bit large and divided in half by a bar on which the television rests. There are various doors around here. The entire place looks either old or in the middle or renovation or somehow both in some places. It's illuminated by a few handheld electric lamps left on sparse boxes and toolboxes acting as tables, their dim light barely reaching the tapestries on the walls.

<2.6 TUs left>

I'll try to make a turn for the rest tomorrow. Sorry.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 10:15:34 am by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2221 on: August 03, 2014, 12:23:47 am »

Zechariah felt a twinge of guilt for immediately assuming that the "Red Defender" was obviously some Soviet "Captain America-esque" hero.
His next feeling was homesickness for Earth due to his previous thought.
I really miss Earth and the television shows back home. Sometimes I really wish I could go back and continue my old life without remorse.
Of course, that'll never happen, because I shook Artemis' hand.
Dammit, I make some really bad decisions sometimes.

>Open the door a bit more and look to the left and to the right. Are there any doors (or phones) that are out of the view of that man? If so, move around the edge of the room quietly and try to sneak out one of the doors or take a phone. If not, use the Shadow to manipulate the man's vision and make yourself look and sound like this "Red Defender" person. Tell him that you need to go save the world or something and that you need a phone.

Zechariah mentally facepalmed at how stupid that sounded when he thought about it a second time, but it might just work..


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2222 on: August 03, 2014, 12:41:44 am »

Está bueno, señor.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2223 on: August 03, 2014, 07:47:20 am »

PM actions are the best actions.


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2224 on: August 03, 2014, 08:13:49 pm »

Quickly return to falcon form, and use my incredibly sharp, bird eyes to see through the smoky material blocking the tunnels. See which one is least obstructed, and go through it.
It turns out that no matter how good your eyes are, they can't see through solid (or semi-solid in this case) obstacles, at least not without using X-Rays or something similar. Still, you think the one on the right might be best?

You follow the tunnel you chose and the black cloud flying in it for a few seconds with no obstacles in sight. But then the cloud dissipates, leaving nothing in its place. Your entity is nowhere to be found. There's only the glow of the approaching wall of doom behind you to provide you with light. And that wall seems to be approaching even faster now.

After a few more seconds of flying, you reach a point where the tunnel you're in merges with another. You can see your entity flying up ahead again, a great distance away from you, still glowing blue like before.

"Recurring deed their end foreshadows~"
Your entity fires off an orb of blue light in front of it. It expands and forms a ring that attaches itself to the walls of the tunnel. After your entity passes through the ring, lightning bolts start arcing from one side of the ring to the other, forming an electric barrier.



Begin spinning like a top and perform a ballerina kick of intense force to the liver stickman!
You somehow manage to start spinning on one leg like a ballerina. Like the world's slowest, most loud ballerina. The stickman laughs as you scream, your leg very slowly approaching his face.
"HAHAHAHAHA! What do you think this is going to accomplish?"
Your incredibly slow kick finally connects, causing some of his fat to jiggle a bit.
"See? You are completely incapab- OW! OW! You freaking kicked me in the eye! OW! What kind of deranged asshole kicks someone in the eye?"
You do not respond, instead lowering your leg and standing at attention, trying to do your best imitation of karate kid after delivering your sneak attack. It's kind of surprising you manage to keep your balance.
"I'll show you! Prepare to feel great justice!"

"Hey, I went easy on her and still won. If I didn't give her that chance, then she wouldn't even stand a chance.
What was her power? I was expecting fire and ice because of the tattoos.
Talk to Violet, and see if I can find anyone else in the staging area.
Well, there was that shapeshifter dude but the earth swallowed him up a couple of minutes ago after he was struck by lightning. That's why you don't anger the titans.

Well, you could always search around for someone. You begin walking around aimlessly, looking at what lies behind the trees, bushes and rocks, at the same time talking to your entity.
"Sure, sure. I'm certain that's what happened." she replies, her voice full of irony. "Yup, keep telling yourself that. But we all saw what really occurred here."
Before you can respond, she speaks again.
"Haha, relax, I'm just messing with you. You did OK.
Anyway, she didn't really have anything special about her. Just those shark teeth, I guess. And the ability to play with those fancy weapons of her, with all those acrobatics. Whips and nunchucks and bolas and other funny stuff like that. Never into that myself. Knives are better. Easier. More my style."

