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Author Topic: Update - V.3d - Magic, HireGuard, Kobold Bugfixes, DfStoryMaker & Animal Farming  (Read 7226 times)


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Masterwork Dwarf Fortress V.3d

>>> New Download: MasterworkDF V3d (Win)<<<

tl;dr: Magic System is new. Kobolds are very much playable now. Kobolds get 2 new buildings. The new tileset looks better now. A new utility, DfStoryMaker. A new dfhack script, HireGuard. New decorations. New animal-part system.

Notes: Wow, that magic system was so much work and its still not finished. But I tested and fixed it enough to include it in the download and to replace the old one. I fixed many, many, many kobold related bugs. The last update was ~70 new buildings and ~1000 reactions for them, so it was not surprising that many things were a bit rough around the edges. Especially a quirk of autosyndrome caused 100% sieges/ambushes instead of the wanted 2%-20% rates I was looking for. Kobolds also have a few new utilities, 2 new buildings and another ~150 reactions.

Dwarves get the ability to hire guards, the finally stable magic system, and some minor rebalances and fine tuning. Orcs dont get all too much this update. All races get access to new animal materials though, pelts, feathers, fleece, glue, hearts, stomachs and guts. These are used for fur-clothing, feather quills and matresses, fleece-clothing and thread, glue for books and plywood, hearts for sacrifices, stomachs for waterskins and guts for rope. Glacier now require fur-clothing for people to stay comfortable. I also did some fine tuning on some tiles for the new MasterworkDF tileset, vermins now have the correct tile, plants look a bit better, stone is darker... not many changes. I did however add new decorations and move them to the furnace menu. That was done to lighten the load on the workshop-menu, which is far fuller then the furnaces and honestly, I was running out of hotkeys for buildings.

 - fullheal script. Target a unit, type "fullheal" and behold, all injuries are gone. This is cheaty, but some people might like it.
 - Kurik Amudnils hire-guard plugin. See more info below.
 - Updated flaconnes utility plugins.
 - Added expwnents diggingInvaders. In short: Invaders dig to your fort, or deconstruct walls and raze buildings to get to you. Its disabled by default, but if you want to test it, just type "help diggingInvaders" into the dfhack console while playing. It will give you many options to play around with.

 - DF Story Maker => Forumthread by TheGazelle.
 - A small program that reads through the gamelog.txt and can print out all entries that fit a selected theme. For example all crafting, or all combat logs, or all artefact making. It is intended for SuccessionForts, to make it easier for players to find the fitting lines.

 - New magic section.
 - Added mod-specific tips and tricks.
 - Updated manual, both dwarf and kobold.

 - Old Magic buttons are off by default, they dont do anything atm.
 - Otherwise no changes, since I cant change anything on it atm. :P
 - I'll update the UI to fit the new changes in october, when I'm back in Germany on my pc.

Orc Fortress
 - Added the 2 missing Orc Buildings to Phoebus/Ascii/Ironhand tileset
 - Added reactions for the new animal materials. Fur, glue, rope, stomachs.

