Hmm. That didn't work to the extent that it should have. Let me try again.
Kiss the ring in the polite fashion, then apply the Niklas principle: if something, in this case the spell, didn't succeed, try again!
The ring leaves the taste of raw pork on your lips, which you find inexplicably delicious at this hour. The queen then offers the hand to Hungry Pete, who does the same, adding a gentlemanly kneel to further the effect. The queen looks rather satisfied before taking a look around and noticing that she appears to be bereft of minions and also currently inside a disreputable establishment full of exposed flesh and other crude things. She looks at Hungry Pete, beckoning him, then you to follow offhandedly as she starts walking downstairs. You pay her no particular mind as you commence the second casting of the spell, trying to figure out where exactly did the whole platoon thing go wrong.
[Affinity roll: 3+2]
You figure it was a power issue, and voila, pouring more power into it seems to have solved the problem! The entire stairwell is immediately filled with a number of queens somewhere between twenty and thirty, of disparate ages (from barely adult to some really old biddies having trouble with their pork regalia) and looks, though each seems to have quite a bit of dignity to her nevertheless. They waste no time getting into a formation inasmuch as the staircase allows, preparing to go wherever you may lead them.
"Splendid!" says Hungry Pete, attracting the attention of the first queen, who looks slightly scandalized at not being obviously the most important person in the room anymore, gaping at the sudden appearance of at least twenty nobles of equal status. When they do not all demand to have their rings kissed by the two peasants within the next five seconds, she barely suppresses a shocked gasp.