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Author Topic: You are a Lord II  (Read 33587 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #255 on: June 19, 2013, 11:13:35 pm »

On second thought, all your Meridia women look like the cattle they care for.  We'll do the job with no rape whatsoever, free of charge.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #256 on: June 20, 2013, 04:05:15 am »

Anders storms up to the castle gates in a hurry, and immediately requests an audience with the King.
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #257 on: June 20, 2013, 04:28:30 am »

Gorlath slowly approaches the gates of the capital, his heavy footsteps impacting upon the dirt road that led to the castle itself, leaving behind some impressibely deep footsteps upon the surface of the road.

Approaching the guards at the entrance, he bowed humbly before introducing himself.

"I am Gorlath, Chaplain-Errant of his holiness the pope. I wish to to speak to your liege." he said softly, not making much of an expression while speaking.

He is kept waiting for a short while before guards lead him to the throne room, where King Arcadius was already waiting. His expression was a mixture of curiosity and surprise. He did not expect a member of the papcy to visit him directly. On the other hand, his court was not the most religious one, if the presence of mages and shamans over priests was to be noted.

"Greetings, reverend chaplain. What brings you forth before me? I hope that any affairs of faith can be addressed and resolved here, with your help of course."

Anders storms up to the castle gates in a hurry, and immediately requests an audience with the King.

Being one of the chief royal officers in the kingdom as the representative of the capital city, he is let in before king with no trouble.

"Ah, Lord Mayor Anders! I hope you can explain your absence when an angry mob made its demands and threats on me. I had to put them down like cattle. I appreciate the importance of the city, but I expect burghers to know when they are crossing the line."

King's expression was stern, but he was expecting a positve reply. Lord Mayor could tell that situation was salvageable if the king could be swayed to change his mind. The court was full of people who could sway the king, and it wasn't such a bad idea to get support of another couriter. But for now, it was just anders and his monarch.

"My Lord Chancellor, now that a Steward was appointed and we know that there is more to the hillmen than just warfare and tribute alone, I am recondiering the peace option you gave me earlier."
Both men were sat in king's private chambers, fire crackling in the fireplace and food laid out on the table. King motioned to Atsam to eat, while he happily stuffed himself with cold meat.
"Also, Hulen brought in some interesting portents to me the other day, and they revealed ot me the most amazing piece of history. While I am no good with prophecies, it talks about 7 beasts that sound remarkably like the hill tribes. Except there are 6 hill tribes, while the 7th is under the "light of the ogress".
Now, the prophecy spells out peace as the most liekly option, for war under the banner of the ogre is not sure of bringing victory to the 7th tribe. I hope I am making sense to you. If so, you have your mission cut out - once Grewie is back, look into settlement terms yet again, see i we can take them on if negotiations go sour and... I see that you want to tell me something. Go ahead. What do you think of my idea?

King put down the piece of ham in his hand and waited for his chancellor to reply.

Kyle walks into the throne room to see an injured Raeric.
"Oh for the love of... When your done here get to the infirmary! It's not good to run around with broken ribs. Also, sire, before you propose a feast in celebration, because I know you love to do that, remember your diet."
With that Kyle walks off to organize plans for a school system.

[1+1+1] With your talent for organization and far-fetched plans for education in the kingdom,  you make more progress than you did before. While you have the help of the invited philosopher and his people as well as library resources to boot, you come up with no more than a brief project for a royal college in the capital. Taking into account your lack of success with inventing a curicculum for peasantry, systematic education of upper classes and restoration of intelectual life in the kingdom seems to be the only way forward for now.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 05:10:50 am by Ardas »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #258 on: June 20, 2013, 04:35:22 am »

"I was dealing with the more troublesome and rich noble families, all of which insisted upon convening the city council in order to adopt a resolution that would be forced upon you, my lord. The said nobles are not happy with the current situation, and have agreed that if another such riot should occur that I would be deposed due to my loyalties to the kingdom and that they would lead an organised riot. I have done what I can to placate them, but I fear that you or your chancellor must meet with them to truly end their baseless demands."
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #259 on: June 20, 2013, 05:05:01 am »

"Have they specified the nature of thier complaints? Are burghers demanding 'rights' all of a sudden?"

