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Author Topic: Marooned in Morrowind (FINISHED)  (Read 428497 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2280 on: July 02, 2014, 01:02:28 am »

Yes, right now we need to think of a way to manage Awesomicus, and think of it fast. And well. Let's really think carefully here. Something useful, something believable, something agreeable.
Right now I really want to talk to Luna. I think we've figured this out far enough that we know she's really pivotal to it, and more importantly pivotal to us.

Problem is, this ties into Awesomeicus only loosely. We could try to have him escort us to SexyWithers, but he's not necessarily going to know where to find her and he might want the next phase of his quest on arrival.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2281 on: July 03, 2014, 02:55:56 pm »

Been too long since I've been on these forums, and the first place I show up to is this? Seems reasonable, somehow. Spent the last three days reading through nearly every post in here. Although I think I may have missed a couple pages somewhere between pages 50 and 90, but no story posts, and I'm not turning back now. Oh how I'd like to have been here. So many times I nearly hit the reply button somewhere, wanting to weigh in, only to stop myself because the events were already resolved a year ago.

We appear to be playing this game on multiple levels of reality all at once, and some of the things are a little less gamey than the ones who made one of levels of games think it is. What's going on is going on in more levels than Sheogorath has plans involving us. But not too many more.

Sheogorath said he felt like joining the game, and now Discord wants to join. Looks like one of those non-coincidences to me. The sword may or may not have talked to the other one, but some sort of communication has taken place, as Vivec put it.
(For those who don't specifically know and are only guessing, Discord is the Spirit of Chaos; the ponies' version of Q, Sheogorath, Eris, Coyote, Spider, all those other trickster/chaos/insanity types. And apparently linked on some CHIM-related level. They don't look the same, they don't act quite the same (that'd get boring real fast,) although two of them sound exactly the same.)

Potentially pointless tidbit 1: As this is a game for the ponies, I have to wonder what kind of game they think it was meant to be. Morrowind isn't exactly fit for a long-term MMO by itself, although it could fit as a sort of limited online story-based game for a handful of players, like Borderlands and such. Don't get me wrong, you can play it for years depending on how you play it, but the way Awesomicus/Rainbow Dash has been going at it, it won't hold their attention for very long. They'll find all the "cool stuff" and get bored, and eventually stop.

PPT2: One thing (among many others) I too would like some answers about is that Frozen bit. If that movie has been out for less than a year, and Michael's been Morrowind...-ing for well over a year our time - from our seeming forum-game perspective, that is to say - how does he know about it?

PPT3: I think we may have to talk with Dagoth Ur at some point. Why exactly does he want us, and how did he even know about us in the first place? Subtle ripple-effects of our so-called reality field? Does he have some other source of insider information, say for example someone else like us? I doubt that whatever it was that started this chain of events woke him up first - since we're the "only true native" - but something's up with him.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Problem: We don't even know if that's true. Vivec said we're native, so maybe we really are just a rogue NPC of some description.
True, but Sheogorath said that we're the only true native in this entire place. That means everyone else is not. The NPCs may well be plain programmed NPCs, albeit ones more complex than the ones we're used to in Morrowind. This may be because of us, our sort of reality field, or this may be because of the different hardware the ponies are running this game upon. Which might be us.
What was it Yagrum said?
: "...No civilization I've encountered uses electricity for anything this complicated.
: "What do they use instead?"
: "Internal biology, acoustics, stone, lots of things."
Who was it that brought up the Matrix, way back when? Not the movie version in this case, but the book where the world was running on the collected brains of humanity. That'll add some complexity, no doubt about it. Also something not unlike soul gems may be involved. Michael may be the world itself.
: "It is difficult for me to differentiate between that which you perceive as 'you' and that which you perceive as 'not you,' let alone your 'inward' and 'outward' appearance. The borders are not so definite to my eye that I can be certain I would differentiate in the same manner that you would."

Then there's the matter of Imare/Pinkie. An NPC who's been commandeered to become a player? Interesting prospect. If Michael is not the world itself, or the hardware the game is running on, then is Michael a copy and pasted person? Did poor old Tarhiel (who was never found, I might add) get overwritten with us, or was he somehow never activated?

Why don't we just... tell them everything? If Michael comes clean and tells them that he got sucked into the game, and that in his world the ponies are all a tv series, and that he can hear voices in his head that are from other people on an internet forum, what's the worst that can happen?
They fix the bugged NPC.

Again, remember that we ourselves don't know what we are or what's going on. Everything we've learned so far points to "normal modern Earth human sucked into other world" being false, though.
In that case, how very convenient that Discord distracted her before she could look too far into Michael's scripting. But I do think Clover/Twilight should be told when we see her again, after we convince her not to completely reset us right away. I suspect that convincing her might be accomplished by asking her to talk to Imare/Pinkie about us.

