So, I was wondering if making an extension mod for Masterwork would be okay.
I would like to build a new custom civ/race of Ant-Men using some of the infrastructure of Masterwork as a base. Ideally I think having it work as a an extension to the normal Masterwork faction once it was up to standard would be coolest.
Alternatively, with permission I could maybe dive into how it works and try to just take out a couple really small things and use them as the starting point for a seperate DF-Hack dependant mod for the race. Ideally capable of being run as a seperate module on top of masterwork. Although, if that is not allowed/feasible then having it be entirely seperate but a couple small borrowed elements would be fine.
Currently the only existing masterwork content my current vision would b somewhat reliant upon is using the base of the kobold breeding warrens to allow managing growing the colony in an engaging way. although, there are a couple other small things I spotted I think I could use as the base for spinning into a new direction.
I do have a couple more hacky or less engaging ways I could make it work without using any elements from Masterwork. Overall, I think it would come out quite a bit worse.
I think Meph is the main person I would need permission/approval from. Although, from what I can tell they seem like they might go on breaks from the forums frequently. Although, I could be wrong about that. So, I might need to talk to someone else. Or simply take a different direction if I can't make contact with them?