Do something to entertain the current gods.
(4) You do something completely idiotic that somehow manages to entertain Solarian/Arin Winterlocks. +1 to reaction rolls for 2 turns.
Reaction Roll: (3+1) Solarian Winterlocks is slightly amused.
Agree to disagree. Engage in planning, research, and debate about physics and science.
(1) No one decides to do this. The argument becomes worse.
Reaction Roll: (5) Solarian Winterlocks is amused.
Discover an ancient civilization, or something. Whatever.
(1) An accident with a time machine causes you to become a fossil. An ancient civilization discovers your fossilized body.
Reaction Roll: (5) Solarian Winterlocks is amused.
(6) You respawn with enough force to become the third part of the Solarian/Arin Winterlocks combination.
Reaction Roll: You are a part of the combined deity. You are exempt.
Summon up an army of demons and destroy the current location. Then torture the diety to death.
(1) The army of demons kills you and swears total loyalty to Solarian/Arin Winterlocks/Archmage Agah.
Reaction Roll (3) Archmage Solarian Winterlocks is slightly annoyed.
Try to hunt down the one who is hiding from us and PUNISH HIM/HER! Try to get my husband/lover Solarian to help.
(2) You do not find whatever is hiding. You don't even think there is anything hiding.
Reaction Roll: You are a part of the combined deity. You are exempt.
Make an enormous castle out of ice. Because why not.
(2) You spend the time to create the castle, but it melts.
Reaction Roll: (2) Archmage Solarian Winterlocks is not amused.
Get the crew to repair me. Help if I can. Maybe cannibalize bits from that base...
(6) The whole base is added to your form. The Borg are now free.
Reaction Roll: (3) Archmage Solarian Winterlocks is mildly annoyed.
Wait for some other sucker to wear me.
Have them do a cartwheel
(6) A Wooden Titan puts you on.
(6) It does a cartwheel that flattens you. Respawn?
Reaction Roll: (3) Archmage Solarian Winterlocks is mildly annoyed.
(5) You eat one of the tauric borg. It's mass is added to your form.
Reaction Roll: (6) Archmage Solarian Winterlocks gives you an all-matter devouring mouth. You can now eat anything that is made of matter.
Finally does try to take some of the godhood form the current deity, not all, just enough to get off this crazy place
(6) You become a part of the diety.
Reaction Roll: You are a part of the combined deity. You are exempt.