I think Meph said you can't use water buckets for reagents, because the AI is too dumb to fill them, or something. He was talking about the Fishpond but I'm sure the issue would be relevant.
I'd have to use a "fill bucket with water" reaction, which magically spawns water in the bucket, but that'd be surely abuseable. So, I guess I'll skip this step if there are no better options.
I could just give Greenware an high density, to simulate people carrying things very carefully.
I am looking forward to seeing a kobold very carefully proceed to cave in a megabeasts skull with a greenware brick.
High density makes greenware sling bullets deadly and any object made of greenware would make a decent hammer.
Can people actually attack with random items? Never seen that. Why not slapping enemies with slag bars? That's insanely dense. A Slag hammer would look like this:
I didn't think about slings bullets thought, or better, the only thing I thought was that they are game breakers in regard of trade, and making them heavier would stop that behavior.
Also, in my tests so far, high quality Greenware items proved much more valuable than standard Earthenware ones. Greenware has a multiplier of 1, Earthenware 3. I'll see if I can multiply by 0.
Just make a chain of reactions if you want to slow it down.
Reaction 1 : Make greenware item => gives greenware tool 1 "unfinished greenware item"
Reaction 2 : Make greenware item (II) => gives greenware tool 2 "unfinished greenware item (II)" Automatic
Reaction 3: Finish greenware item => gives the item you want. Automatic.
And yes, you can use buckets of water in a reaction, but you need to find a way to create a bucket of water first. So you tell a kobold to fill a pit/pond, wait for him to fill the bucket, cancel the zone order, then use that bucket in the reaction. Its horrible as far as micromanagement is concerned.
Could you explain better that chain?
Also, If I have an Hospital, people always keep there a bucket filled with water, or just fill it when needed?