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Author Topic: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Back at the base  (Read 9466 times)


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2013, 09:11:53 pm »


You head off to the south and to the top of a high hill, which overlooks an impressive ruined cityscape across a river. Several would-be skyscrapers lie across streets and parking lots like immense fallen logs, and about midway between you and the river is an enormous ruined stone structure almost like a castle. There are so many potential hiding spots that you're not sure where to start looking, but you'd best pick one soon: It's gotten dark, and judging by the watch you were given, ten minutes have already passed since you started searching.

Kyle and Red

The two of you run off towards the west, and almost immediately spot a figure off in the distance. Not sure whether it's Yukkuri or a monster, you advance carefully towards it, but after a few minutes you realize that it's something else entirely. It's a large wagon with the body of a huge silvery bat-like monster strapped to it, being pulled by a pair of oxen and escorted by a squad of six slayers. They're all talking amongst themselves cheerfully, and they don't even notice you as you pass by. The next few minutes of searching are uneventful after this, and looking down at the watch you were given, you can see that ten minutes have passed.

Sofia and Harvey

The two of you head to the east, which is quite hilly, with one large knoll overshadowing the rest. It's tall enough that it would make a great vantage point, and you both head towards it as quickly as you can, hoping to get there before night sets in so that you can have the best possible view of the surrounding area. When you arrive slightly out of breath at the base of it, you check the watches. Nine minutes. Maybe you can afford to take a tiny brea- FWOOSH! As you pocket your watches, a ring of flame nearly ten feet tall roars up around the hill, trapping you inside and nearly catching Harvey's clothes on fire. It's hard to hear over the roar of the blaze, but you're pretty sure that you can make out some sort of beastly bellow coming from the top of the hill.


Thinking quickly, you roll to the left the moment the weight on you starts to shift, freeing yourself from the thing on top of you and grabbing your blade as you scramble to your feet and face your assailant, only to find that there's nothing there. Thinking that perhaps your attacker may be flying to avoid your detection, you look upwards, scanning the skies for signs of threat. Unfortunately, it only dawns on you that the danger might be hiding below you as a razor-sharp thorn emerges from the ground and impales your foot. It hurts like hell, but without missing a beat you thrust your blade into the ground and are rewarded with a shriek of pain as the thorn vanishes just as quickly as it appeared. Knowing where to look now, you spot a shifting patch of dirt and stab again, but you must not have hit anything too sensitive this time, because a sticky black vine twice as thick as your arm bursts forth from the ground and swats you across the hilltop, cracking a couple of your ribs. Miraculously, you manage to land on your feet and counterattack before the vine can retract into the ground, and with one mighty swing you sever it, spraying mana-infused blood everywhere and causing whatever the vine was attached to to shriek mightily. After about a minute, the ground begins to stir yet again, but as you run towards the disturbance, a massive yellow squash-like gourd the size of an eighteen wheeler emerges from the ground like a submarine, causing you to stop in your tracks. Vines covered in sticky black slime like the one that you severed lift the vegetable up like legs, and with a loud cracking sound, the gourd splits open to form a massive set of jaws which could swallow an elephant whole, the insides of which glow red-orange with fire. Speaking of which, a flaming ring seems to have sprung up around the hill, cutting off all means of escape. And finally, to make matters worse, your blade doesn't seem to be reacting well to the mana it's being exposed to. Most of the edge has been worn down, and there are several small pits in the metal, as well as a large crack near the hilt.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2013, 10:00:46 pm »

"Dammit, my sword! Gotta think fast!"

Pick up the severed limb of the monster and attack! That has to do some damage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2013, 10:01:48 pm »

Head back to around base. If the others aren't back soon then look for them.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2013, 01:37:20 am »

Seek another search party or run into Yukkuri.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2013, 03:25:41 am »

Is there a waitlist here?

Patrick Hunt

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2013, 04:24:02 am »

Charge up the hill and attack.
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2013, 07:25:40 am »

Also charge up the hill and attack.

((Can I use my pyrokinesis yet, or do I need to get a bit of mana from a monster?))


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2013, 07:32:11 pm »

Is there a waitlist here?
Well, there was going to be, but I've decided that having multiple squads would probably work better for this. Feel free to join, I'll update the OP in a minute to include squad lists.

