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Author Topic: Marooned in Morrowind (FINISHED)  (Read 452078 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1215 on: September 17, 2013, 10:54:32 am »

That's what my console test was trying to determine. However, I didn't attempt to add gold, I attempted to add... something else. Something inconsequential but very distinctive. I used CenterOnCell (COC) for a nearby cell (the mage's guild). If we get sent there, or if we recieve the item, we're a player. If we find someone else there, carrying the item, then they're a player. Perhaps the command affects all the supposed PC's, if it affects anyone at all.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1216 on: September 17, 2013, 12:25:01 pm »

Or perhaps our voices don't actually do anything to the console.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1217 on: September 17, 2013, 12:49:16 pm »

That's possible too, but the test also tries to determine that. If nothing happens, then we know that either that method of accessing the console doesn't work, or that we can't use those commands. In retrospect, a result of nothing wouldn't prove or disprove much, so we'd need a better test. There's too many variables, but less so than most.

To do science, we need to find a way to reduce the number of variables.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1218 on: September 17, 2013, 01:21:12 pm »

The variables being:

Whether we can control the console or not.

Whether we can control the console with our "voice" or if we need to something else.

Whether MICHAEL can control the console or not, perhaps there's a big console box in the sky and we just haven't looked up yet.

Whether the console commands affect Michael, a single PC, or all PCs at once.

Whether the PCs can use the console.

And if we CAN control the console, what commands we have access to.

Did I miss any?
Quote from: SalmonGod
Your innocent viking escapades for canadian social justice and immortality make my flagellum wiggle, too.
Quote from: Myroc
Descan confirmed for antichrist.
Quote from: LeoLeonardoIII
I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.


  • Bay Watcher
  • They/Them Life is weird
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1219 on: September 17, 2013, 01:23:29 pm »

And how far we can take a command, if we have access to it.

It's too many dependent variables for a single test, but it's the best we can do right now. A nil result will barely tell us anything, but if something happens, we'll learn something.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1220 on: September 17, 2013, 03:20:21 pm »

Or at the very least, we'll confuse Michael with random commands going across his brain!

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1221 on: September 18, 2013, 11:17:21 am »

Episode 42, part 1: Dance Magic, Dance Magic!

(GM Comment: This episode turned out to be not only longer than expected...but vastly more eventful. I expect that this numerically significant episode will represent a major turning point for Michael.)


player->additem Gold_001 5000


: "Well, ok. But didn't we kind of try that once before? Back before we spoke with Vivec? Though I guess that time we tried using my cellphone, so maybe if I say it out loud instead?"

You clear your throat.

: "Tilde."

Nothing happens.

: "player dash...umm, right arrow? I guess that would be a greater than sign, additem gold underscore zero zero one fivethousand."

Nothing happens.

: "Yeah, I think this might be an interface thing. I don't know if the command console even exists here, but if it does...I have to GET to it somehow. In-game, the tilde key opens up the console, but...imagine if you were sitting at a computer playing Morrowind right now and and you looked at your screen and said 'tilde.' Nothing would happen right? You'd have to PUSH tilde. But I don't have a keyboard here. So how do I press tilde? Maybe if I just imagine it?"

You close your eyes and mentally imagine pressing tilde to bring up the command console, and entering a command.

Nothing happens.

attempts to determine

if we, the voices, can use it and the extent to which if so

: "...oh. Ok, I'll just sit here and wait then."

Code: [Select]
player->additem ingred_bread_01_UNI3 3
coc "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild"

Nothing happens.

Micheal... I want you to concentrate. Enter the mages' guild, take a good look around. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself, seen from the back, imagine the room around you. Imagine this view framed by the rim of a monitor. Imagine the icons, the minimap, the status bars. Imagine a room beyond this monitor and tell me: what do you hear?

You walk inside and head up the stairs to the Wolverine Hall mage guild.

You close your eyes and concentrate.

what do you hear?

: "I hear...someone talking. Male voice. Sounds like he's complaining about a bad shopping experience."

You open your eyes and look at the various people standing in the room. Apparently one of them is telling a story about having been overcharged for item repair.

