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Author Topic: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)  (Read 27605 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2013, 12:27:14 am »

Healthy competition

ShadowHammer may have won the hearts and minds of Battletrials' townspeople, but Sloth the Miner had something to say about that.

She volunteered to be the 2nd dwarf to fight in the arena. ShadowHammer had joked in the week leading up to the fight that she would have no chance of success, especially as her opponent was one of the goblin spearmen captured during the invasion. ShadowHammer had taken on a thief and it was a tough bout, so what chance did a part-time miner have against a spearman?

Sloth simply smiled every time ShadowHammer got in her ear and said "We'll see." She had managed to obtain a steel pick-axe from Ilral the broker after bringing him back a gem from her latest mining expedition, so she was confident.

The week passed without incident (a rarity in Battletrials), which meant that arena night was even more anticipated by the townspeople.

Sloth waited in the arena, lazily swinging her pick axe back and forth. The mess from the previous battle remained in the arena, a stark reminder of the price of failure.

The goblin spearman was carted ceremoniously to the arena pit, and cast down onto the cold stone floor of the combat area. He lay there, stunned for a moment before springing to his feet.

He snarled at Sloth, who merely smiled, standing perfectly still. The goblin spearman charged at Sloth, running full-pelt at the stationary dwarf.

As the crowd looked on above, Sloth raised her pick-axe and waited for the goblin to get within range. When the goblin was just out of arms reach, she calmly swung her pick-axe at the goblin's midsection, using the pick axe's heavy weight to increase its momentum.

The results were spectacular.

The goblin speardwarf exploded in a shower of blood and guts, both halves of the creature falling to the ground with a sickening wet thud.

The crowd went silent for a moment... then erupted in applause and cheers.

Sloth looked up at her comrades who were watching from the balcony, picking out ShadowHammer from the crowd. She raised her pick-axe to him, smiled broadly then walked out of the arena.

Hatchy, waiting in the barracks, turned to Sloth as she walked out of the arena. "That was anti-climactic," she said after her.


It had been a week since Sloth's triumph in the arena and Battletrials had seemingly forgot all about its woes. Kivish had smartly re-assigned a handful of idle farmers and fisherdwarves to be apprentice masons. Their first job was to construct coffins sufficient enough to bury the dead of Battletrials. With this job accomplished the remaining dwarves brought each of their buried comrades to the crypt, laying each one to rest.

Jester and Kivish watched as each dwarf was put to rest. He shook his head. "I didn't realise we had lost so many."

Kivish sighed and flicked through her paperwork. "The rebellion was a crazy time for you. Records weren't kept and dwarves lives were being thrown away." She raised her eyes as she saw the last rock coffin being sealed. "At least we can now put them to rest and get on with it."


The woodcarvers and their apprentices had been complaining non-stop about the lack of logs in Battletrials. Trees being impossible to come by in a desert they had been relying on dwindling provisions, the last of which had just run out. So it was a joyous occasion when the elven traders returned to the fortress.

Ilral, ever the thrifty trader, persuaded the elves to part with all of their logs in exchange for rock crafts and tattered clothing donated by dwarves who no longer needed them. The wood carvers got back to work, eager to complete the large number of cage traps ordered by Kivish.

The traps started to form a ring around the town entrance, designed to ensnare kobolds or goblins stupid enough to come back by clogging up chokepoints and covering the approaches to the main doors.

Many many more would be needed.

The miners had also reported a triumph of their own. At Kivish's insistence they had continued to expand their mineshafts downwards, and had been met with great success: they had discovered a vast underground cavern, full of water, trees and plants.

Kivish ordered the cavern to be expanded, stairways to be dug down to its lowest levels and the trees to be harvested. Battletrials finally had its own supply of trees.

The dwarves had also celebrated the digging out of their new dining hall. The masons got to work on smoothing and engraving it as a plethora of tables and chairs were ordered to be built.

To commemorate the new dining hall one of Battletrials' remaining ghosts decided to possess one of the dwarves.

The dwarf immediately got to work depleting the fortress' precious steel stockpile. The end result was an amazing bucket which was designated for the fortress' first well, which was being designed by the local architects.


TokimiDwarfy had been begging Jester for weeks to have a crack at one of the remaining captured goblins. Jester had until now refused her request, fearing that her inexperience would cause her to get injured. So the two agreed on a comprise: she would take on the captured thief in a private training session, away from the crowds, if he could intervene at any time. She agreed.

