Burrows? One for each collector, covering one/some/all of the base workshops, but exactly one collection zone tile per burrow. Ideally unshared with any other collection-burrow, but equally distributed if you still need to double/triple up for some reason.
Needs an amount of micromangement. But then so does anything good, in my experience.
not worth it, my fort has the population cap removed for a reason. I try to make everything as efficient as possible, but also so that almost no micromanagement is required. Assigning a burrow is also troublesome since i dont name specific dwarves as collectors, i just get the peasants to do it and it could be any of them.
I have a 300-plus fort, at the moment (including sprogs and babbies). I also nickname every adult, and already maintain (
without any clue from the nicknames) a "Crèche" burrow for the females (originally just mothers, but I extended it at one point, rather than reacting to births and weanings) and children that is a 'safer' subset of the more general restricting burrow[1].
Even if I
did have more than a couple of peasants (the ones I have are immigrant children now grown-up) I could probably spend less effort than I already have done to make a set of peasant/collection burrows and assign (say) a dozen burrows with two or three individuals per... and remove them from their current "macro"-burrow[2].
However, you have your approach. I probably admire you more for working
without micromanagement, even though that's my default 'mode' most of the time (witness also my probably not unrelated footnote fetish) the game on pause while I'm fiddling with things.
[1] Deemed necessary because of the long strip of Acrid Rain biome along one edge, which tends to blister those that wander through it (or encounter any traipsed-in gunk, from the feet of immigrants/invaders/merchants, which I can't do much about). Seemed easier to assign everyone not
otherwise burrowed to a burrow that excluded the gunk-laiden area. This is a peacetime burrow, as I;ve never even meshed any alert mode with burrows, like apparently you're supposed to.
[2] On top of the aforementioned general "everywhere but where the acrid gunk is" burrow and the "crèche" one[3], I have a number of miner-orientated burrows. Miners (I have five of them, at the moment, my original two and three sufficiently skilled immigrants that I gained) are assigned to one or more of these, sometimes shared and sometimes just for themselves. This way I can keep my "exploration/expansion" digging plans on track for at least
one of the miners, whilst still able to assign out the others to "infrastructure" digging projects (at the moment, mostly digging out large voids that are part of the megaproject, but has also been a matter of digging out the necessary bedroom areas when I was still not able to accommodate all the new immigrants...). Adding and removing dwarves from burrows isn't
easy (I'd like a DwarfTherapist-like grid representation, ideally, to give me the ability to review that everyone was burrowed and every burrow I cared about had someone in it), but with practice it's pretty autonomous.
[3] Which is designed to prevent nursing mothers (and free-roaming kids) from being anywhere beyond the pretty heavily patrolled choke-point beyond which
no snatcher should be able to reach.