"Indeed, knives are the best. Concealable and efficient but extra bloody and extra painful with only a twist!" someone else interjects, somehow reminding you of an advertiser. You half expect hit to continue, offering you two knives in the price of one.
"Like I was saying, she was always into fancy weapons like that. Liked to drag her victim in so that she could deliver the finishing blow herself. Play with it so that she can get to know it. But what good is learning about someone if you're going to kill them a moment later? And, as you just demonstrated, playing during combat can be dangerous. Not that I never do that, of course, I just-"

Your footsteps bring you close to the waterfall and the caves lining the rock wall there. As you watch a spark appears. And then another. And another. As more and more sparks appear, a circle in the wall starts glowing and receding, like it's being eaten by thermite. Thermite termites? A couple of seconds later, the sparks and the glowing stop and it's like nothing happened. The new cave looks like it has always been there. You can even see some moss growing on one of its walls.

"Oh, a new area. You know what that means."

((Essentially no penalty for exotic weapons like that and a natural weapon. Nothing that really gave her an edge, other than that her weapons had a bit more reach and a bit more versatility but were kind of weaker (less damaging) than yours and were harder to use (things like getting caught under your boot).))

((I thought the whole point of the RTD subforum was explosions and death?))

"Hey Zero, this spear... do I get a copy for each mission?  Like if I get blown to a million pieces in one mission, do I lose it forever or no?"
((That's an interesting way of looking at it, sure.))

<The specifications for the modified Conductor Spear's construction have been embedded into you. As long as you exist and no significant alteration occurs to those specifications, any capable party should be able to reconstruct and provide a replacement of the original. Barring significant changes to current circumstances, replacement equipment is more likely to be provided after the conclusion of a challenge.>
That seems like quite a roundabout way of saying something. Reminds you of a lawyer.

You wake up.

Ceiling is white. Bed is comfortable. Everything else is quiet.

A quick glance around reveals that the room is very plain. Just your bed (white metal skeleton, white sheets and a single pillow), a CRT television attached on one of those movable arms on the opposite side of the room and a night-stand on your right that holds a remote. You'd think this was a hospital if it wasn't for the lack of medical equipment. And the walls. Each wall is painted a different colour with a few rather disorienting squiggly lines drawn in them (including the floor and ceiling).

There's a single wooden door out of the room and no windows. The only light comes from a circular fluorescent light hanging from the ceiling.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 08:18:24 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2225 on: August 03, 2014, 08:23:06 pm »

Rune Sighed, or as well as he could, being a bird and all. He reversed directions, and started flying back the way he came. He was mostly just bored with what he was currently doing, but he wondered if the point of this puzzle was to go backwards to catch his entity?
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2226 on: August 03, 2014, 08:55:40 pm »

Belch loudly at him when he prepares to attack and then tackle him.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2227 on: August 03, 2014, 09:22:11 pm »

Contemplate what kind of state Faron would be in after the explosion.  Keep trying to reconnect with his mind.
That's why you should always wear a seatbelt kids! You never know when a telekinetic assassin is going to cause your car to crash! Safety first!


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2228 on: August 04, 2014, 07:14:16 am »

Try to open the door and look around.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 07:16:28 am by Salsacookies »
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2229 on: August 04, 2014, 12:15:26 pm »

"Uhhh... okay, thanks."

Now... let's test that power.

Use actual power levels for this- no boost from the construction table.  Try to summon that massage chair with minifridge attachment that I tried once before.  Compare the time it takes- how much time boost are we talking?  Use techno-sense to verify its construction.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2230 on: August 04, 2014, 03:15:14 pm »

What happened to Boris/Victor?

evaluate the status of Zoe's mind - try to place just what, exactly, is wrong. Simultaniously, attempt to seize any flames that remain in the area - I'm nearly out of power here, and need to take what I can get.

comon, situational awareness! work through the pain, locate your weapon, and locate your attacker! this fight is nearly over, just last a little longer. Maybe he's going for Amelia next? whatever, just wake up wake up wake up! you need to move move move move move!

become more aware of situation, and maybe take action?
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2231 on: August 07, 2014, 09:17:21 am »

((Hey, Tiruin, action please? Otherwise I'll auto you next turn.))


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2232 on: August 07, 2014, 11:45:06 am »

Just recovering from...stuff, here. Sorry for the wait.

