I have been cobbling together some ideas for a nation mod, and I've been wondering about how a few things would work and how they could be balanced properly.
The main gimmick of the nation that I'd like to use, is unrestricted communion. That is, every single one of the nation's mages is a communion master, and every mage and commander (basically the same thing) knows a simple intrinsic spell they can cast to enter communion as a slave. This would be all kinds of broken if the nation had regular mages, so I thought of making the nation's mages highly specialized and weak individually - I.e. there would be three types of "mages", and each would have a 100% chance of one level in one of two paths (Nature/Earth, Water/Air, Fire/Astral), plus something like a 10% chance of an additional path level. Outside of heroes, pretenders, and summoned/independent mages, there would be no multi-path mages in the nation.
How would that work for balance, as a pro/con?
Also, I was thinking about the idea of giving the nation specific sacred/special units if specific pretenders are chosen. I.e. if you choose a particular pretender, an event spawns an additional site at your capital allowing you to recruit additional types of units. As a side effect, you wouldn't get that special site unless your pretender was actually in your capital, so this would incentivise having an Awake pretender to get the useful special units early. Would this be possible, and how expensive do you think such a feature would that have to be, point cost-wise?
(Other notes: the nation in question would have no "feet", and does not have arms as such but does have one "grasp" that can use weapons and be justifiably called an "arm", even if it's not. Does that constitute a significant drawback in terms of potential equipment, and would adding a third Misc slot to all of the nation's units be an acceptable compensation if it is?)