What about Nocturnal, or shall I say Nyx, who you ironically haven't even met? Mary Sue like her can't stand the competition, I suppose. Or maybe the incestuous implications if she were to appear. What of us? All of Us. Are we foreign? I suppose that depends on how you look at it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Nocturnal is known in Tamriel as a Daedric Prince known as the Night Mistress, Mistress of Shadows, and other things; much the same way Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness (and occasionally cheese, for some reason.) I'm not sure who Nyx is in this case, but I've heard the name in connection to the night in other cultures. This is likely another multi-entity not unlike Sheogorath or Vivec. But since Sheoggy mentioned "Mary Sue" I'm put in mind of SexyWithers. I know the consensus (such as there is) has it that she's Luna - which kind of fits, she's the main night-themed figure for the ponies, with some sway over dreams as well - but given her actions, she's acting far more...I dunno, childish. I mean, it's out at this point that yes, it's a game to them, but Luna doesn't seem to fit this even with that in mind. I think it's someone else, but I'm not sure who someone else is among ponies that it could be. It's not one I have any sure knowledge about. So...praying to her? If I'm wrong, mildly bad idea. If I'm right? Better hope that mystery dunmer who sent a resurrection scroll along with Awesomicus has some more of those stashed away. Although...I'm of around three minds about this, honestly. She might be incredibly dangerous. She could have been the one to call us into being here or whatever happened. Might well be both, in which case, what is it she wants from us? Does she want a challenge? A friend? Enemy? A rival who never goes away but who knows about her reality and can talk with her sometimes?

List of things we should remember:
We are still out of emergency potions and scrolls except for that invisibility potion, not to mention we have no useful armor and only two basic iron daggers thanks to our recent death. And we have the money for a probably a single potion, maybe two. Being killed still sucks, but at least Michael didn't lose any time this time.
If we should need to visit Divayth Fyr again - or really pretty much any place in the general southern half of the island not readily accessible by silt strider, teleport service, or boat? Buy a couple cheap Rising Force (levitation) potions and at least one recall scroll if not more darn it, then stop by Vivec (the city) and pay a visit to the Shrine to Stop the Moon. Offer the potion at the shrine, and fly around for what should be 24 full minutes at a reasonably high speed. (At least, it was in vanilla. Not sure about this version.) Find the place from the air, and still likely float around while you're there. Beats the heck out of 15 seconds of water-walk here and there. (Awesomicus may also be interested in this.)

Also: here we are in Pelagiad, at long last, and we no longer have the recommendation letter from Ranis for that acquaintance of hers here, Nelvyn Andrano I think? It doesn't mean we can't still look him up, but he's less likely to be quite as interested without the letter, and it's not like we have the money to buy another type of magic knowledge, but at least we'd know each other for later if we still have need of it later.

But, I've been rude. Hello, Michael. New voice here, obviously. Feel free to peruse my ponderous mental meanderings as you have the time, but for the moment at hand: Do we want Awesomicus to be away from us for a while? If we do, then tell Awesomicus the epic quest is temporarily locked out, but there's one (or maybe two) optional but cool things he might like in the meantime:

One can be that Shrine to Stop the Moon, also known as the Shrine of Daring. Tell him to take at least a couple extra levitation potions so the fall at the end won't kill him if he's not back on the ground. He'll probably like seeing Vvardenfell from the air. Might also want to warn him that he can't land on clouds here. If he's done this and isn't interested, ask if he's the Archmaster of Redoran, or if Castle Awesome is complete yet.

This other thing I'm not sure about offering as a quest. While dead, your body got looted; business as usual in Morrowind to be fair. I have no idea how hard it would be to find the unfortunate dunmer who at this moment is either making his way north trying to find the tallest tree in Dagon Fel, or else doing his best to find passage to the far side of Nirn and hoping he'll be forgotten by his Noble Royal Fluffiness of Pinatas Full Of Squirrels. And while it'd be nice to get the dwemer puzzle cube back if you ever visit Divayth Fyr again, I hesitate to offer this as an Awesomicus quest because what do we have to offer as a reward? 50 gold? The Rainbow Dash shirt that the same guy is probably carrying? Unless he sold all that stuff at the first store he came across, which is possible.