Kobold Camp
 - Kobolds can now make wooden shovels.
 - Kobolds can now upgrade bone+vermin to bonerattle.(irongrade armor, done to circumnavigate the bone stack bug a little bit)
 - Added batch making of 50 poisoned blowdarts, wood/bone with slowpoke/swampfever poison. Should make poisonings easier.
 - Fixed slowpoke poison coating asking for shadowleaf poison.
 - Fixed tobacco making.
 - Added ~10 missing kobold profession graphics.
 - Fixed Kobold Batch Kiln reactions, they needed wood as fuel. Now accept any coke/coal instead.
 - Fixed Decorational Workshop "Fireplace" using the wrong tile.
 - Added missing archeology reactions to the Kobold Dirt Digger workshop.
 - Fixed "Make armorset (bonerattle)" reaction in Kobold Camp.
 - Kobold loot now has a proper tile, looks like bags.
 - Kobold building plans now have a proper tile, uses book tile.
 - Kobold now use their caste-name as "peasant". Helps sorting them at embark.
 - Fixed druids transformation.
 - Changed druid learning. Takes 6 months of meditation till you become a druid.
 - You need 3 barrels of drinks and 3 stacks of meat/food for this.
 - Chance to receive special reagents in the druids hut raised from 3% to 20%.
 - Witches and Witchers are now webimmune.
 - Fixed Witches webs material, can now be used for cloth/thread.
 - Fixed stealing from other civs causing an attack 100% of the time. Is now correctly 2% for minor and 20% for major thefts.
 - Littersize of jack rats has been reduced from 3-5 to 1-5.
 - Raised maxage of Jack rats from 2:3 to 5:10.
 - Value of the bonerattle leather (bone+bone = irongrade bone with not_living effect) has been reduced.
 - Added missing "skill help" in the reactions to four buildings that were missing it.
 - Meteoric is now diggable.
 - Fixed witches webs. Now have proper name and can be used to make cloth.
 - Kobolds can now make clay braziers, candelabras and fireplaces.
 - Batch sling bullet making now makes 3 sets of 50 bullets each. That results in more ammo before the sling-bolds need to reload.
 - Kobolds can now make planks (4) from scrap wood.
 - Kobolds can now break down wooden hives into scrapwood logs.
 - Psychoactive Toads are now war-trainable. Their bites carries the same random syndromes then their extract.
 - Destroying slag now gives a low chance for 2 concrete blocks, 1 iron bar, 1 copper bar or 2 potash bars.
 - Added missing "declare war to dwarves" reaction.
 - Kobolds can now invite migration, diplomats and caravans by paying 5 cut gems. (or by paying gold coins like before. I only did this because gold can be hard to come by when you can barely dig.)
 - Kobolds can now sing in the paupers pub to raise the luck of those around them. No instrument needed.
 - Kobolds song reactions now indicate what they buff. Luck, Speed, NoFear, Likes-Fighting.
 - Kobolds songs now have custom names, they no longer use the dwarven songs (no more Hymn of the Mountainhomes or Battle of Boatmurdered)
 - Kobolds can now make thief's cloaks and pouches from chitin, scale and shell. (in addition to the leather and cloth ones from before)
 - Rewards from stealing are now seperated. you might get death. or siege. or loot. or a building plan. OR ANY MIX OF THOSE.
 - Juices give 50% bonus to recuperation (healing) for a short time.
 - Kobolds can now farm trees, fungiwood, ironbark and steeloak. Less efficient then dwarves, and they can not refine those into fungibark drinks, iron or steel bars. You only get the wood. Use it for wooden spikes and trapparts.
 - Kobolds that want to heal by spiritwalking now transform for up to 1 month into a "spiritwalking kobold", with custom graphics. This kobold is immobile and will stay in (or near) the sweat lodge while doing so. After the month, he transforms back into a normal kobold, fully healed.
 - Fixed or changed buildmaterials for Warpstone Shrine, Mineshaft and Ogre Cave.
 - Fixed Painter reactions. Finished products are also correctly named (black painted cabinet, etc) and correctly stockpiled.
 - Using the voodoo totem makes your kobolds very unhappy now.

New Kobold Building: Bombardier

 - Kobolds can build this new building to create totem-bombs.
 - You can make 3 of these special ammos by using 3 totems and a special reagent.
 - You can either arm bombardier-bolds with this, using totem-slings, or a special trap-component, the booby-trap.
 - Booby-traps can be placed in weapon-traps and fire totem-bombs at anyone triggering the trap.
 - The types of ammo are sleeping, blindness, opposed-to-life, fire, explosion, spores (nausea), web.
 - The effect is AoE and can hit several people, its a dust-cloud about 5x5 tiles, webs even larger.

New Kobold Building: Leather Upholstery

 - Kobolds can build this new building to creature furniture from leather.
 - You need one tanned skin to make any type of item. Very simple.