: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that didn't work."

As you exist in a layer of reality subsequent to our own, so to do I suspect we are subsequent to another layer. You followed our suggestions without realizing, until Vivec revealed us with his unique perspective. Well, I suspect I have heard the voice suggesting our own course of action. Only on occasion, and recently has this voice spoken directly to us, clear as you hear us yourself, and it was out of frustration.

And this voice has spoken through you, cleverly, through words you yourself would say, arising from the thoughts and feelings you would naturally have in the situation where they were spoken. But nonetheless, they were not your words alone. Perhaps you are the way you are so that you would say these things in its stead, under your own initiative. We suggest things to you, some of which you do not like but go with anyway, as you cannot disobey yourself. That is the meaning of what Vivec said, I believe. You hear us, but you do not hear this other voice, though it influences you all the same.

Michael considers that for a moment.

: "What other voice are you talking about? Do you mean, like...God? Is this a religious experience I'm having here? I notice nobody's told me I'm supposed to be a prophet and 'spread the word' or anything, but...I mean...I don't really know how else to interpret what you're saying. What are you talking about?"

Michael pauses.

: "For that matter, who are YOU? And how would YOU know what I do and don't hear? Like, for you're not the only voice I hear. Did you know that? There are a bunch of you. Some I hear more often than others, but I haven't counted how many. Maybe a dozen? Dozen and a half? Did you know that I hear voices other than just yours? You're telling me there's one voice in particular I don't hear...I don't know how you know that, but ok, that's fine. What's this voice I don't hear saying? Honestly, I thought you guys were all working together. What, are there multiple factions here?"

Michael suddenly gets quiet.

: "...umm, you know...actually now that I think about it...are you guys working for Dagoth Ur? ARE you Dagoth Ur? I'm not going to become a corprus beast, am I? Because that would really suck. WAIT! I mean, no...not like that. I'm sure corprus beasts are...perfectly their own...distinctive way. You're not Dagoth Ur, are you?"

Michael looks around and shifts his weight uncomfortably.

Sell Loot
Sell our loot
Sell all the loot but the Viperblade and belt
Stop at Pelegiad and see if we can get a better training deal than from fast Eddy
check on all our training options before deciding on one
Just go to Fast Eddie and be done with it.
Maybe we could make a quick detour to Caldera to check on Creeper?

: "...yeah, that sounds like a good plan."

You exhale and get back to business. If you're going to sell loot, and you're going to check Creeper, it makes sense to check Creeper first and if he's there, sell loot to him. Plus, one of your magic training leads is in Caldera too so it would be quick to check both together.

By now the mages have moved on from talking about bad shopping experiences to...something about a skeleton and a bard. It sounds like the leadup to a joke of some sort. You interrupt and ask the guild guild for travel costs.

11 gold from Ald'ruhn to Caldera, presumably 11 gold from Caldera to Balmora if it doesn't work out...yeah, that's fine. 22 gold to check won't make the differerence between having and not having enough money to at least get some kind of magic training.

You hand the guild guide 11 gold and a moment later you're... Caldera? There are a bunch of people chatting and drinking, there's a bard in the corner loudly playing some sort of instrument you don't recognize, and somebody's passed out beneath a table with a girl in a tiny red dress dancing on it. You stand there for a moment taking it all in when the Altmer on your left comes over and cheerfully pushes a beer mug into your hands.

: "Hi! Welcome to Caldera. Snacks are downstairs, drinks are all over and feel free to dance!"

: "Uhh, thanks. Actually I'm looking for a magic trainer."

: "You mean Folms? He's downstairs."

: "Thanks."

You cautiously sip the drink she handed you as you make your way to the stairs. You're pretty sure it's not beer. Some kind of fruit liqueur. It's tasty, but it's clearly alcoholic and it occurs to you that it's probably a bad idea to drink unfamiliar alcohol immediately before getting the magic training that you're here to check on. You set the drink down on a bench and head downstairs.

...which is even more crowded. Asking around, you manage to track down Folms among the party-goers. Apparently he's the guildhead here.