So TokimiDwarfy waited in the arena, excitement etched onto her face as the goblin was cast down into the arena. Jester watched on from the doorway into the arena, war hammer drawn.

TokimiDwarfy approached the cloaked goblin. She was decked out in metal armour however had kept her silk shoes; she had argued with Jester on this, saying they were better to dodge with.

She started to charge, the goblin electing to stand and absorb the impact. They both tumbled backwards to the floor. The goblin unsheathed her dagger and started swinging at TokimiDwarfy, who managed to block and riposte while still on the ground. The goblin then lunged forward and, breaching TokimiDwarfy's defences managed to plunge her dagger into the one unarmoured spot on her body, her foot.

TokimiDwarfy screamed in pain as the goblin twisted the knife around in her foot. The goblin jumped back as TokimiDwarfy got to her feet, gingerly moving forward to attack the goblin.

The goblin managed to get another strike in, this time to TokimiDwarfy's lower body, but this was deflected by her leggings.

Jester could see where this was going, as the goblin started to dance circles around the crippled dwarf. "TokimiDwarfy, get back inside the barracks," he yelled as he moved into the arena centre, war hammer at the ready.

Tokimi hobbled past Jester as the thief, spying a new target, turned to engage Jester. However this battle was much more one-sided. After kicking the goblin to wind it, Jester started bashing the goblin all over its body, bruising muscle and causing the goblin to cry out again and again.

After delivering a stunning blow to the goblin's head which sent it reeling, he finished the fight with one more blow to the head. The war hammer penetrated the skull and became lodged in the wound. He let the handle go, letting the goblin fall to the ground.

Jester pulled his hammer out of the goblin's head and walked out of the arena. He came across TokimiDwarfy in the barracks, foot badly bleeding. He helped her up to the hospital room. As she lay down in the bed she looked Jester in the eyes and said "I'm sorry... I thought I could take her..."

Jester smiled and shook his head. "You have to learn the hard way. Now rest up," he replied, walking out of the hospital. He spied Hatchy running up the main corridor. Running to catch up with her they both reached the main doorway as dwarves were pouring inside the fortress, crying out in fear.

Hatchy grabbed one of the Hunters who passed her. "What is it?" she asked.

The dwarf looked at her grimly. "It's goblins. We're being invaded."

Show of strength

The goblins had followed the approaches of a new wave of dwarves to Battletrials, as well as a human caravan.

They took up positions on a ridge high up on the mountain which Battletrials was built into. There they waited.

Hatchy and Jester took up a position which allowed them clear line-of-sight of the goblin invaders. Hatchy turned to Jester. "Why are they just standing there?" she asked.

Jester's brow furrowed. "We removed all the slope leading to our front gates. They have no way of getting down to us."

Hatchy smiled, then frowned. "On the one hand, that's great news for the fortress. On the other hand, how are we supposed to capture them if they don't even try to come down?"

"Exactly. They aren't doing much good up there." Jester then had an idea. "I'll be right back." He ran off into the fortress, returning a few minutes later with Usuth the Hunter and one of the masons in tow.

"Alright everyone," Jester said to the group. "This is the plan. We build a ramp leading from the nearest upper level to the edge of the fortress, see if we can't sucker them in that way. Usuth, if this fails I want you to take one of the other Hunters and get as close as possible to them. Try to fire a few bolts at them to lure them out."

The mason nodded, lugging a large granite stone to the edge of the mountain while the other dwarves watched on. Quick as a flash the ramp was completed and the mason scurried back to the safety of the fortress. The gladiators and Hunter watched as the goblins... did absolutely nothing.

Jester, annoyed, turned to Usuth. "Alright, that failed. Now it's your turn. Don't get killed."

Usuth nodded, he and one of his fellow hunters creeping forward slowly, up the ramp. The goblins, who had been intently recording everything about the fortress, saw the approaching Hunters but opted not to approach them. They watched as the Hunters got into position, loaded their crossbows and started firing at a goblin swordsman.

The goblin was struck by a bolt, crying out in pain as it tore into his torso.

With bolts flying from the two Hunters, the goblins decided to beat a retreat. They had gathered the information they came for.