Arcadius considered the issue at hand and came up with an idea.

"Lord Mayor, you are free to take £1 from city tax designated for Crown and use the money to create a solid city guard that will report only to you or royal officers. I want it to be a full-time force that will engage in policing, firefighting and dispersing of riots. You shall be granted the appropriate charter and my Steward shall furnish you with funds. Next time, make sure that grieviances are in a form of a petition and not a mob.
I will send my chancellor to speak with the city council too."
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 05:11:27 am by Ardas »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #260 on: June 20, 2013, 06:23:38 am »

"Thank you. I would be glad for an escort, as my previous escort seemed to follow a different master than I. Good riddance, I say; I hope that my new escort will be better company than the old."

Accept the escort. Chat with them about the state of our respective land. Don't reveal anything that would get the King angry at me, but answer their questions. If the latter conflicts with the former, explain why I can't tell them. Take a mental note of whatever I learn.

[4+1] After talking to them for a while, you realise that they seem to think you are some sort of emissary of the sixth clan.  You don't entirely disavow them of this belief, but you don't deny your origins in Meridia either.  They seem to accept this.  [2] Unfortunately, they don't talk a lot about the inner politics of their peoples, perhaps because they don't know or perhaps they're a little more guarded than you thought after all.

It takes a few more days of travel, but you reach Jalbron with your escort.  On your way you cannot help but notice the areas where the turf has been apparently peeled away to make room for open-cast mining.  The town is palisaded and located atop a defensible hill.  Inside it consists of a cluster of daub and wooden huts, with one stone longhouse for the chief.  The only other stone building is the forge, where the local smith appears to be making axeheads.

After a wait, you are ushered into the longhouse where the chief, an enormously fat man wearing multiple rings and bangles (and topless to boot), is sat upon a very wide wooden throne.  A pair of nubile concubines lounge either side of him, holding serving plates of meat and ale.  You aren't offered a seat, but a serving girl does present you with a small plate of devilled eggs.

"Greetings, lowlander," says the chief.  "No doubt you know who I am, but to avoid embarrassments I may tell you that I am Jabbra Hett, chief of the Jallings.  And you are an emissary from Meridian?  Pray tell, what brings you to my humble abode?"

[4] You are unable to deliver orders to your guards from inside a dungeon, but one of them does approach the mercenary, Korgoth, who just arrived in the capital with an offer of payment.  Perhaps he will come to your rescue.

Well, my men have been whining about the lack of food for a while.  Money tends to fix that.  I'll gladly accept your payment.  What exactly needs done, how much cash you giving, and what are your conditions?  Raping and plundering allowed?  If not, it'll cost ya.

Before you can settle payment, news comes of the riot at the palace gates.  With the resolution of the conflict, your prospective employer disappears, but it occurs to you that the castle is probably in quite dire need of more troops after the ones they lost.  You might try hiring out to the Crown again.

Quote from: Mercenaries Update
You have a company of 100 Professional Light Soldiers (averaging out cavalry and infantry bonuses), who require an upkeep of £15/year.  Your treasury is zilch right now, but they accept deferred payment in exchange for 50% looting rights whenever you go a-looting.  You need to get enough money from pay/loot before the end of the year or they will desert.

Last but not least, remained the issue of Alexis. Arcadius decided to visit her later in her quarters. Despite the troubles and errors, she was one of his most devoted servants and he trusted her with a mission that would weigh on the religious future of the kingdom.

You receive no response when you knock on Alexia's door.  You enter anyway to find a disturbing sight.  The spymistress' throat has been cut, and next to the body is a curt note from the new leader of the blades informing you that they have terminated their contract and are departing for other lands.

You are now short a spymaster and a spy network.