Masterwork Tileset related fixes
 - Potted grass now uses the correct tile.
 - Sapling now have their own, correct tile.
 - Saplings now have fitting color.
 - Fireplaces now use the correct tile.
 - Rug tile has been changed, and 5 new decorational items added.
 - Rug renamed to red carpet. Corners and sides (N, E, S, W) added.
 - Due to increased amount of decorational buildings, all of them have been moved to the Furnace-menu.
 - This should avoid unnecessary scrolling in the already rather full Workshop-menu.
 - Vermin now have new tiles.
 - Checked all plant tiles, changed a few.
 - Checked most inorganic tiles, darkened a few.

Bugfixes & Balancing
 - Replaced keybindings with the default ones. No idea how any of them ('f' key anyone?) got changed.
 - Firebirds are now good, only appear in good biomes.
 - Giant Drone Ants no longer fly.
 - Drowspiders and Giant Drowspiders are now evil.
 - Made slag a little lighter and removed the special tag. Hopefully helps with all those moods wanting slag.
 - Scrapwood is now brown instead of yellow and is called "scrap wood" instead of "scrap".
 - Rebalancing the sacrificing of warlock loot a bit. More random rewards, less soul/aether pieces.
 - You can now order gold crates with 10 gold bars from humans, dwarves, gnomes or drow.
 - The embassy needs gold coins now (instead of any coin) to declare wars or invite traders, diplomats or migrants.
 - The manage can now distinguish between armory reactions (armorset (4coke)) and magma-armory reactions (armorset (magma)).
 - Dynamite now needs one unit of paper/papyrus/vellum and sawdust.
 - Cochineals and Silk-moths no longer appear on glaciers.
 - Removed sheep, cow, horse, cat, dog, turkey, chicken and goose from dwarven pets. Curiosly enough that still have armored horses and dogs.
 - This is more to see what kind of feedback I get about it. I personally like it, and I will probably make this pet-change optional in future. Most people voted for the removal, but we'll see how everyone reacts. It is certainly unusual to remove vanillaDF content, but the plan is to add this back for the humans, which have a more reasonable access to above-ground farm-animals.

New Feature: Extended Animal Usage
 - Adds fur, fleece, feathers, tough intestines, stomach, heart.
 - Fur comes from furred animals, produced instead of leather. Fur can be further split into hair and leather.
 - Added set of fur clothing and set of fur armor to the tailor.
 - Fleece comes from woolly animals, from shearing or butchering. Gives three times the cloth then simple wool/hair.
 - Feathers come from birds. Can be traded, made into quills for writing or down-matresses for beds.
 - All guts/intestines can now be dried directly into rope.
 - All stomachs can now be dried directly into waterskins.
 - All hearts can be sacrificed at the Altar of Armok for a boon of the blood god.
 - You can also make glue by boiling horn/hoof in the kitchen, press bloated tubers in the screw press, or extract spore-tree resign in the timberyard
 - Glue is needed to bind books or to make plywood from three units of sawdust.
 - To ease the library system a bit, which now needs quills and glue, you can order crates of feathers, crates of library supplies and crates full of books from any of your allies.
 - Glaciers now have a regional cold interaction giving slight numbness and -10% speed.
 - Glaciers now have rains/clouds/fog of freezing and icy rain, sleet and hail. These reduce speed up to 70%, impair functions of hands (drops carried items because hands are too cold), might cause disorientation (dizzyness), numbess and 50% penalty to strength, agility and toughness. There are 4 types, each one has a one of these.
 - All creatures are affected, only furry/woolly animals, natural ice-creatures and creatures wearing fur-clothing are safe.

New Feature: Hire Guard
 - Dwarves can now hire caravan guards for 5000 gold coins. These dwarves will stay inside the fort and become fort-members.
 - How it works: Build an embassy near your trade-depot. Wait for the caravan. Whenever a caravan-guard is within 10 tiles of the embassy, you can successfully run the reaction. It takes the diplomacy/ambassador skill.
 - If it fails you will get a notification about no valid target. This means the guard is not in line-of-sight, or too far away.
 - You can only hire dwarven guards this way, other races wont work.
 - Special thanks to Kurik Amudnil for the dfhack script behind this. :)

New Feature: Extended Decorations
 - Adds 5 new decorations as part of the "dungeon deco" button.
 - Carpet Corner, Bottom, Top, Left, Right. This allows very fancy designs, proper castle-dining rooms and throne-rooms.
 - The carpet is always buildmat-free, it doesnt cost anything. Its only for the looks. See the example screenshot.

