Welcome back to our somber ramble through The Void!
Blank Plays: The Voice Episode 2I feel strange playing this, admittedly as the game presents itself a lot more seriously than anything else I've attempted to play and I feel I should act accordingly. Still I'd love to know how you guys see that, since its a far cry from a lot of other LP's out there.
Would love to see how someone else went for this game. Watching~
Yeah everyone seems to have their own little way of playing, which glyphs they use and what colors they like, even which sister they prefer. Its not a major difference, but enough to individualize each play through.
I watched someone play this before. Perhaps more psuedo-philosophy would be interesting to have.
I give a whole load of psuedo-philosophy in this episode, so lets see if it actually works or not!
This is to be expected personally. It is a game that puts its art above the gameplay, meaning that if we were to boil everything down to just raw gameplay it is a slow methodical game done in a first person perspective where grinding is not just expected but a large portion of the game.
Yet in this game that isn't a flaw it is its strength that its gameplay is there to compliment the game itself. It could never have anything but a cult following because in order to understand and enjoy the game you have to put aside the gameplay and enjoy it for what it is. Which is a skill very few people have, in fact I don't have it for this game either.
I won't call it a shame that you can't enjoy the game, as I do believe each person is entitled to there opinion. Though it is nice to see you can acknowledge the fact it's not necessarily for you. Normally people just write the game off at first glance, basic things like a being unable to utilize physical attacks and dependence on color puts people off. I've seen it happen as I've introduced people to this game.
Still its is nice to hear another persons angle on this game, since I do normally get caught up in how amazing I think this game is.
Just watched this, and I enjoyed your storytelling over the game. I look forward to more!
Well don't worry you'll get more! Still hopefully I can offer a perspective on the story and put my ideas across properly, all part of doing live commentary I suppose. Recording Ad Lib especially with a game like this is hard, especially when you only get your feed back after posting an episode. Still I just think you like the sound of my voice =P