As soon as it had started, the first proper siege of Battletrials had ended. All that had been left behind was a pile of spent bolts and a lot of questions.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 12:30:04 am by HectorX »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #76 on: August 04, 2013, 05:20:48 am »


Kivish sat in her office, pouring over documents in front of her. It was late, the kind of late where any sane dwarf would have long since past out, spooning a barrel of ale. Yet Kivish couldn't sleep. The events of the last  few days had everyone rattled, her especially.

The siege had been anything but, and this worried her. Even though nothing had eventuated from the goblin incursion there were still areas which needed great improvement. Battletrials was a long way off being a fortress which could consider itself "safe."

The most troubling aspect was the lax medical department. The dwarves had panicked upon seeing the goblins and, in their fear, had forgotten all about the single dwarf in the medical bay at the time of the siege... poor TokimiDwarfy.

Kivish shook her head... such a needless death, borne out of incompetency. Jester's efforts to save her had been for nought. Her husband Nix had been beside himself with grief, yet luckily for Battletrials he took out his frustrations in the training room instead of on the other dwarves. Jester was keeping an eye on him for the time being.

Flicking through her documents she read over her latest efforts to bring law and order to the fortress. Having appointed a captain of the guard and hammerer she had signed off on punishment orders for dwarves who had sought to undermine Battletrials with their actions.

First off was Onget the mechanic, for the brutal murder of Olin the Wood Burner during the rebellion. Kivish had sentenced him to 19 hammerstrikes as punishment.

Iton was a brutal Hammerer. Onget did not survive the punishment, with Iton crushing his lungs under the weight of his hammer.

Next was Oddom the Weaponsmith. His frequent tantrums had gone unpoliced until now but he was being charged with the murder of two dwarves.

His sentence was yet to be carried out.

She was troubled by one of the names on her list... Ilral the broker. She wanted to discuss these allegations in person before making a decision; he had been a fine citizen, helping Battletrials secure a wide variety of trade goods.

As if on cue, she heard a knock at her office door. Ilral was standing in the doorway, a tired smile on his face. "You asked to see me?" he said.

Kivish gestured to the chair in front of her. Ilral walked in and took his seat, his posture relaxed. Kivish slid a piece of paper towards him. Ilral took it, looking over its contents. He looked at Kivish and raised an eyebrow. "You can't be serious, right?"

Kivish gave Ilral a level stare. "These are very serious allegations. You were spotted near the scenes of a recent murder. I wanted to give you a chance to explain yourself before I decided upon your guilt."

Ilral snorted, rolling his eyes. "What's to explain? It's a coincidence. I have done nothing but good for this fortress and yet here I sit, accused of murder? This is ridiculous." He stood up, pacing back and forth, clearly agitated.

Kivish followed him with her eyes, speaking softly. "I'm not accusing you of anything but even you must admit this looks suspicious. Nobody is questioning your committment to Battletrials but there have been murders which have gone unsolved. The people want answers and they expect me to deliver them. You were seen near these crimescenes. What is your explanation?"

Ilral stopped pacing and looked at Kivish. He approached her slowly, kneeling down next to where she sat in her chair. He looked her in the eye and said "I would never mean to hurt anyone."

Kivish sighed and looked down at Ilral before standing up and walking over to her cabinet, the crime report in hand. She felt a hand across her mouth and before she could register what was going on, Ilral had one arm around her waist, his other hand holding her head back at an angle.

Ilral whispered softly into her ear. "But sometimes... I have no choice. Forgive me." Kivish screamed into Ilral's hand but could do nothing as Ilral, his canine teeth lengthening into fangs, bit down hard on Kivish's neck. Ilral sucked on the holes he created in Kivish's neck, feeling her blood flow out of her body as she fought to free herself from his grasp. But Ilral's strength proved too much. Kivish's kicks grew weaker as more blood was drained out of her body until, finally, she fell to the floor, a dried-out husk.

Ilral stood still for a few moments, breathing hard, wiping his mouth to clear away remaining blood. He hadn't feed for a while so was a lot weaker than usual. He wished he didn't have to kill Kivish but she was the weakest member of the fortress. If only she hadn't confronted me... he thought as he grabbed the crime reports from her desk and stuffed them into his pocket. Grabbing Kivish's under her arms he dragged her body outside, to the end of the hallway.

He dumped her body and back up the hallway.

Head Honcho

The next day, Jester and Hatchy were immediately summoned to the scene of Kivish's demise.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The two dwarves kept all emotion off their face as they examined Kivish's lifeless body, noting the puncture mark on her neck.

