I just had a conversation with my best friend, in which he revealed his father now has a job working for SpaceX. This summer, he and another one of our friends are planning to fly to California for a week and tour their operations. He's would like me to come as well, but there's a problem in that doing this would take pretty much all of my money. Now, being a college student personal money isn't all that vital to me at the moment, but this would be pretty much all of it. I'd need a round-trip ticket across the whole nation and would need a week in a hotel, as his father only has a small apartment and between him and the other friend it is full up (he signed onto this before me). This is completely disregarding any other costs that would come up.
But man. SpaceX. I fucking love SpaceX, and this is an opportunity to see it inside, in person. I'd be utterly psyched to be able to do this, to the point where I really could burn my money for it and feel fulfilled. Not to mention whatever other shenanigans my friends and I would get up to during that week. I think it would be great, but I'm uncertain.
A quick look tells me a round-trip ticket from RDU to California is $244. That's not the problem. The big problem is the hotel. I did not quite realize hotels were so expensive. Unless I'm missing something, the cheapest, most worthless ones in the area are still close to $500 for a week's stay. That comes to $744...and I have $750. I could probably get my parents to give me a little more so I can fill hotel cost and still be able to eat, but that's everything I've got. I am thus divided.
So, I'd like to hear what you all think.