Well, this is where it gets really fun...
Transferring your save (data/save/regionX/*) includes all mods and raws, including graphics raws.
Installing a new graphics pack, with the latest launcher, should only go through if it would not harm your save or remove mods - we're very careful about that. Make a backup anyway, because it's hard to do well.
There'll be some artifacts from clashing tilesets and graphics raws if those are incompatible, but you can easilty install the correct graphics and then decline to apply that to saves.
Basically, give it a go - but remember to keep a copy of what's working now, since it won't stop working for you.
Alright. I'll make a back-up and give it a bash. I'll get back to you shortly-ish to report success or failure.
Edit: Haven't tried running the game yet, but swapping r9 to Spacefox seems to have reverted my raws. Just a quick step-by-step of what I did--
1. Back-up r8 raws
2. Install r9
3. Copy the raws folder from r8 over to r9; replace all. 91 total files in the Objects folder.
4. Install Spacefox via the r9 launcher
5. Check raw/objects and discover a total of 81 files-- 10 of the files added to the folder by mods have been deleted.
6. Replace the raw folder again.
Just prepping to run now.
Edit 2 (the electric boogaloo?), additional update:
Seems to be running more-or-less correctly. Replacing the raws again after I installed Spacefox didn't seem to hurt anything, and furthermore, things appear to be displaying correctly again after some weirdness with that tileset in r8.
I'm getting the flickering issue mentioned a page or two ago, but I see that someone posted a solution, so I'll just take care of that myself.