((Can I use my pyrokinesis yet, or do I need to get a bit of mana from a monster?))
You can use it, although the more mana you have the easier it is.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2013, 07:43:21 pm »

(( Does that mean smaller squads? Or just taking a lot more players in? Because if you take lots more your kinda shooting yourself in the foot and I don't wanna see this die. ))
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2013, 08:03:26 pm »

(( Does that mean smaller squads? Or just taking a lot more players in? Because if you take lots more your kinda shooting yourself in the foot and I don't wanna see this die. ))
Same size, but I'm probably limiting myself to three squads tops. After running Looter's Delight when it had around 30 people, I think my absolute limit's somewhere around 20, or maybe a little higher when the marching band season ends. Plus, I'm probably only gonna have one squad in the field at a time, with the others doing various things around the base, so it won't be too much strain on me.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2013, 08:08:55 pm »

Darn another game where I'm gonna end up spending more time sitting on base then on missions. Ahh well.
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Burning rings of fire
« Reply #56 on: September 09, 2013, 08:36:22 pm »

Darn another game where I'm gonna end up spending more time sitting on base then on missions. Ahh well.
No need to fear on that one. I've added a bit of a random event (It's really not a Wwolin game without random generators everywhere) system for the base which should keep things interesting enough without making my head explode from too much stuff.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: The three stooges of Squad A
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2013, 09:35:51 pm »

Yukkuri, Sofia, and Harvey
((A bit of fitting music for when you read this

As the monster shakes the last bits of soil off of itself, Yukkuri quickly throws down her sword and grabs the severed vine. Or rather, she's grabbed by the severed vine, which evidently has a bit of life left in it. It wraps around her like a boa constrictor, squeezing the air out of her and drenching her robes in sticky black gel. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the monster-gourd breathes deeply before exhaling a jet of flame... right onto its own vines, which catch fire immediately, filling the air with an acrid stench. Sofia arrives at the top of the hill moments after this, but trips on a root as she rushes to attack the monster, sending herself hurtling into its mass of flaming vines which quickly catch her on fire as well. Finally, Harvey arrives to confront the beast. Sadly he doesn't even make it as far as the root. The moment of distraction caused by everything being on fire is just enough time for the severed vine to grab him as well, wrapping him up both uncomfortably tight and uncomfortably close to Yukkuri.

((Usually I don't tell people their rolls, but I think it's worth noting that I have never seen so many consecutive rolls of 1 on a d20 before. Congratulations, I guess...))


You head back to the base, watching the squad from before unload their kill while you wait for your teammates to arrive. As several groups of men and women emerge from below ground and hack bits off of the beast in order to fit them down the stairs, you notice the blonde man form the armory receiving a brown-wrapped package from the squad leader and tucking it under his coat before scurrying back underground as quickly as he appeared. Even if it's only your first day at the base, you've got a feeling that this isn't part of the normal routine...


You and Pikachu head east past the base, hoping to catch up with Harvey and Sofia, and maybe even find Yukkuri while you're at it. Although you're not entirely sure where they are in these hills, one knoll seems to be larger than the rest, and as you approach you realize that the base of it is on fire in a ring going all the way around. You can see more fire at the top of it as well, as well as hear some sort of battle going on, although from the sound of things both parties seem to be in a considerable deal of pain.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: The three stooges of Squad A
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2013, 10:24:16 pm »

No one goes against routine on my watch! Follow the blonde and try not to get caught.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: The three stooges of Squad A
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2013, 10:56:14 pm »

Name: Leona Weiss
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: She has purple hair done up in a bright blue ribbon, and white robes with a blue overlay. Very slight of frame and physically weak as a result.
Backstory: Dad did it. So I do it too!
Perks: Unstoppable Cheer - Nothing can bring Leona down! She's just so gosh darn bubbly and everybody can't help loving it! [Leona's squad works harder due to high morale]
Support Class - Leona is inclined to help others. She loves it, and is pretty good at it from all the practice she's had. [Leona is effective in a supporting role]
Quirks: So Much Cheer D: - Leona's cheer can be pretty annoying someti- seriously just shut up! I'm trying to talk right now! [Leona's Unstoppable Cheer bonus has a chance of temporarily becoming a malus]
Frail - She never did have much time for exercise, and all the excitement she puts herself through weakens her physique. [Leona is ineffective in direct combat, and possesses very little physical strength]


How are those abilities? I intentionally made them vague to give you some flexibility in deciding what sorts of bonuses to give her.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 10:58:34 pm by GUNINANRUNIN »
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