New Feature: Extended Magic System
 - Removes: Hall of the Mountainking, Church of the dark depths, Fountain of eternal Youth.
 - Adds: Mages Guild, Altar of Elemental Magic, Altar of White Magic, Altar of Black Magic.
 - Adds: 10 familiars, special pets for mages. Each mage will transform a nearby sprite to his familiar. Each mage can only have one.
 - Adds: 19 mage-castes. 1 base-mage, the arcane dwarf. 3 fire mages, 3 earth mages, 3 water mages, 3 air mages, 3 white mages, 3 black mages.
 - Adds: Good tree, Feather. Evil tree, Glumprong. These are needed for white and black magic, to restrict it to the fitting biomes.

How it works:
You need to build the mages guild first. With many reagents, inlcuding paper/papyrus/vellum, large gems, dye and steel, orichalcum and platinum, you can create reagents for magic. These are spell-tomes, catalyst rods and gems, phylacteries and pentagrams. Yes, magic is expensive. You can take any dwarf and let him join the mages guild, which will cost you many of those reagents. He will become an arcane dwarf, which takes 3 ingame months. He has a very basic hide-spell and learns arcane weapon usage and sorcery 5x faster then normal dwarves. He is also the only kind of dwarf that can learn proper magic.

To learn magic you need to build the Altars of Magic. For a few reagents, way less then this first transformation, you can join a school of magic, fire, earth, air, water, black or white. The dwarf will take another three ingame months to learn this. Elemental magic has -kins (lvl1), which can level up to -mancers (lvl2), which can level up to -mages (lvl3). For fire, it would look like this: Ashkin => Flamemancer => Firemage. With each level up the dwarf learns more spells, gets more powerful abilities, and from lvl2 on will also create a familiar. They can also use the mage staves and auras you can create in the Altars. These items are a blunt melee staff, and a small shield. Both add special spells to the mage. A fire aura will only for on a fire mage, so make sure to equip the right ones.

Black and White schools work a bit differently. You will need to embark in a good or evil biome, or trade with elves or drow for the reagents. Then dwarves can become a unique mage. Black mages are heavily focused on combat, while white mages are heavily focused on support. You can only have one of each sub-type. For example it is possible to have a Vampire Mage, a Demonbound and a Lich (the three black mages), but it is impossible to have three Liches. These mages can also use staves and auras, created in the fitting altars. The same is true for white mages, Lifemancers, Witch Hunters and Arcane Protectors can only exist one at a time.

So if you listened carefully you will know: Magic is extremely expensive, partly restricted to biomes and it takes 6 months for black/white mages, and 12 months for a lvl3 elemental mage. I did this to make magic only available to prosperous and older forts. I dont think its possible for a fully equipped mage to show up before year 3. What each specific mage can do, what spells they use, how to use the mages and more; all that can be found in the new manual section: Magic.

The entire system is probably rather unbalanced, so feedback from well-established forts that use them in combat is very much appreciated. Firemages are more or less the same Magmamancers that people know, and Earthmages are slightly changed Earthbound, and I did keep the Lifemancer since people really seemed to like them, but the rest is rather new. Watermages use some spells from orcish frostskalds, but thats about it.

In future I want to add many more reactions to the buildings, maybe (just maybe), split the Altar of Elemental Magic into one altar for each. That depends on how full they will get. New reactions would include metals that damage good or evil creatures, spawning of monsters (black), giving life to raw-materials (white), maybe moving the weather-control to the air/water mages, maybe moving the growth/regrass from the fountain of eternal youth to the earth mages, and probably some elemental-enchantments similar to runes. The mages guild should get some polymorph spells or ammo, to supplement the arcane base-mage. Other ideas are welcome as well. :) I will wait with these more simple things till I get a good amount of feedback on the current system, and then bundle a bugfix/rebalance of the mages together with the new building reactions.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 09:42:03 am by Meph »
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  • Urist McKneeGrow
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fuck yeah , new version , gonna test shit out of it :@


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  • Bay Watcher
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Meph I know this is perhaps not the best of places for suggestions, but after reading through the magic part i feel i need to stress this.

