Holly:You try to reverse a healing spell. (3) You create a simple "Disintegrate Living" spell. It costs mana, and destroys living tissue.
Tychus:You run across the room to grab your dagger. (1) The bear swipes you against the wall. The back of your head feels wet.
Kyle:You stumble out of the bar, to find the sun rising. You find the guards and the doctor. Time to enter the labyrinth. (2) You all get lost in the darkness, but manage to stay together.
Walter:You rip the axe out of the bear's arm. The bear is losing a lot of blood.
Turn 25:The Bear:"Enough! You have defeated me."
The creature's hair recedes into a bearskin cloak, worn by a strange old man.
"Take what you wish. I must rest."
The old man sits in the throne and falls asleep. Light begins to shine from one of the tunnels, and you all feel very hungry.
Injury List:Tychus:
Mana:Holly: 8/10
Currency:4 Silver Coins
Tattered leather armor.
Light Chainmail
Guard Knife
Throwing Knives(x5)
'Herbal Remedy'(x3)
Rusted Iron platemail, Light Chainmail, Steel Waraxe, and one Oak Shield. Also three bottles of 'Herbal Remedy'.
Old Robes
Magical Steel Staff
Light Chainmail
Burnt Tome
'Herbal Remedy'(x3)
Tattered Robes
Smashed Ceremonial Skull-Visage (Mask)
Steel Dagger
Light Chainmail
Herbal Remedy (X3)
Grimoire of Plague
Uncommon Herb(x1)
Ye Olde Antibiotics(x3)