Damn! RPS has once
AGAIN snubbed us for the kickstarter round up. I was REALLY hoping to get in there so we might hit our higher stretch goals, but I don't think Adam cares for our project; He donated a dollar to say our $20 price was too high on the public comment thread, then cancelled the pledge... I thought RPS would be all over a project like this, but apparently not.
We'll just have to find another way to get the word out there, I guess.
Honestly it may just be that since we hit our goal they dont think we should be on the list, even just a quick mention in the Winners section, since we weren't on it before we were "winners". Hopefully having a reasonable (and honestly extremely low) goal in order to make sure this thing happens isn't going to prevent us from getting the press we need.
BlindKitty: Hah! I've been wearing the same pants for quite a few years now
The war room is definitely happening! Second stretch goal, a bit more unlikely, but we'll see if we can get some press to carry us forward.
We playing as the brokers if we reach war room will we get out own sort of character in game?
The broker is supposed to be YOU, the player sitting at his "terminal". so you have in game resources and circles, but you wont see a avatar. you'll eventually get a salary and such and gain influence to rise up in the corp, and you will be able to change corporations (at significant cost), but working on your own or against the corporation is a stretch goal we're probably not going to hit. If the game does well and we keep getting funding to continue development, it's certainly notout of the question, and is one of the leading post 1.0 features.
"Specialists" is just a term for an operative with better stats/skills than the average guy. the game is very classless and levelless, relying on the character's power to speak for itself instead of an abstract "level".