"Not this again... I thought this bastard had gone away," Hatchy growled. Jester, on his haunches examining the mayor's body stood up, turning his back on the body and nodding to the medical dwarves waiting in the corridor. They moved forward and carefully picked up the corpse of their mayor. The other dwarves of Battletrials lined the corridors as Kivish's body was laid to rest inside the crypt.

Ilral was amongst them. He walked towards the two gladiators, his eyes full of sadness. "Terrible, terrible tragedy," he said. Jester nodded, saying nothing. "I think it best if we moved on as quickly as possible," Ilral continued. "This place only just started running properly again. The last thing we want is for everyone to lose heart."

Jester looked at Ilral. "Are you volunteering?" he said, his voice low.

Ilral looked to be thinking for a moment. He then nodded. "Everyone knows me, they respect me. I can keep everyone on track."

Hatchy looked Ilral up and down. Sure is keen... she thought. Jester hesitated, then nodded. "Alright."

The two gladiators turned and walked off, leaving Ilral standing in the middle of the corridor. Hatchy hissed into Jester's ear as they walked. "That surely can't be a coincidence."

"Definitely not," he replied. "Just need to prove it."

One of their own

The next few days were a blur for Jester and Hatchy as they interrogated every dwarf in Battletrials while Ilral moved into the mayor's office. After speaking to some engravers who had been performing late-night work in the dining room near Kivish's office, the two gladiators had narrowed down their list of suspects to one dwarf.

They were angry. Mostly because it hadn't occured to them earlier that the vampire had been Ilral all along. As they walked down to the mayor's office, captain of the guard following behind them, the two dwarves went over the evidence they had put together.

The testimony of the engravers...

Ilral's extensive list of prior experience prior to Battletrials...

Lastly, his age. Physically he looked... ancient. He usually spoke of events, people who had been long-dead as though he had known them. It just hadn't clicked until Kivish's death.

The group reached Ilral's office, pushing open the door. Ilral was behind his desk, signing mandate orders.

Ilral looked up, seeing the three dwarves, decked out in full metal armour. "What can I do for you three?" he asked cheerfully.

Jester said nothing, walked up to Ilral, picked him up by the collar and threw him against the far wall. The dwarf hit the wall hard and slumped to the ground, knocked unconscious.

"Subtle," Hatchy said.

"You know me so well," Jester replied as he went through Ilral's pockets. He felt a crumpled sheet of paper inside the breast pocket. Jester pulled it out of his pocket, his eyes flicking over the text.

"Crime report... all of them mentioning Ilral," Jester said, handing the report to the captain of the guard. "I think we've seen enough."


The second new mayor in a week, Shorast, worked with Jester and Hatchy over the next few days to try and convict Ilral of murder and vampirism.

In total, four murders had been attributed to the former broker. His punishment was to be severe.

Hatchy and Jester had called for him to be thrown into the river and drowned however Shorast had pointed out - quite rightly - that Ilral did more for morale to be chained up in the old barracks.

Ilral was dragged through the main corridor of Battletrials by the hammerer Iton. The dwarves threw all manner of filth and horse intenstines at the dejected vampire as he was led to the make-shift prison located in Hatchy's old training centre on the upper level.

Ilral sat, despondent, on the cold sandy floor of his new home. He pondered what the future held for him. Besides a massive amount of hammer-strikes.


So this was a huge annoyance. Cannot believe it was Ilral the whole time. Didn't really want to lose the mayor to prove it but it was fairly suspicious of Ilral to suddenly assume the mantle of mayor.

Also sorry TokimiDwarfy, damn surgeons didn't get you water from the cavern until it was too late. :(
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 05:32:37 am by HectorX »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #77 on: August 04, 2013, 06:28:47 am »

Hammerstrikes?  Pfft.  His punishment must be more severe.

I recommend a couple dozen menacing wooden spikes through his flesh. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2013, 12:28:03 pm »

Too bad the siege retreated so quickly. We could have gotten some pets for the arena! And while it was unfortunate that Ilral murdered so many dwarves, he is still useful; he could be sentenced to eternal patrol duty as punishment. Just make a burrow for him that includes everything except the hospital and sleeping quarters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #79 on: August 04, 2013, 05:39:32 pm »

Too bad the siege retreated so quickly. We could have gotten some pets for the arena! And while it was unfortunate that Ilral murdered so many dwarves, he is still useful; he could be sentenced to eternal patrol duty as punishment. Just make a burrow for him that includes everything except the hospital and sleeping quarters.