Please dont use large gems as teching source or add a way of manually making them.
I swear that their drop rate is waaay too low to be dependable. Even getting the gem forge took me like 2 years the last fort i did.
A reaction that consumes 3 gems and gives a large gem would seem appriopriate to fix this.

Also, spore tree is, I assume, a fungus. If you care about the detail, those have neither sap nor resin.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 10:32:28 am by Z1000000m »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

But I need rare stuff. Isnt it 5% of all cut gems that result in large gems? So 20 gems make 1 large gem?
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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I can cut 100 gems and only get 2 or 3 large ones.


  • Bay Watcher
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I can cut 100 gems and only get 2 or 3 large ones.

I can top that. I cleared the whole crystal cave and got a grand total of 3. Bare in mind how many gems you get from a single tree and it was a 3x3 embark.
I know you can cut stone but thats 1) slow as shit 2) pretty much cheating.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 10:34:59 am by Z1000000m »


  • Bay Watcher
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Maybe you can just increase chance to cut large gem? If that's not hardcoded. Or possibly things like the old chests you find could be used as a way to get gems? Would make archaeologist really useful.
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It's it's its, not it's, not its its, not it's.


  • Bay Watcher
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Maybe you can just increase chance to cut large gem? If that's not hardcoded. Or possibly things like the old chests you find could be used as a way to get gems? Would make archaeologist really useful.

I dont dig raws, but the way the jewelers workshop works pretty much seems to indicate its hard-coded.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, there goes the rest of my week. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

Guthbug, you are still alive. Shouldnt you be modding, instead of playing? :P What ever happened to your mod?

If it is really that bad I can alter the reagent of course... or add manual large gems. I got so little feedback about the beta, which I included over a month ago... and suddenly people come by and say: No Meph, dont do that. I am surprised that it took a month for you guys to notice that I use large gems. From my perspective it looks lke this: Mh, no one complained about any balancing for a month, so it should be ok, lets include it in a release. Then, bam, talk about balancing.  :o

Oh, and yes, the jeweler is hardcoded.

EDIT: First bug has been spotted. The Kobold Bombardier Workshop is only available with the Masterwork tileset, the other versions dont have it. Easily fixed, just wanted to let you guys know.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 01:33:02 am by Meph »
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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To learn magic you need to build the Altars of Magic. For a few reagents, way less then this first transformation, you can join a school of magic, fire, earth, air, water, black or white. The dwarf will take another three ingame months to learn this. Elemental magic has -kins (lvl1), which can level up to -mancers (lvl2), which can level up to -mages (lvl3). For fire, it would look like this: Ashkin => Flamemancer => Firemage.
we want WAGONmancers!


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I usually get the large gems trading sometimes. And if that fails well...

It's dwarf fortress. We did not come around Losing is Fun because we're saddened by the drop rates.
“Well,” he said. “We’re in the Forgotten hunting grounds I take it. Your screams just woke them up early. Congratulations, Lyara.”
“Do something!” she whispered, trying to keep her sight on all of them at once.
Basileus clapped his hands once. The Forgotten took a step forward, attracted by the sound.
“There, I did something. I clapped. I like clapping,” he said. -The Investigator And The Case Of The Missing Brain.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

Wagonmancers are ridiculous. :P  They dont even work correctly. ^^

Usually I would say that I play a fort myself and see how the magic goes in a "real" fort, not just a test-run. But playing so long on a netbook with so few FPS would take ages... I have to rely on user feedback. Currently the large gems are needed for the base-transformation. Each arcane dwarf needs one of those gem catalysts. And each magical stave needs one.

Trading gems is not possible in the mod btw. But that might change in the next update, thanks to a new dfhack script. I had to remove it because you could also trade fossils and blood/tear/blessing of armok that way.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::
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