Respawn as a general.
(4) You respawn as a general. You are being chased by the cops because you were corrupt.
Discover how Zanzetkuken turned everyone into dragons and use this method to turn everyone into peace-lovers.
(2) It's a secret method.
Recombine a live Xantalos with Wwolin and another player.
(4+1) You succeed in combing them and Blademan
Respawn, go get those scythers in my dragon form, then open up a portal to the world of roll to SCYTHER, since it is actually in an alternate pokemon universe where Warhammer 40k, and some other stuff existed as well as the scythers that are loyal to me.
do this again
Kill poketwo.
(6 vs. 2) You respawn, then get obliterated as Elephant tackles you into the hole to hell and explodes.
You don't have to link anymore. People should read the entire turn for RTD's instead of just their bit...
Point out that he gave an impossible order as I am a dragon and have no hands. Therefore his attempted arrest of me is unlawful.
(4) The police remove trope breaker from your list of crimes. (6) You're still wanted for 9 counts of kidnapping, 339 counts of murder, 9 counts of theft, 3 counts of treason, 5 counts of terrorism, 170 counts of breaking and entering, 6 counts of resisting arrest, 5 counts of flag burning, 172 counts of vandalism, 209 counts of assault, 5 counts of unlawful burial, 4 counts of disturbing the peace, 2 counts of bank robbery, and 1 count of public nudity.
Grow downward. Spread the Dream of Green throughout the place.
(4) You grow long roots and (4) spread the dream of green
Randomly wander about, murdering tropers on sight. keep looking for some gold to pile up.
(5) You find a bank vault with lots of gold. You also kill 3 tropers.
Be a bad cop, kill some fools.
(4) You shoot a guy in the face and kill him.
Teleport swap Zan with me as he does his combination trick. Then kick Zan/Wwolin/other in the crotch. The combined effects of 4-6 ruptured testicles will induce trauma coma.
(1) You aid his action.
Find a bug, or something bug-like to kill.
(5) You begin killing spiders.
Winch self up out of hole using grapple gun.
(4) You successfully exit the hole (1) before a dragon tackling another dragon into the hole sends you falling down it again.
Destroy Tropers
(6) You hack TVTropes and find a list of every visitor to the site. Then you spend your time making a big "I'm coming for you!" sign.
Status of City: Mellow Liberal Hippie Paradise. Enemy of CCS. Hole to hell.
Tophat: Human falling to hell
LordSlowpoke: Corrupted by the tropes.
Poketwo: Dead
Squidgen: Bug Exterminator Dragon
Tavik Toth: Corrupt general
Harry: A fern the size of a small building with long roots
Zanzetkuken: Shot in the leg
GWG: Running from the cops. In the LCS
Luvmoke, Chicago Gangster: David Dragondicing Durham
Urist McDwarf: An indestructable statue of a guy with an RPG. Trope Vigilante fanboy and TVTrope Hacker
Xantalos: Combined with Wwolin and Blademan
Wwolin: The Dragon UnPublic Safety Superintendent and Liver Remover. Combined with Blademan and Xantalos
ZoomZoll: In contract negotiations.
Mastahcheese: of a broken up police force by day, Thread Vigilante by night. Killing random people
Blademan: Worst Cook in the world. Gm's personal chef. Combined with Wwolin and Xantalos
Hugo Lurman: Mellow-breathing Dragon. Enemy of CCS
Lenglon: Black Rhino Dragon, Trope Vigilante
Elephant Parade: Grammer Vigilante. Dead.
Destroy Tropers
Impede action. With great prejudice.