: "Hi. Are you Folms Mirel?"

You have to talk loudly to be heard over the music.

: "Yes, I'm Folms. What can I do for you?"

: "My name's Michael. I was referred by Edwinna over at the Ald'rhun guildhall. She suggested you for magic training?"

: "Training? Me? Sure, but why? Surely her staff could handle that?"

: "I need basic channeling training. I never learned."

He nods with understanding.

: "Ahh, right. Best to study with a Master Wizard then. Ranis, Skink, Edwinna, Treb--ok, maybe not Trebonius. But any of the other guild heads. I take it Edwinna was too busy? Nose stuck in her books, like usual?"

: "Yes, she had some new dwemer book she was trying to translate."

: "In that case I'm surprised she spoke to you at all. Sure, I'll train you to channel magicka. How does 600 gold sound?"

: "I actually have a standing offer from a Telvanni for 500."

He shrugs.

: "Ok. I can match that. 500's reasonable. You'll have to wait a few days though. This party isn't going to end any time soon and there's no way I can expect you to focus over all the music"

: "...uhh, yeah. I was wondering about that. What's the occasion?"

: "Birthday party, I think. Some Altmer offered me 1000 gold to rent the place out."

: "The girl upstairs passing out drinks? Pink floral dress?"

: "Yes, that's her. Name's Imare."

It occurs to you to wonder if this Altmer is a PC. Although Edwinna did mention something about this guildhall did she describe it? "A bit less casual" than other guildhalls? This is certainly casual, but you've accused people of being PCs for far less than this. You're about to head upstairs to confront her when you remember why you came here.

sell loot
Maybe we could make a quick detour to Caldera to check on Creeper?

Right. Best to not get sidetracked. You have to come back this way anyway, so you can talk to Imare on the way back. You step outside into the quiet town.

(continued in part 2)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.41)
« Reply #1222 on: September 18, 2013, 11:17:46 am »

(continued from part 1)

Episode 42, part 2: The Source of Magic

It's dark and overcast, and it appears that the few wandering guards and the faint flickerings of candles through windows are the only sources of light. You head to Ghorak manor, knowing the way well. You step inside, but it is silent and at first nobody seems to be here. Odd. You were expecting to find a bunch of half naked orcs. Maybe they're all at the party? Curious, you head upstairs, and find the scamp exactly where you expected him to be.

: "Psst. Hey, buddy. Wanna buy something? I need booze money."

You pull out the bottle that Imare gave you at the party.

: "Want this?"

He grabs the bottle from you and takes a swig, joyful tears streaming from his face.

: "Ahh, that really hits the spot. Thanks. You're alright."

You blink a couple times.

: "So, umm...creeper. What's your story?"

: "Like I said, I'm here for booze money. Wanna buy some swag? I've got lots."

: "Actually, I came hoping to sell things."

He rolls his eyes.

: "Yeah, you and everyone else. You have any idea how hard it is to get ahead when everyone keeps offloading their trash on me? What do you guys have against a scamp trying to make an honest living?"

: "So everyone comes here to sell stuff?"

: "Yeah, pretty much. I'm seriously in the hole here, but what's a scamp gonna do? Vile keeps sending me money to keep this operation going, but that's not gonna last forever. Sooner or later the accountants will notice."

: "Vile?"

: "Yeah."

: "Clavicus Vile?"

: "Yeah."

: ", you're from Oblivion?"

: "Yeah. What, haven't you ever seen a daedra before?"

: ", you're my first."

: "Happy to pop your cherry, dude. Now, you got stuff to trade or what?"

You pull out your loot from your recent unplanned tomb run.

: "I don't buy clothes, books or alchemy ingredients."

: "You don't?"

: "Nope. Just weapons, armor, potions, magic and household goods like plates and bowls and things."

Hmm. You'd forgotten that he doesn't buy everything. That's inconvenient.

: "Also, if you wanna sell your eternal soul, I can make some calls, I know a couple buyers for that."

: "Umm, no, thanks. This is fine."