What happened to Boris/Victor?
I have no idea. My first priority is Awena and those she cares about--and by that I mean I did not see Boris anywhere after the...explosion.

I'll check on Amelia. Is your back broken? That's why I can't move you--I'm unsure as to the extent of the damage you took.

Though it would be pretty obvious if the back suffered broken spinal injuries as the slab hit the lowerbody instead...

Awena, could you check on the spirits here? I..I'm sorry that I may sound like I'm using you for this --as in 'using'-- but it is my fault that I haven't the time to bond with you deeper. TO know you as who you are instead of how practical I want the situation to be for the both of us.

I will direct my energy towards you. Your choice what to do from here on out. I'll try to sense anything I can from here.

Direct energy to host; leave decision to host; Try to sense any other person or spirit in my close vicinity/proximity.


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2233 on: August 08, 2014, 12:30:12 am »

"I like hammers the best. And crossbows. Actually, I like most weapons."
Summon a drink (with alcohol). Summon a straw. Drink it with the straw.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Special People: No One Could Survive That
« Reply #2234 on: August 10, 2014, 11:28:53 am »

Belch loudly at him when he prepares to attack and then tackle him.
You both charge forward at the same time, punch each other with equal force, both of your fat vibrating from the impact. You both tumble backwards. You land on your feet and your enemy does the same, after doing a backflip.

"AAAAAAARRRGGH!" The stickman prepares to charge again and drop the hammer on you. Literally.

Rune Sighed, or as well as he could, being a bird and all. He reversed directions, and started flying back the way he came. He was mostly just bored with what he was currently doing, but he wondered if the point of this puzzle was to go backwards to catch his entity?
You turn around... and fly straight into the wall of electricity following you. A few seconds of being cooked by high voltage current later, you rematerialize in the staging area in your human form. You're laying on the ground somewhere beside the stream, spasms still going through your body.

<I think you might have missed the point of that challenge.>

"Uhhh... okay, thanks."

Now... let's test that power.

Use actual power levels for this- no boost from the construction table.  Try to summon that massage chair with minifridge attachment that I tried once before.  Compare the time it takes- how much time boost are we talking?  Use techno-sense to verify its construction.
You push the button to open the door out of your personal section and out into the staging area proper. Well, it's a nice sunny day out here, like always. What better way to enjoy it then by relaxing and having a beer? You've died a horrible death twice already. Better enjoy what little down time you have before you have to risk your life again, no?

You let yourself fall backwards as your power gets to work. Summoning feels about as hard as before, it still requires the same amount of focus and effort and it still feels kinda hard to merge the three devices into one. Yet it feels easier to focus on assembling the individual parts of the machine. It feels like it's easier for you to work on starting one part of the project at hand while another completes, summoning and assembling more parts in the same amount of time. Like you're overall better at multitasking under certain circumstances. You'd say you're at most about twice as fast compared to before.

The chair is still partially assembling when your body falls in it, the only reason it doesn't collapse being that it is held in place by your ability as it receives its finishing touches. Not that it matters much. To anyone watching, it would look like you just fell and a perfect lawn-chair materialized under you to break your fall, with a fridge following it soon after (the fridge takes a bit more to complete).

Well not completely perfect, there are some tiny flaws in it. It's not perfectly comfortable. But try as you may, you can't figure out where the problem is, even with your special talents. The flaw is probably not very obvious. You try to relax but you can't help wandering what the flaw might be. Every time you think you've forgotten about it your mind returns to it, trying to figure out what went wrong.


Aaaahhhrrrrggg! That's gonna drive you crazy now!

As you are twisting around in the chair, trying to get comfortable, a hole appears on the ground near the stream in front of you and spits a man out, his limbs spasming like he's just been tazed.

"I like hammers the best. And crossbows. Actually, I like most weapons."
Summon a drink (with alcohol). Summon a straw. Drink it with the straw.
<Hah, I bet you're easy to please. Then again, weapons tend to be rather pleasing. Especially big ones. Aaaahh...>

<So, you never told me what you did before I got you here. Did you work with big weapons?>

You summon a mug filled with some kind of warm brown liquid you assume is alcoholic and a straw. You begin drinking it through the straw-opening in your gas mask (mmm.... doesn't taste that bad) while getting ready to welcome the new meat.

Ah, and here he comes now.

Try to open the door and look around.

