Hey boltgun, I keep getting this error whenever I corrupt others into joining my civ. It's not the create-unit.lua since I don't have that.
origRace: DWARF, targetRace: SUCCUBUS
selected caste: FIEND_FEMALE
Makeown: claimed ownership for 0 worn items
./hack/lua/makeown.lua:94: Cannot write field history_event_change_hf_statest.substate: not found.
stack traceback:
[C]: in metamethod '__newindex'
./hack/lua/makeown.lua:94: in upvalue 'change_state'
./hack/lua/makeown.lua:213: in function 'makeown.make_citizen'
.../DwarfFortress/df_linux/raw/scripts/succubus/corrupt.lua:266: in global 'corrupt'
.../DwarfFortress/df_linux/raw/scripts/succubus/corrupt.lua:111: in local 'findLos'
.../DwarfFortress/df_linux/raw/scripts/succubus/corrupt.lua:351: in local 'script_code'
./hack/lua/dfhack.lua:680: in function 'dfhack.run_script_with_env'
(...tail calls...)
[C]: in field 'runCommand'
./hack/lua/dfhack.lua:753: in upvalue '_run_command'
./hack/lua/dfhack.lua:768: in function 'dfhack.run_command'
...ress/df_linux/hack/scripts/modtools/reaction-trigger.lua:154: in local 'doAction'
...ress/df_linux/hack/scripts/modtools/reaction-trigger.lua:200: in function <...ress/df_linux/hack/scripts/modtools/reaction-trigger.lua:123>
Any idea what's causing this and if it's on my end? It doesn't seem to make my game unplayable or anything, just crashes the game if I try to look at their thoughts and preferences and the transformation seems to work. But thankfully, I can still look at them by using dwarf therapist.