Sold stuff
20 Potion of cure poison
25 Steel tanto 25
38 Two poison potions
100 Cursed ring of athletics and drain health

You have a spare tanto at Caius'. You don't really need two, and you have that magic dagger if you get into combat in the meantime. Creeper is obviously giving you better prices than other merchants have been giving you, so you want to make the most of the trip. Though since he's apparently paying 19 gold each for those poison potions, you're pretty sure that you can bring a complete and total end to this money shortage problem you've been having. And thankfully, he was also willing to buy that cursed ring you bought from that guy in Seyda Neen a month ago.

That brings your current total to 758 gold. Enough to learn to channel magicka with extra to spare, but not enough to learn a spell school too.

purchase another "save our ass" scroll - Intervention is great.
I second getting a second scroll, provided it doesn't cut us off from other goals.

: "Hey, Creeper."

: "Yeah?"

: "Do you have any Divine Intervention scrolls?"

: "Are you kidding me?!?! I'm a Daedra! You know holy stuff like that burns us to dust, don't you?!?!"

: "Wow, really?"

: "Nahh, dude, I'm just messin' you you. Sure, I've got a few. 63 gold."

He pulls the lid off one of the crates behind him, and you sort through his wares.

You find a divine intervention scroll easily enough, ad buy it. As for the seems to be a lot of junk, mostly. Plates, silverware, random potions and scrolls, some armor, a few weapons. Fur, chitin, iron, steel...nothing very interesting. You think back to SexyWithers' pile in Ald'ruhn. Either she's a collector, or she doesn't know about Creeper. So where did this come from?

: "Who sold all this to you"

: "Oh, you know. People. Well, mostly people."

: "Adventurers?"

: "Sure, I guess."

: "Awesomicus? Clover? "

: "I don't usually ask for names. Who are are you by the way? For that matter, you called me Creeper earlier. How'd you know that name? I never told you that was my name."

: "My name's Michael. And you,'re kind of famous."

He smirks.

: "Heh. I'm famous."

Guessing that you'll probably see him again, you say farewell to Creeper and leave the manor. On the way you stop at a clothier and pawn the clothes he wouldn't buy for 51 gold. You're sure they're worth more than that, but on the bright side at least this vendor is willing to haggle.

Mercantile skill is now 10

You return to the mage guild and head upstairs. The party is still going strong.

Drunken revelers? Check. Somebody passed out beneath the table? Check.  Girl dancing on table? Check. Altmer in pink floral dress....having some kind of stare-down dance-off...thing, with the girl on the table? Check, apparently.

: "Woohoo! Dance! Dance! Dance!"

: "Excuse me, miss?"

: "Yes? Oh! your drink is gone!"

She grabs a bottle from the table behind her and pushes it into your hand.

: "There you go. All better."

: "Umm, thanks. Actually...I was wondering. Are you a PC?"

: "No, I'm a nightblade! That means I'm a super sneaky assassin and I kill people! Isn't that neat? But don't tell anyone because it's a secret."

: "...ujmm, no. I mean...are you a player? Are you playing a game right now?"

She burst out into a fit of giggles.

: "What, me? Noooo. I don't even like girls in that way. I was dancing with Runa because she's dancing and I love to dance."

: "Runa, that's the girl on the table?"

: "Yep! You interested? 'Cuz I could totally hook you up if you want."

She leans in conspiratorily and whispers in your ear.

: "Don't tell anyone, but I think she's a prostitute. Both her and Marelle downstairs are from Desele's House of Earthly Delights. I kind of borrowed them to help get the party started."

Before you can reply, Imare suddenly shouts "Cheers!" then taps her bottle against yours and upends it into her mouth. A few of the party-goers around her start chanting "Chug! Chug Chug! Chug" as she proceeds to down the whole bottle, then throws both her arms unto the air and dances triumphantly. Everyone cheers.

You suddenly feel very out of place.

: "Ok, well...thanks for...everything. Guess I'll see you around."

: "Ok, g'bye! Oh, and tell Eddie I said hello."

Imare goes back to dancing with Runa and you make your way to the guild guide. Her cheeks are flushed and she has a bottle in her hand.