You get up and press the handle, pulling the door backwards. It opens with a squeak, revealing a small tunnel beyond. It is slightly damp and you can see moss growing on its walls. There's light coming from the other end.

You follow the tunnel until you reach its end. Beyond the entrance, you can see large trees growing out of mostly rocky, mountainous ground and mostly clear blue skies. You can hear water falling somewhere nearby.

Standing there is someone wearing a long green coat, heavy boots and a gas mask with cracked mirror lenses. He's holding a mug with some sort of warm liquid in it and drinking out of it with a straw. You don't know why, but you get the feeling he's looking at you and smiling.

Zechariah felt a twinge of guilt for immediately assuming that the "Red Defender" was obviously some Soviet "Captain America-esque" hero.
His next feeling was homesickness for Earth due to his previous thought.
I really miss Earth and the television shows back home. Sometimes I really wish I could go back and continue my old life without remorse.
Of course, that'll never happen, because I shook Artemis' hand.
Dammit, I make some really bad decisions sometimes.

>Open the door a bit more and look to the left and to the right. Are there any doors (or phones) that are out of the view of that man? If so, move around the edge of the room quietly and try to sneak out one of the doors or take a phone. If not, use the Shadow to manipulate the man's vision and make yourself look and sound like this "Red Defender" person. Tell him that you need to go save the world or something and that you need a phone.

Zechariah mentally facepalmed at how stupid that sounded when he thought about it a second time, but it might just work..
The room does have a phone, but it is some sort of payphone on the other side of the room, to the left of the TV. Even if your host could reach it without being seen, he'd need to find some money to operate it.

He tries to sneak towards one of the doors with all the grace and quietness of a drunken elephant dancing tarantella, but despite that, the man remains absorbed to whatever the TV is showing, only flinching when static causes the image to disappear for half a second. Perhaps he is transfixed by the Red Defender's fight with his arch-nemesis, Dr Topper, and the banter they exchange while doing so.

He stumbles through a door at random and end up in a room the size of a large closet. It's dark, the only light coming from the half open door. And what luck, there is a telephone here!... sort of. It's some kind of ancient telephone switching board. It's made of wood and is full of plastic sockets with small light-bulbs over them. There's a telephone handset hanging from one side and a rotary dial on the other side. He should be able to make a call here... assuming he can figure out how this thing works before collapsing. And assuming this thing is still connected to the network. And assuming nobody finds him until then.

Contemplate what kind of state Faron would be in after the explosion.  Keep trying to reconnect with his mind.
Well, he was tough. But an explosion happened. That's always bad, no matter how tough you are. And to make matters worse, you were in control when the explosion happened. That means that his body was probably somehow influenced by yours, which could mean any number of things, depending on how exactly this deep sync thing works.

You're not in control anymore, you can tell as much by the fact that you aren't unconscious. That must mean that his body is his own again. Whether that's for better or for worse, you don't know. And there is no way for you to learn, for you seem to be unable to get anything from him at the moment.

There are a lot of things you don't know, now that you think about it.

What happened to Boris/Victor?

evaluate the status of Zoe's mind - try to place just what, exactly, is wrong. Simultaniously, attempt to seize any flames that remain in the area - I'm nearly out of power here, and need to take what I can get.

comon, situational awareness! work through the pain, locate your weapon, and locate your attacker! this fight is nearly over, just last a little longer. Maybe he's going for Amelia next? whatever, just wake up wake up wake up! you need to move move move move move!

become more aware of situation, and maybe take action?
It takes you a few more seconds to figure out what, exactly, is wrong with her mind, mostly because you can't feel her mind as strongly as before. It feels like the presence you felt earlier, when you entered the shell around Amelia. Only it's stronger now and in Zoe's mind. It is simply there, almost imperceptible and not doing anything as far as you can tell. But the problem with intruders is that you never know when they're going to try something. Zoe hasn't figured out something is wrong yet, probably because her pain overshadows the subtle pressure in her head and the few foreign thoughts and feelings that accompany it. Only you are alert enough to notice it.

You try to re-establish your partial influence on Zoe so that you can use your ability again. You succeed, but your ability now feels as far away and as disconnected from you as Zoe's mind. Better hope whatever is influencing her won't influence you.
You blindly try to draw all fire from the surrounding area towards you, creating streams of pyrokinetic force, but nothing happens. Maybe there are no fires around or maybe you miscalculated their position. Either way, it looks like you have no fire you can use.