I was wondering about that. If he and a dwarf were alone, say, outdoors or in a mine shaft, would he still attack them? Or would it only be while they slept?

And yes, I was a bit too smart for my own good removing all those ramps. Even though I added one I don't think they were keen on approaching. :(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #80 on: August 05, 2013, 09:31:29 am »

A little bit of history

Much had been made of Battletrials' heroic gladiators, darstardly politicians and deceptive resident vampire. The engravings which now coated the walls of the fortress told tall tales from the beginning of the world, to the founding of Battletrials itself. Every day events such as the ousting of Fikod, to the goblin ambush which nearly spelled doom for the town were etched in brilliant mosaic carvings which danced along the walls and floors of the fortress.

But what about the children? Those forgotten members of the fortress, who get exposed to the same violence and debauchery that the adults do, rarely get mentioned in the legends and opus' which litter the history books.

Shorast, the third mayor of Battletrials, had a soft spot for kids. He took it upon himself to teach the three children of the fortress about the history of the world. He figured that they may be destroyed or destroy themselves any minute so, if any of the children happen to escape the carnage, they should go back to the Mountainhome as educated dwarves.

On this day his makeshift class had a guest, Zan the Mason, who had taken time out of his schedule to talk to the class about a wonderous creation he had recently completed.

Shorast, sitting at the back of the office, gestured to Zan. "Everyone say hello to our guest, Zan. He's a mason, so he's very good with crafting from stone."

The kids said hello in unison. Zan smiled as he looked down the students eager faces. "Hello everyone," he said, a hint of nerves in his voice. "I've been invited here today to talk about something I just finished making in my workshop." Zen gestured to his left, at the cloth-covered object which sat next to him. "At some point when you grow up," he continued, "Your mind will tell you to do strange things."

One of the kids raised their hands. "What do you mean strange?" she asked.

Zan considered his answer carefully for a moment. "Imagine that, all of a sudden, nothing else matters. Food, drink, other dwarves. All you can think about is... an idea." He was talking with his hands, his eyes widening as he recalled the surreal events which had transpired only days earlier. "It may be something small, like a toy, or something useful like a door. All you know is that nothing else matters until you make it. Once you're finished

The kids chatted excitedly. The first girl raised her hand again. "What did you make, mister?" she said. Zan smiled and withdrew the cloth from over his creation.

The kids smiles faded. One of them yawned. "You made a cabinet? But that's boring! You just put clothes in it."

Zan laughed. "It's not the most exciting, until you look at the side." He put his hands on the sides of the cabinet and, grunting with exertion, turned the cabinet around so the left hand side faced the students. Carved into the side of the solid granite cabinet was an intricate scene.

The kids ahh'd as they crawled in for a closer look. They chatted amongst themselves as their fingers traced over the intricate shape of Nguzo the minotaur, his giant horns soaked in blood as Sanera the elf was impaled on their razor-sharp points. The minotaur was roaring as he struck down the elf.

The kids then spied the other side of the cabinet, which had carvings of dwarves. One of the kids tugged on Zan's sleeve. "Who is this dwarf?"

"This is the First King. Momuz Homagehatchet. The founder of our mother fortress, The Massive Helms. It is because of him that we have the fine civilisation that we enjoy today."

"Wow," the kids said, exploring every inch of the cabinet. After a while Shorast got up and walked over to Zan, shaking his hand. "Thanks for coming in," he said.

Zan smiled. "It's good for them to see that on every boring cabinet there can be a fun carving of elven pain and suffering."

Paying the price

Crusoe the Marksdwarf had been itching for his chance to prove his worth in the arena. Jester had been distracted with the events surrounding Kivish's death and Ilral's arrest so had not ordered any new arena bouts in recent weeks. Finally he had had enough. He had persuaded one of his Animal Trainer friends to drag down the last remaining goblin prisoner from the prisoner stockpile to the arena, where he stood waiting, alone. The other gladiators were nowhere to be found, Jester included, so Crusoe and the goblin speardwarf were on their own.

Grinning from ear to ear he reached behind him into his quiver... which was empty. Crap... forgot to re-fill it. Crusoe swore, then drew his short sword and approached the goblin, who calmly held out his spear in front of him and walked out to meet Crusoe.