: "Hi, umm. Forgive me for asking, but...are you ok, umm...teleporting me...while drinking?"

She sways slightly.

:"...waa...thissh? Nahh, s'ok."

: "...yeah, I guess I could walk."

:"No, reeellly, s'fine. Yer the *hiccup* second pershun I've sent today and nobody's blown up onna me yet."

You apologize for interrupting her and turn to walk away. Balmora's south, right?

:"Hey! C'm back her. I wanna teleport you."

You raise your hands, trying to be diplomatic about it.

: "No, thanks, really...I'll just walk to Balmora. I know the way."

:"Balmurra? Yeah, I know that one. Here you go....s'on tha house."

An instant later you're in Balmora.

:"Ha! Shee I nailed it. Now if'll you'll escoose me I think I'm gonna passh out now."

That's interesting. That's the first time a guild guide has come with you on a trip. Usually you arrive on your own. Did she cast the wrong spell? Unfortunately, you're unable to ask, because she's keeled over in the plants, snoring loudly. One of the Balmora mages comes over with an amused look on his face and the two of you carry over to the sleeping area and put her to bed. Interestingly...

...Clover is no longer here. Hopefully she got your note.

prioritize getting back to Balmora and learning magic

Yes. You stop by the bookstore just outside the Balmora mage guild and pawn the book, Darkest Darkness, that nobody in Caldera would buy. You get 32 for it. That brings your total to 768. You rush to Fast Eddie's house and eagerly go in.

: "Warm wishes, officer. Are you acting undercover today? Or perhaps you bring evidence of mage guild murder plots?"

Looks like he hasn't forgotten your previous conversations, despite your change of armor. Eddie on the other hand, looks just like he did when you first met him. Grinding spells again. Though you notice that he has a stack of potions on the lid of the jar next to him that you're pretty sure weren't here before.

: "Hi, Eddie. No, I'm just here on personal business."

He keeps casting.

: "Remember you offered to teach me magic?"

: "Yes, of course. Did you recently strike it rich?"

: "Well, not quite rich...but how does 750 gold for channeling plus one spell school sound?"

: "375 each? That's much less than the price we discussed. I wanted 1000, remember."

: "Right, but you agreed on 500."

: "Yes. And i'll accept 500. I'll even accept 900 for channeling plus one school, if you can pay in full right now."

: "I only have 758."

: "So then you can afford to part with 500 for channeling training. Shall we begin?"

You think about it. If you sold off all your alchemy ingredients, both your heal potions and maybe the tanto you have back at Caius' house, you might be able to put together 900. Maybe. Plus you have those two soulgems. And if it really came to it, you could sell your paper. That's probably worth 50. Yes, you could put together 900 if you were willing to sell a bunch of stuff and have no money left afterwords.

Just go to Fast Eddie and be done with it.

: "Ok. 500 for channeling."

: "Excellent. Let us begin."

(Two days later)

New known stat: Willpower is 40
New known stat: Magicka is 69/69


You can feel the sun. Hot, blazing....sun. How could you have not noticed this before? It's everywhere. Even in the dead of night the sun is a massive shining orb of luminescence permeating everything. Magicka is everywhere. In everything. Literally everything. The ground, the air....your body. It's like everything is made of sunlight. Sunlight that you can't see, but that you can feel.

You cry a little bit to yourself. It's matter what you can never be alone now. It's like there's a perpetual partner in the sky, in the earth, in your self...flowing through all of Mundus, that nothing can stop. Even in the dead of night, with the whole planet in the makes no difference.

Magicka is everywhere.

Spoiler: Stats (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Attributes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: skills (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Equipped (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Faction standings (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spells known (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Alchemy Knowledge (click to show/hide)

What do you do?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2013, 11:36:51 am by LordBucket »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1223 on: September 18, 2013, 01:34:04 pm »


But seriously, this is great. Soon we shall acquire more cash, and get a school. Our priorities should be Destruction, Restoration, and Mysticism. Destruction and Restoration are useful even with the basic spells that don't need much power, while Mysticism will let us Mark, Recall, and get Intervention at will, once we become powerful enough to cast them.