Zoe slowly becomes more aware of her surroundings. The moment she remembers why she's here and what's going on she quickly tries pushing herself up. She is rewarded for her efforts by another jolt of pain from her leg, which causes her to collapse on the floor once more. Instead she simply crawls forward a bit and looks around.

You're surrounded by a fog of brightness that is quickly dissipating, revealing only darkness beyond. There are concrete debris everywhere around you, some large and some small. Everything is quiet. For a moment Zoe believes she's not even in the same room anymore.

A trail of blood begins from her leg and leads to a particularly large slab of concrete. Bone probably crushed. Multiple fractures., she thinks, the knowledge of medicine coming to her naturally. Moderate bleeding. Need to stop it. This is probably going to require surgery to heal properly. But some bandages could help.

Awena is standing beside her, looking at Zoe with a look of relief in her face.
She can also see Amelia, barely visible through the fog and debris. She is unhurt and there are no debris around her. Whatever caused the collapse has left her unharmed, even though the machines around her have been crushed and destroyed.

Probably an explosion. I need to protect myself. And Amelia. She thinks she must have been holding her gun when the explosion happened...? Everything is a bit fuzzy from that time. So maybe the gun was thrown- That train of thought comes to an abrupt stop as her mind becomes blank and a split second later she begins searching for alternatives. Who else had a gun? The guards, sure, but there wasn't anyone around here. Wait! Boris! Boris had a gun! He was here! If she can get to him... Wait, where was he again?

She's about to ask Awena when there's a thud and a small cloud of dust rises beside her. You can see a flash of memory in her mind, sniper attack at her medical tent, as she instinctively rolls behind a slab of concrete. More thuds and pings follow as bullets hit concrete and metal, sounding incredibly loud in the silence that surrounds you. Awena falls beside you, her shirt bloody near the left part of her abdomen. Zoe tries to drag her to cover but she is hit again, this time on her right shoulder.

Just as abruptly as they started, the bullets stop coming a few moments later.

What happened to Boris/Victor?
I have no idea. My first priority is Awena and those she cares about--and by that I mean I did not see Boris anywhere after the...explosion.

I'll check on Amelia. Is your back broken? That's why I can't move you--I'm unsure as to the extent of the damage you took.

Though it would be pretty obvious if the back suffered broken spinal injuries as the slab hit the lowerbody instead...

Awena, could you check on the spirits here? I..I'm sorry that I may sound like I'm using you for this --as in 'using'-- but it is my fault that I haven't the time to bond with you deeper. TO know you as who you are instead of how practical I want the situation to be for the both of us.

I will direct my energy towards you. Your choice what to do from here on out. I'll try to sense anything I can from here.

Direct energy to host; leave decision to host; Try to sense any other person or spirit in my close vicinity/proximity.
You return control of her body to your host and once again return to being an observer.

Your host looks around. Zoe seems to be getting better. Sort of. She's crawling forward and looking around, definitely more aware of her surroundings than before. Awena sighs a sigh of relief.

As for the rest of the area... You can see Amelia behind some rubble. She and the crystal beside her are completely unhurt, as far as you can tell. There's something red and white there besides her.

Still, something feels wrong to Awena. She takes another look around, just to make sure. She thinks she can see shadows moving around there, shadows of angular multilimbed and multijointed things jumping across the rubble, like someone has put their hands in front of a flashlight. Most of them are moving around Amelai. But one of the shadows is coming towards Awena.

She takes a step back and the shadow stops. Something pointy extends from the shadow and starts moving rhythmically towards somewhere. It takes Awena a second to realize that the shadow is pointing at something. She looks but all she can see is rubble and after that only darkness.

Before she has a chance to realize what that could mean, there's a very loud thud somewhere besides her. At the same time, a ring of color appears at the point of darkness she was looking at. A moment later, she feels pain on her abdomen, like someone just hit her there with a dozen needles. She falls backwards, more out of surprise than out of pain, breathless from surprise. This is followed by more pain, this time coming from her right shoulder.

Awena is still breathing and still conscious but she's in shock from the pain and surprise.

Just recovering from...stuff, here. Sorry for the wait.
Sorry. As you can see from how long it took me to write this, I don't have much free time myself. But the sooner I can start writing this, the sooner I can finish.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:30:38 am by Parisbre56 »
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