The goblin sneered, hissed then charged forward. Crusoe's heart leaped into his throat as he saw the goblin rushing forward, raising his sword out of reflex to protect his head and torso. The goblin's spear thrust forward and plunged deeply through the protection of his cloak, tearing into the muscle of Crusoe's right upper arm.

Crusoe cried out in shock and pain as he staggered backwards. His right arm tingled and he lost the ability hold onto his shield and sword, which clattered to the ground in front of him. Crusoe cradled his right arm with his left as he tried to dodge the goblin's spear thrusts. After dodging a particularly vicious stab Crusoe decided to shoulder-charge the goblin, crunching into his torso and sending the goblin tumbling to the ground. The spearman, still on his back, stabbed forward with his spear, the point penetrating the bottom of Crusoe's shoe and tearing through his skin.

Crusoe cried out and jumped back, his arm still gushing blood. He weighed up his options. He decided to move back towards the door leading to the arena. He walked backwards towards the door, dodging strikes from the goblin who had jumped to his feet and was again harassing Crusoe with his spear. Crusoe reached the door and started banging on it with his fist, still the goblin and dodging his strikes.

"Hello? Who is there?" said a voice from the other side of the door. It was Jester's voice.

"Jester! I need help!" Crusoe cried, kicking sand in the face of the goblin, who reeled back.

The second door to the arena burst opened after a few seconds and Jester, armourless but with war hammer in hand, burst into the arena. He quickly weighed up the situation, glaring at Crusoe. "What the hell have you done!?" he hissed, holding his arm across Crusoe and pushing him back through the open door. Crusoe went sprawling back into the barracks, landing on the flat of his back, as Jester charged towards the goblin.

This goblin however was smart. Deftly side-stepping Jester's charge he turned and plunged his spear into Jester's unarmoured left thigh. Roaring in pain Jester fell over, unable to feel his left leg. The end of the spear twisted around in the wound for a moment before being withdrawn.

Jester swallowed the panic of realising he couldn't feel his leg, swivelling around on the ground and smashing his hammer into the right foot of the goblin, driving it back into its ankle and shattering the bone. The goblin howled and struck at the dwarf but Jester parried the blow and smashed his hammer into the left leg of the goblin. The goblin, the bone in his left leg chipped, stumbled forward, allowing Jester to strike at his lower arm, breaking it, before landing a final blow square on the goblin's head.

The speardwarf fell to the ground, dead.

Jester, panting heavily, tearing a strip off his tunic and wrapping it around the bleeding hole in his leg. He propped himself up onto his one good leg with his war hammer and hobbled towards the arena door, which had been held open by Crusoe who watched, grimly, as his commander walked past him silently, grunting with pain.

Getting used to things

Jester sat up in the hospital bed, swinging his injured leg back and forth. It had been a week since the arena and after intensive work from the medical dwarves, Jester could walk again, albiet with a new friend: a wooden crutch, strapped alongside each side of his leg. The doctors didn't know if he could ever walk properly again without it, so he was trying his best to get used to it.

Hatchy and Crusoe watched from the door as Jester stood up, shakily, and walked a few paces around the hospital, Sibrek the medical dwarf watched intently, scribbling notes as Jester walked around in circles.

"Alright, thanks Jester," Sibrek said, helping the militia commander sit back down on the bed. "When you're ready, you are free to resume normal duties. This crutch will let you walk the same as you did before... in time. For now, you will be slower, so don't go running any races."

Jester smiled despite his obvious discomfort, nodding and clapping the doctor on the back as he stood up again and walked towards the hospital door. Hatchy did her best to smile despite her concern. Crusoe avoided Jester's gaze.

"Don't tell me you're going to retire," Hatchy said.

Jester shook his head, jerking his head towards Crusoe. "If I retire, this one will feel miserable. Have to show him that even if you get injured, you keep going." He turned to Crusoe and put his hand on his shoulder. "You messed up, kid. But that's you learn. How's your arm?"

Crusoe grimaced, rubbing the bandages which covered his arm. "Healing. Look, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you..."

Jester shook his head. "Just get me a barrel of booze every now and then. At least until I learn how to walk fast enough to keep up with you kids."

Well that escalated quickly

A few weeks passed. Jester's leg had healed nicely as far as physical deformity however he was resigned to always needing the crutch. His walking speed had increased and he was even participating in sparring sessions; the dwarves were surprised with how nimble he was hobbling around while blocking and striking.

