do you think a game like Skyrim could exist in the world you are envisioning,
or do you want a world where games like that don't exist?
Please humor me for a moment. It will be more fun to answer in this way.
Once upon a time, in a faraway fantasy world there was a race of creatures who used pressed wood-pulp sheets to store information. Collections of these sheets were known as "books" and there was a very special type of book known as an "encyclopedia."
The encyclopedia was a collection of these wold-pulp pages containing mostly text and a few black and white pictures on a number of topics. A typical 26 volume encyclopieda set might have as many as 40,000 articles. To collate and assemble this vast work might require as many as
72 full time employees to edit and and supervise the project. These were people with families, being paid full-time wages and given medical and dental benefits.
Try to imagine being in that world, growing up in it...maybe even being one of those people who made a very good living for your whole family by building these marvelous devices.
And now...try to imagine someone telling you that you could have a magic "virtual" encyclopedia that instead of a few tens of thousands of articles would have over
four million articles, that would be updated daily by an army of 70,000 editors. The pages would not be black and white but full color. And your editors would be so dedicated and vigilant that when a new event happened, it would be entered into your magic encyclopedia that very same day. In fact, they would
compete with each other to see who could contribute the most current and accurate information. And the best part? You wouldn't have to pay them. They would do the work for free, as a hobby, for fun...because they wanted to.
If you were that person, hearing this...with your 26 volume encyclopedia set that you paid $800 for sitting on your shelf, and someone told you this...would you believe them?
And yet, nevertheless...>do you think a game like Skyrim could exist in the world you are envisioning
What do you think?