Meanwhile, in the dungeons, Richard McGrieve has gone completely into his own mind and does nothing but sing along to the mad singer's songs.  He is now useless for any confessional purposes - or anything else.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #261 on: June 20, 2013, 07:01:31 am »

"The burghers are not content with the temporary tax increase. They were only awaiting a reason to begin a riot. As for the town guard...Would another half-pound increase in funding be appropriate, considering it would allow for the payment of basic weaponry and teaching of the city guard to fight in organized formations?"
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #262 on: June 20, 2013, 08:00:52 am »

"The burghers are not content with the temporary tax increase. They were only awaiting a reason to begin a riot. As for the town guard...Would another half-pound increase in funding be appropriate, considering it would allow for the payment of basic weaponry and teaching of the city guard to fight in organized formations?"

"Very well. Town Guard of Meridon shall act as its protectors but also as its police. I'm sure the city is aware of hillfolk problem, but Lord Atsam will elaborate on it further."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #263 on: June 20, 2013, 08:23:09 am »

With Anastasia...

Raeric nodded, satisfied at the woman's words. However, when he was finished, he raised an eyebrow and turned towards her.

"I was told you were competent, and I was not disappointed. I'm actually planning to hand you the drills completely, Anastasia. While I can certainly train the peasantry, I am also commander of the King's Wardens, and that takes quite a lot of my time. I cannot correctly handle both responsibilities. What say you?"

Gladly, my good man. No matter how hard we try we cannot be everywhere at once, can we? At that, Anastasia takes command of the levy and drills them hard.

*Sometime later*

Anastasia prowls the little battlefield outside the royal palace, dispatching any still living rioters with her trusty rapier. Messy business, battle. At least the levy has some experience now... She thinks to herself. Finishing her patrol of the dead, she returns to the palace, to keep an eye on things whilst Raeric is out of commission.

*Again, sometime later*

Anastasia listens intently to the conversation about a city guard. I was right to come here. This country is expanding its military rapidly, and they will need skilled trainers.... That gives me an idea.

Waiting patiently till the other courtiers have finished their talks with the king, Anastasia approaches and curtsies regally.

My king, i couldn't help but overhear your plans for a city guard. Rising from her curtsey and looking right at the king, to gauge his reaction, she continues. I assume this city guard will also act as a garrison, and will need training on top of the countries military. If you would allow me a small fund, i could train a team of trainers that would help with these efforts and allow us to train and discipline more men at a time.

Ask the king if he would be so kind as to devote some money towards a dedicated unit of military trainers. If he agrees, set about selecting the bests candidates from my small personal guard to employ into said training corps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #264 on: June 20, 2013, 09:11:16 am »

Establish a town guard/watch, with basic training and basic equipment. This will be paid for by 1.5 pounds from the city tax.
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #265 on: June 20, 2013, 03:12:24 pm »

He is kept waiting for a short while before guards lead him to the throne room, where King Arcadius was already waiting. His expression was a mixture of curiosity and surprise. He did not expect a member of the papcy to visit him directly. On the other hand, his court was not the most religious one, if the presence of mages and shamans over priests was to be noted.

"Greetings, reverend chaplain. What brings you forth before me? I hope that any affairs of faith can be addressed and resolved here, with your help of course."

"Indeed, there are a few issues that I have been sent to resolve, chiefly with the neighboring pagans. In the simplest terms, his holiness wishes them dead or converted. So long as either of those is done, we do not mind what you do with the land, and it shall also cover his holiness' tithe as well.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #266 on: June 20, 2013, 05:42:34 pm »

Steward Gamel sets to work shortly on the kingdom's finances. As he works, a few questions arise regarding the finances:

"Chaplain Gorlath, a small question about the matter of tithing haff come to my attention. Specifically, what are the current tithe rates to the temples of Viridon and Asterbury, by their respective Diocese? I would normally send messengers to them and ask, but with you being a representative of the Pope Himself, I am certain that you vould know."