With Battletrials now out of goblin prisoners Shorast had been presiding over the rapid increase in engraving works in an effort to make the fortress more enticing. The old dining room had now been replaced with a statue garden, with two large golden statues standing proudly in the centre. Engravings now covered the fortress, not only in the new dining room but across more and more hallways. Battletrials had never looked more amazing.

The plan worked. A little too well.

Hunters out catching Thrip people were the first to raise the alarm, their keen eyes spotting a mass of movement towards the east and west. Hatchy and Jester - hobbling frantically - rushed to the entrance of the fortress as the Hunters pointed to the approaching threat.

The goblins had returned.

As Jester and Hatchy watched from their vantage point at the main gates, the goblins' numbers grew. And grew. And grew further, along both horizons. The goblins, obviously having learnt from their first incursion, had decided to attack in a pincer movement.

"How many do you count?" Jester asked, his eyes peering towards the east.

Hatchy was facing west, counting on her fingers. "Including yours, I count 24 goblins... and five trolls."

Jester nodded. "Do all of your goblins have war mounts?"

"Yes," Hatchy responded, "Both crocodiles and giant cave swallows."

"Mine too," Jester said. "So take those 24 goblins, add on their mounts which can be even more dangerous and you have... 48. Plus the trolls which makes 53 altogether... effective strength is roughly around the 60-70 mark."

Hatchy whistled. "So nearly half of our entire population. Are we screwed?"

Jester snorted. "We were screwed the moment we set foot inside Battletrials. This just makes things interesting."


Am now caught up again. This invasion is by far the largest I have ever tried to repel. With Jester injured too, this makes things rather interesting indeed. Armour has definitely been a steep learning curve for me this game.

I am thinking that I may have enough cage traps in tactical locations to nullify the trolls, so sealing myself away and drafting half the fortress into leather armour (I more than enough tanned hides so I can get this done as long as the doors hold) and using up all my remaining bars for weapons. I MAY have enough bodies to match numbers. But this is... wow. The mounts worry me.

The alternative is a blaze of glory straight out the front doors.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 09:35:18 am by HectorX »


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #81 on: August 05, 2013, 11:55:26 am »

I think a "Last March of the Dwarves" would end as expected; dwarf porcupines and lots of smashed brains.

Dunno, maybe you could make a bunch of contingency fortifications in multiple hallways. Fortifications in the wall with small access rooms on the other side. Maybe one at the end of the hallway, and one on a side wall for a crossfire (assuming we have enough bolts for anything of the sort).

Sorry if that's vague, but I don't mean that marksdwarves are standing in the hallway behind fortifications, I mean fortifications built directly into the walls of said hallways, with access only from safe locations. Another way to think of it is a sort of inside watchtower (without the tower) or a shooting platform.

This way you can keep close-combat soldiers protecting civilians and/or in choke points/rooms/etc. while Marksdwarves soften them up at the entrance and wide open spaces would-be death-traps for any melee soldiers, considering that the goblins brought a squad(s?) of marksgobs and an Elite Bowman, all on mounts.

Just a thought.  ;)

Oh, and if we make it through this, mebbe I could get another go in the arena, with ammo this time.  XD


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #82 on: August 05, 2013, 04:38:45 pm »

You could increase the effectiveness of The Last March of the Dwarves by caging the trolls, and then forbidding the next set of doors and doing this:
 gggg[]:) :o
because they are long range. The cave crocs and hammerlord would devastate the gladiators, but if you do this
Dunno, maybe you could make a bunch of contingency fortifications in multiple hallways. Fortifications in the wall with small access rooms on the other side. Maybe one at the end of the hallway, and one on a side wall for a crossfire (assuming we have enough bolts for anything of the sort).
and give one marksdwarf squad the specific order "kill gobbo hammerlord", then we might be able to make it.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 04:43:05 pm by ShadowHammer »


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #83 on: August 05, 2013, 06:37:48 pm »

Dunno, maybe you could make a bunch of contingency fortifications in multiple hallways. Fortifications in the wall with small access rooms on the other side. Maybe one at the end of the hallway, and one on a side wall for a crossfire (assuming we have enough bolts for anything of the sort).

This way you can keep close-combat soldiers protecting civilians and/or in choke points/rooms/etc. while Marksdwarves soften them up at the entrance and wide open spaces would-be death-traps for any melee soldiers, considering that the goblins brought a squad(s?) of marksgobs and an Elite Bowman, all on mounts.