...actually, now that I think about it, perhaps we could tell Awesomicus about that Shrine as the reward, so long as he doesn't already know about it. Any thoughts on this, fellow voices? Or am I too late in the week for this kind of thing around here?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 08:45:44 pm by Sparksol »
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2282 on: July 04, 2014, 03:17:01 am »

I just thought of something potentially fantastic. The ponies have access to the command console. That means they can spawn anything for us. They can get us any gear in the game potentially. I suggest having awesomicus use the command console to use the commands below.. We can phrase it as a quest for awesomicus, teaching him how to make gold in the console as a reward. Also, while we know that Sheo is aware of stuff he shouldn't be, maybe the ponies can affect him with commands. This could show us who is the top dog in this universe as it were.

EDIT: I am now beginning to write down the gear that we should have him spawn
Note: Michael, make sure he clicks on us, once the command console is up, before typing any of this. And activate the enchantment on the cuirass and greaves for feather spells.
Setstrength 100
setspeed 100
setintelligence 100
setwillpower 100
setagility 100
setendurance 100
setpersonality 100
setluck 100
setacrobatics 100
setathletics 100
setheavyarmor 100
setalchemy 100
setshortblade 100
setspeechcraft 100
setdestruction 100
sethealth 1000
setmagicka 1000
AddItem daedric_cuirass_htab 1
AddItem daedric_greaves_htab 1
AddItem daedric_pauldron_left 1
AddItem daedric_pauldron_right 1
AddItem daedric_boots 1
AddItem daedric_gauntlet_left 1
AddItem daedric_gauntlet_right 1
I could not get a spear to spawn so that's a thing.
His gold reward would be
player->AddItem Gold_001 100000
Sorry about ye olde' wall of text. Add any skills that you want to another post.
EDIT2: Also, I'm 90% sure this won't work for tons of reasons that I am unaware of.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 07:52:22 am by joemoben »
Something about this game makes me wonder why God lets it exist.
Say, if you give birth on a ranch and then murder your baby will a corpse drop be guaranteed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2283 on: July 04, 2014, 04:24:39 am »

New voice here

Welcome to the game, Spark Sol. You have some interesting ideas. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2284 on: July 04, 2014, 04:41:27 am »

I suggest having awesomicus use the command console to use the commands below.
Now why didn't I think of this. +1

Mind you, I'm a little uncertain about having Awesomicus do this, as she's likely to get bored partway through.
So I'll suggest having a couple changes. First, some additions:
SetFatigue 1000
SetUnarmored 100
SetUnarmed 100
Those last two are just in case of equipment emergency.

And secondly to put the equipment spawning somewhere after we've got the strength to carry it and skill to use it, and maybe put the health, magicka and fatigue early on in the list. EDIT: Something else to consider, this could well rip our pack since these things aren't automatically equipped.

Lastly, while it'll be nice while it lasts, I wouldn't expect it to last too long. Just a hunch. The console giveth, the console taketh away. And it's also just possible that the console commands aren't quite what we think they are. EDIT2: Actually, does Rainbow Dash even know how to open the console? I'm having more doubts about this.

Welcome to the game, Spark Sol. You have some interesting ideas. :)
It's nice to have finally caught up, and I'm glad you think so. No idea how close I am to the facts, but since you have voiced a preference to hearing things from us I've tried to avoid holding back ideas.

And again, sorry I'm late to the party. Loadedwordcough
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 04:34:34 am by Sparksol »
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2285 on: July 04, 2014, 07:09:28 am »

I think it's a stretch to ask Rainbow Dash to give us awesome gear and stats, but I won't try to stop you.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2286 on: July 04, 2014, 07:55:59 am »

I think it's a stretch to ask Rainbow Dash to give us awesome gear and stats, but I won't try to stop you.
I know it's not gonna work, but the results will still probably gonna be interesting right?

EDIT: Once done talking to Awesomicus, find Draren, and arrange heading back to Seyda Neen with him. I don't know how we forgot our buddy.
Also if Awesomicus begins to become irate because of anything you do, stop and ask us for help.
I'll be interested in seeing if we can end an update based on parameters we put forward.
Also, I am beginning to think both Sheogorath and Nocturnal have a Vivec like thing going. Same person linked to themselves that are slightly different in different realities thing. Which makes me think that Michael is probably a different Lordbucket.
Nocturnal and Nyx, both linked to darkness, but somewhat different all the same. Ponies seem to be exempt from all this, marking them as a foreign influence.
I think that Hermaeus Mora is also exempt from this, and is trying to play catch-up, ergo the deception as a pony. I think a real important question here is what daedra are linked to a myriad of other dimensions and what daedra aren't.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 08:49:59 am by joemoben »
Something about this game makes me wonder why God lets it exist.
Say, if you give birth on a ranch and then murder your baby will a corpse drop be guaranteed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2287 on: July 05, 2014, 04:51:00 am »

I think it's a stretch to ask Rainbow Dash to give us awesome gear and stats, but I won't try to stop you.
I know it's not gonna work, but the results will still probably gonna be interesting right?
Well, so long as we don't find all our stats at 10 instead of 100, or 1000 instead of 100. Breaking weapons in a single hit because we're too strong kind of thing, or suddenly even worse off than we were when we started out.