Report back to Caius, if he asks what took so long tell him we were on someone's Recall point at the wrong moment and wound up in the middle of nowhere.

And sorry for waxing Metaphysical and confusing the hell out of you, Michael. I'm just trying to determine our own nature in this world, because in answer to your question I'm not exactly sure who we, the voices, are compared to you. But I'm not Dagoth Ur. His influence tends to be somewhat more... psychedelic. So here's a less confusing question: do each of us sound distinct to you? I know we all have different speech patterns and points of view that might tell us apart, but for all we know, we might all sound the same. We're literally reading each others' words.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1224 on: September 18, 2013, 03:49:36 pm »

Nice. Read through the entire thing over the last few days. This is seriously awesome. Serious kudos to you LordBucket.

Now, it seems like most of our long term plans just got fulfilled in learning magic. I am sure that we all want Michael to learn a few schools of magic, but I think it would be good to come up with some more long term plans now so that we don't fall back into the spastic short term thinking that we were following at first. Personally, I think that our long term goal (obviously) needs to be proving that we are the Nerevarine. Immediately, I think that this means doing as much for Caius as possible. I think that other goals need to be becoming as powerful in magic as we can as quickly as possible, and outfitting ourselves in something way better than the crappy armor and weapons we have, which shouldn't be too difficult, especially if we can figure out how enchanting works.

So for now, I agree that we need to report back to Caius, and get a new task from him. We also need to buy more alchemy ingredients and then find a set of alchemy tools that we can use and spam those poison potions to sell to Creeper so we can afford to learn a few schools.


  • Bay Watcher
  • They/Them Life is weird
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1225 on: September 18, 2013, 03:53:12 pm »

Oh, ask Caius if he's found any more Sleepers, and to let us question one if he does.

Every time we go to see Creeper, let's make sure to bring a drink for him. We should be more considerate than the other adventurers. plus, can't hurt to make friends with a Daedra who has connections.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1226 on: September 18, 2013, 05:17:31 pm »

Just dropping this in here, but that Imare could be useful in the future as an assassin. Not saying it's moral or even legal, but it could be an effective way to get rid of a PC that is being nasty.
Something about this game makes me wonder why God lets it exist.
Say, if you give birth on a ranch and then murder your baby will a corpse drop be guaranteed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1227 on: September 18, 2013, 06:03:32 pm »

We might be able to get a cheaper price on schools in the mages guild, since we don't need a super-experienced mage to teach us that (I don't think). So try to get training in a school at the mages guild

Also, support checking in with Gaius first and taking our armor and stuff to the mages guild.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1228 on: September 18, 2013, 06:16:46 pm »

Ah, yes. Retrieve our Tanto. And get the spear fixed at the next financial opportunity that won't block us from a goal. We want 2 weapons at all times, if we can help it.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mr. Peanut - The Peanut Man
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Re: Marooned in Morrowind, a suggestion game (Ep.42)
« Reply #1229 on: September 18, 2013, 07:00:26 pm »

Quote from: LordBucket
No, I just didn't expect it to last this long. When I started this I came up with the premise and establish a few rules about how things would work and what was going on and why. I expected the whole game to last about two months. It's been four. I just expected that somebody would have figured out what's going on by now, but the general flow of events have not moved in ways I anticipated. For example, the pile of stuff in Ald'rhun? I established that that would be Sexy's base of operations before I even made the first post of the thread. It never occurred to me that we'd get through 40 updates without going to Ald'rhun. Or, consider the issue of learning magic. Ranis gave Michael a referral back in episode 15, but here we are 25 episodes later and you're only now in a position to do anything about it. I just didn't think it would take this long.

LordBucket, the big secret is that we don't want to find out the secret to this game. We don't want to win it or to end it. We (by which I mean myself) want it to last forever in order to play out that childhood fantasy of actually living in Morrowind.

My previous horrible suggestions were deliberate attempts at sabotage to make this last as long as possible. :P
Sure thing peanut man!
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