You could increase the effectiveness of The Last March of the Dwarves by caging the trolls, and then forbidding the next set of doors and doing this:
 gggg[]:) :o
because they are long range. The cave crocs and hammerlord would devastate the gladiators, but if you do this and give one marksdwarf squad the specific order "kill gobbo hammerlord", then we might be able to make it.

I was originally thinking of going down the crude path of building fortifications across my main hallways, leading to a three-way cross-fire. However there are so many goblin archers that they could just as easily fire back and obliterate what marksdwarves I have. So the embedded fortifications are a good option.

EDIT: Or both! Upon thinking about it, the fortifications across both hallways are good... perhaps I could put the miners onto the upper levels, dig a channel then drop troops down into the middle of the weakened goblins.

My main goal is still to capture as many as possible for the arena. However would this mean that when I dump them into the arena they would still be riding their mounts?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 06:51:49 pm by HectorX »


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #84 on: August 06, 2013, 04:02:23 am »


My main goal is still to capture as many as possible for the arena. However would this mean that when I dump them into the arena they would still be riding their mounts?

Their mounts will get caged literally from beneath them... And once that happens the rider usually stops and looks around in confusion and embarrassment instead of moving, so even 2 lines of cages are likely to catch mostly just mounts and trolls.


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #85 on: August 06, 2013, 04:44:49 am »

Their mounts will get caged literally from beneath them... And once that happens the rider usually stops and looks around in confusion and embarrassment instead of moving, so even 2 lines of cages are likely to catch mostly just mounts and trolls.

So I could potentially have nearly two-dozen goblins looking forlorn at the loss of their mounts, not attacking, just staring longingly into my traps?



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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #86 on: August 06, 2013, 05:02:29 am »

Their mounts will get caged literally from beneath them... And once that happens the rider usually stops and looks around in confusion and embarrassment instead of moving, so even 2 lines of cages are likely to catch mostly just mounts and trolls.

So I could potentially have nearly two-dozen goblins looking forlorn at the loss of their mounts, not attacking, just staring longingly into my traps?


Make no mistake - they usually WILL continue attack after waiting for a while. What happened in my latest siege was that the leader of a Goblin squad lost his mount and ran off(but did not exit the embark area, and joined the battle later) while his subjects carried on with the attack, even when they had no reachable targets.

Even sieges as large as the one you now face tend to disengage and run away when their casualties hit approx. 40-50% mark, possibly whenenough oftheir leaders are dead. Its possible to defeat-in-detail them by taking out one of their formations with the full strength of your army and then see the rest of the Goblins flee either right away or shortly after they've engaged you in the main battle and have taken some casualties.


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #87 on: August 06, 2013, 05:13:32 am »

Make no mistake - they usually WILL continue attack after waiting for a while. What happened in my latest siege was that the leader of a Goblin squad lost his mount and ran off(but did not exit the embark area, and joined the battle later) while his subjects carried on with the attack, even when they had no reachable targets.

Even sieges as large as the one you now face tend to disengage and run away when their casualties hit approx. 40-50% mark, possibly whenenough oftheir leaders are dead. Its possible to defeat-in-detail them by taking out one of their formations with the full strength of your army and then see the rest of the Goblins flee either right away or shortly after they've engaged you in the main battle and have taken some casualties.

Cheers for that Erkki, that fills me with a shred of confidence that I could survive this. :P


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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #88 on: August 06, 2013, 12:34:06 pm »

I had another idea: do this
 gggg[]:) :o
To take out the archers, then switch the gladiators to civilian mode while at the same time releasing several war dogs to cover their escape. Then, your archers could fire from fortifications directly on the hallway without worrying about return fire, and from point blank like that they tend not to miss even if they're recruits.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battletrials - Wayward Warriors (Community)
« Reply #89 on: August 06, 2013, 06:04:52 pm »

I had another idea: do this
 gggg[]:) :o
To take out the archers, then switch the gladiators to civilian mode while at the same time releasing several war dogs to cover their escape. Then, your archers could fire from fortifications directly on the hallway without worrying about return fire, and from point blank like that they tend not to miss even if they're recruits.

I probably should have asked this the first time, but those [] between the smiley dwarves and the evil g's, are they fortifications?

I still have several wardogs left so that is definitely an idea. :)
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