In the start of the third year of existence, there was a civilisation of dwarves known as the Handle of Skunks. The other dwarves hid within their mountainhomes to slowly chip the rocks away, leaving the future open to having the grandest dwarven fortress of all.
The Skunks, though, were far more dwarfy. After building a basic hole in the rock, they instantly decided to throw spare dwarves (in sets of 7, of course) all over the region.
On a remote corner, near the region's edge, there was a grassland rich with ore and flux. This was the site where the dwarven fortress, Razormetals, would be created. And so, it began...
We've been chosen to go to a random grassland in the middle of nowhere. I really don't see why we shouldn't just focus on the mountainhome instead, like the Fortitudes of Trade and the other dwarves. Fortunately, it's a good spot (unlike those poor dwarves who got sent to a terrifying land of zombie carp...), so this should be relatively safe.
They do, however, speak of flesh-eating beasts as large as an elephant. We were also told, rather ominously, to dig in fast 'ere the Quetzalcoatlus get hungry'.
I just want to know what the eff a Quetzalcoatlus is. We've all made some theories, and I bet it's some sort of fish. Like a sturgeon, except worse...
Well, we've made it safely to the grassland. It's cold, it's snowy, and we can see some ostriches or emus or something in the distance. I have no idea what they're doing all the way out here, but whatever.
Might as well introduce myself, in case this diary becomes a historical artefact or something. I am Datan Sir Dahrnosauwr Ostathiden. I love red pandas for their large striped tails, leopard seals for their meat, and hate toads. Blech toads... I'm an animal trainer, although there's not really much to train out here.
I worship Tithleth so hard that I worship Tithleth twice. I'm not even sure how I do that, but I do. (note: yes, it does say that he worships Tithleth twice in his bio)
For our livestock, we have a male cat, a female kitten, two bulls, a pig boar and five pig sows. Remind me to set up a cheese industry.
Our expedition leader is Logem Granitearches. He worships Kudust and Logem (he has repeatedly told us he's not just pretending to worship himself, although we still tease him about it). He loves chickens and oppossums, and hates bats. He is a miner, mainly.
Zuntir Twinklefortress is our second miner. We love to tease him, as he has long hair, a high-pitched voice and is rather small (as well as having a ridiculously girly name). He knows it's all good-natured jest, though, and always gets his own back. He loves geese, and hates jumping spiders. He worships Nosim and Kudust.
Doren Steellimbs is our woodworker. She's tough as nails, although she takes a while to heal, and loves rose gold. She hates fire snakes, and worships Nosim and Tithleth.
Morul Strickenbanner is our mason. She faithfully worships Nosim, although she isn't as good to Tithleth. She loves buckets and hates oysters.
Iton Bluntarmor is the resident butcher. He worships As Heartbranded and Nosim. He loves porcupines, and hates bats.
Finally, our planter, Tun Charmhatchets. He loves adamantine (even if no one even knows what that is, although he tells us 'you'll know when you find it') and hates snails. He's just as confusing as me, because he worships Kudust AND Kudust...
And so, we have our ragtag bunch of misfits, sort of prepared but not quite willing to take on the world!