No problem.
Now for a question of my own. Anyone here mod dominions 4?
I was working on a mod and I wanted to create something to replace the Lichcraft and Vampire Lord spells. Originally I wanted to modify the spells so that they work like the twiceborn or transformation spells. By that, I mean I want the spells to transform a mage into a lich / vampire instead of summoning one.
Unfortunately, from the research I've done, those spells seem to have hardcoded effected that can't be modified like a summoning spell for example could. I tried personally making a custom spell with the transformation effect and changing the damage value to that of the lich's id just to check and it didn't work. Pretty sure twiceborn is the same.
Anyway, on to my question. Do any of you know if it's possible to take the effects of say the Lycanthropes amulet or that troll skin artifact and modify those to get a similar effect?
Unfortunately while I'm semi competent (or barely competent
) with modding units and spells, I know next to nothing about how more elaborate item modding works. Any help here would be much appreciated.
To clarify, I know how to modify things like damage, attack, defense, protection, encumbrance values, etc thanks to browsing that modding manual and I use the mod editor to check over everything for me and for making some value modifications. I do not however know how to do anything with any special magic like effects with items.