Bioware Games
Honestly this is sort of a "once you realize what is happening" sort of deal. Because when I first played their games I was content, in fact my first game of theirs was Neverwinter Nights and the second was Neverwinter Nights 2.
So at first I was content but I noticed that Neverwinter 1 and 2 had the exact same character who looks different but has the exact same voice. Then I played Knights of the Old Republic and there she was again!
Then I played Dragon Age with Morigan and Sten on my team at once and how much of a completely moronic pair they were and how they would constantly berate me for doing the right thing because "Only dummies do the right thing for rewards" (Hmm what is our job again OHH YEAH building an army... I guess we can succeed at that by being total asses)... and then Jade Empire... Jade Empire is what made me realize how bad the series was, as talking to my buddies was stale and worst part was that the sociopathic murderer invites himself on my team... and lets not even get into the really insanely stupid morality system... You know, I understand what they were going for, but you do not "make people stronger" by eradicating them. Yet the game seems to make extremism to be "the way".
I am not going to mince words
They SUCK and writing characters, they are dreadful at writing good dialog, their stories are trite, and they honestly couldn't make a personal conversation between two people to save their lives. They do not understand moral ambiguity, they do not understand how people work, how relationships work, how love works...
I HATE that they often force you to lug the worst characters around with you. I hate when they make you lug useless piles of garbage with you.
And their small islands of "good writing" only compounds this. Jade Empire was a very interesting game with terrible NPCs.
There is no Bioware game in existence that I can honestly say that has "Good Writing", "Good Characters", and "Good Morality".
And before you DARE say ONE word in defense... Play Dragon Age, put Sten and Morrigan in your party... and play a good character.
-Morigan: "WAAAAAAAAAHHHH You did something good! I hate you! Even though it only furthers our goals and we got a reward for it and it was in our way"
-Sten: "WAAAAAAAAAAAH why are you doing something OTHER then immediately doing our objective. Waaaaaaah! Please find my shield! I am a total hypocrite"
Bioware Protip: Evil people... don't care that you do good things. They do not like you less, in fact evil people may very well like good people more than other evil people. There is a league of difference between being a goody two shoes sap that everyone takes advantage of and makes poor decisions because it is the "right thing to do" and simply being helpful.
In fact if I was evil and my annoying good buddy dragged me off to some charity event... and we ended up getting fat loot from it... I'd honestly be surprised and gain a new respect for my friend. "Wow, being good pays"