Gonna try to address various questions i've seen.
The Baron Vassal of Penrod is named Ernst, though his naming was pretty easy to miss.
Your birthday is in about four months, if all goes well you should be back home well before that. I've considered creating my own calendar system, but instead i'm just going to use the Julian calendar because why not? It is currently the month of November, and you were born on the 15th of Martius.
That map isn't bad considering the vague information i've given, though i'm sure you guys wouldn't mind more context. The Mainland around the Bay is much more of a crescent shape, With the Archpisphoric of the Holy Sentinel taking the Northern tip of the crescent and Analysse mostly dominating the crescent, though the the free city states control the southern tip of the crescent. The Eastern Borders of Both Analysse and Adalbert are poorly defined, and Adalbert is much further inland, extending North more than West. There are two groups of islands within the Bay, the eastern group of islands are very small and mostly unpopulated, though Analysse controls a portion of them. The western group of Islands Are the Keshlain Islands and are a little farther south than Analysse, and are very tightly clustered together. Six of those islands are quite large.
I've been trying to find a good mapmaking program actually, specifically to provide visual reference, does anybody have any suggestions? It would be really nice to be able to sort of layer political and geographic maps.
As for the Keshlain revolution being similiar to the Russian Revolution? I honestly had not thought of that, and was more thinking of an interesting way to spin the rather complicated caste culture of India into a fantasy setting with my own flair.
I'm also going to address what may have been a small miscommunication. The trinkets and useless jewlery given to you guys were more many many token gifts from courtiers, lords and merchants than from peasants. Sort of a "Oh, it's the Prince's birthday? Better get him something." sort of deal than the lavishing of gifts from commonfolk. Most peasants don't keep jewellery around.
I'm going to update soon, but i'm hoping to get the journey started in the next update, so now is the time for any and all last minute preparations.