"And Herr Kyle, how much of a pension do you require to obtain the services of this Anasalem you vish to recruit?"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #267 on: June 20, 2013, 06:16:08 pm »

Thoughts flashed through Grewie's head.
It's obvious that they're preparing for war...but with who? Could this be why they're demanding more money--to clean out as much of our wealth as they can before burning us, or to help fund their armies? I'm jumping to conclusions. It could be unrelated. It's just as likely that he's trying to finance a war against some other clan. My, this man has no sense of taste...and judging from this deviled egg, that applies literally. I suppose I cannot keep my mission if I continue deceptions. But what if they try to kill me once they know where I am from? I suppose I must let them know of my knowledge in the arcane arts...but subtly, so they don't suspect I'm trying...I think I have it.
These thoughts passed through, albeit in much less refined forms, and made their mark in less than a second. Grewie went into action.
If such a spell exists, Grewie offers to start with a show of magic before invoking a spell which is impressive and at least somewhat entertaining, but which doesn't pose much of a danger to himself or others around. Then, go on:
"I'm afraid you have been...misinformed of my origins. I am actually from King Arcadius III, who as you are likely aware has had a demand placed on him to grant a greater tribute to the assorted clans in this region than is typical. I have been sent by him to determine why this is so. Might I ask you such?"
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #268 on: June 20, 2013, 10:24:07 pm »

Establish a town guard/watch, with basic training and basic equipment. This will be paid for by 1.5 pounds from the city tax.

For a hundred watchmen you would be looking at a cost of £3.5/year in wages and upkeep (garrison troops are £2/100, +£1.5/100 training & equipment), but fortunately you don't need a full military-ready unit for policing purposes.  With the funding you are allowed out of the city taxes you are able to charter a guard of 40 men.  This is sufficient for peacekeeping purposes (+1 to suppressing riots and dissent within the city) although it is not militarily significant.  As a minor bonus, you now have a small personal bodyguard of watchmen that you can draw upon for protection.

Treasury Note: With the departure of the blades, the £10/year spend on their upkeep is now free for other ends.

If such a spell exists, Grewie offers to start with a show of magic before invoking a spell which is impressive and at least somewhat entertaining, but which doesn't pose much of a danger to himself or others around. Then, go on:
"I'm afraid you have been...misinformed of my origins. I am actually from King Arcadius III, who as you are likely aware has had a demand placed on him to grant a greater tribute to the assorted clans in this region than is typical. I have been sent by him to determine why this is so. Might I ask you such?"

While magic works better with plenty of preparation, you can perform a prestidigitation like this on the fly.  You are only after a very weak effect, so you don't suffer penalties for drawing upon power unprepared.  Announcing to chief Jabbra that you will provide a show of your power as a gesture of good faith, you draw a few sigils in the air with your finger to help focus your mind and magic, beginning the summoning process.  You don't have a committed athame or wand to help with this, but constructing one is a fairly involved process anyhow, so you compensate by making the pull of the summon very weak.

It works well enough, and within a few seconds you can sense a limited spirit being pulled into your 'net'.  You try and place a binding upon the spirit, but the creature slips through the bonds and escapes before you can properly banish it.  It doesn't have a material form, so it shouldn't be able to cause any real problems, but you are mildly annoyed at letting a minor demon loose.  You try to summon a second spirit, but the strain on your summoning net is too great and it snaps.  The backlash hits you in the form of an intense migraine and you wince at the psychic shock.

Not one of your better spells, but at least the headache will pass in a few minutes.  You make a few dramatic gestures and oaths to pretend to the chief that your spell actually worked, [3] and he at least doesn't seem offended by the theatrics even if they aren't impressive.  You explain to the chief the truth about your mission.  He strokes his triple-chin for a moment before replying.

[4] "I wasn't aware that there was an increased tribute demand.  Perhaps someone was getting greedy.  Or perhaps it was a deliberate provocation.  I do know that the Oddis have been buying weapons in droves since your king died, but perhaps they just fear a war.  And I know that there have been a lot of young bucks running away to the temples.  Curious changes, aren't these?

"Let's come to the point.  You are here either because you want a war or you don't.  And either way, you want to know where we stand in it.  We are traders, friend.  What can you offer us?"

[3,2,2. 1]

An athame is a tool for wizards to help with the summoning process.  You'll need to create one if you want one; it's essentially an enchanted object imbued with spirits.  Separate tools assist with binding and dismissal.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Lord II
« Reply #269 on: June 20, 2013, 10:27:26 pm »

Approximate costs of the royal college.
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