Also, I am beginning to think both Sheogorath and Nocturnal have a Vivec like thing going. Same person linked to themselves that are slightly different in different realities thing. Which makes me think that Michael is probably a different Lordbucket.
Nocturnal and Nyx, both linked to darkness, but somewhat different all the same. Ponies seem to be exempt from all this, marking them as a foreign influence.
I think that Hermaeus Mora is also exempt from this, and is trying to play catch-up, ergo the deception as a pony. I think a real important question here is what daedra are linked to a myriad of other dimensions and what daedra aren't.
I'd guess that pretty much any Daedric Prince is going to be like that to a larger degree, including Hermaeus Mora. Hermaeus just might not have a link into the ponies' reality. Stretched off in a different direction, as it were.

As to the ponies not being like that...well, it depends on just how real this Morrowind is. Rainbow Dash is certainly linked to Awesomicus, and Twilight to Clover and so on. I've also got a sneaking suspicion that Michael may have a link back to whoever he was copied from back in his Earth-like world (who might not necessarily have been named Michael.) Admittedly the only point of data I have on that is his knowledge of Frozen, but there it is.
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2288 on: July 05, 2014, 10:12:34 pm »

GM Comment
If anyone has further input, get it before Monday.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2289 on: July 05, 2014, 10:33:05 pm »

This would be the point where we agree on a smart, well-thought-out quest for Awesomicus, so that this doesn't explode in our face.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2290 on: July 05, 2014, 10:55:37 pm »

I'm still a proponent for telling him about us being not NPC's, but only after trying cheats. I feel as though the ponies could be powerful allies in either helping us escape the game, or making us powerful enough to where we can safely stay in the game. We can offer them knowledge of their world via ye old gods with multiple personalities thing. I feel as though Awesomicus and the other ponies are likely to helpful in some ways at the very least.
Also, does anyone remember any resurrection scrolls in Morrowind? I'm fairly sure those were not in the game. At all.
Oh yeah. Micheal, be sure to at some point ask Awesomicus where the dunmer that gave him the scroll is. I have a feeling it's another daedra.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 11:01:23 pm by joemoben »
Something about this game makes me wonder why God lets it exist.
Say, if you give birth on a ranch and then murder your baby will a corpse drop be guaranteed?

Mr. Strange

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2291 on: July 06, 2014, 04:09:38 pm »

Yeah, my  +1 goes to telling Awesomnicus to fix us a meeting with his friends so we can explain ourselves. And ask for the gear, if he has any.

Micheal, be sure to at some point ask Awesomicus where the dunmer that gave him the scroll is.
Unlikely to work, but +1 anyway.

But what the hell are we going to do other than that? Checking with Daren might be fine, but we don't know if he's ready to leave/has left already. Back to killing mudcrabs solo?
Then you get cities like Paris where you should basically just kill yourself already.

You won’t have to think anymore: it’ll be just like having fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2293 on: July 07, 2014, 02:53:12 pm »

Uh oh. I fear we do not, in fact, have a cohesive plan for telling Awesomicus what to do right now.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game Ep.66
« Reply #2294 on: July 07, 2014, 04:28:24 pm »

He had already been told that part of the big epic quest involved gathering the other ponies. With them not here, what can we tell him? Things that would be considered side-quests are all I can think of. He's already got Eltonbrand, so should we have sent him after the Crescent Blade? I doubt Awesomicus would have been ready to go through Divayth Fyr's whole place without attacking any of the corprus guests or the man himself. Besides which, we have no guarantee that someone else doesn't already have the thing; if SexyWithers actually is Luna or some other night-themed type, the Crescent Blade would make a fine signature weapon for her - again, provided she could be bothered to get through Divayth's whole place.

A couple of minor "quests" have been brought up for him, but other than sending her after either her friends or possibly the endgame artifacts, what else should we do? I mean, Imare's already apparently been to Solstheim, since she's a werewolf (which, I just realized, allows one to pun that she's a real party animal, groan.) Makes you wonder if anyone's been to Mournhold yet. In which case, did they meet Gaenor? Scary thought.

In the end though, we're not even sure if destroying the heart is actually something we should be working toward. It's not likely to send us home, especially if we were actually made here and not brought here from another world. Would it reset the "game" instead? Force us over to Solstheim or Mournhold?

As a tangent, I'm getting some serious gender pronoun interference when referring to Awesomicus/Rainbow Dash.

Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.
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