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Author Topic: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (ded)  (Read 9651 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2013, 02:27:59 pm »

"Sure thing, Dr. Wil... uh, Walter." He's genuine. And perhaps a little mad. But not a bad person. And I'm still hungry.
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2013, 04:10:32 pm »

"Hmm... What kind of food? Bah, who cares, I'm so famished I could eat anything... Please, 'doctor', lead the way..."

Follow and grab a bite!


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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2013, 04:40:59 pm »

"Hmm... What kind of food? Bah, who cares, I'm so famished I could eat anything... Please, 'doctor', lead the way..."

Follow and grab a bite!

Dr. Watson leads the kids south to the vending machine. He punches in some numbers and pops out a series of green soda cans and multicolored balls. The particle professor distributes them across two low, brown tables as the kids looks on.

: "Food Spheres! Truly a masterful innovation in the field of military rations. Coming in fabulous flavors like Red and Green, they contain at least 85% of the recommended daily amounts of vitamins A, B, C and D."

: "I think we got off to a bad start. Do tell me something about yourselves, a story or maybe a random tidbit. I'd love to hear more about who I'll be working with."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2013, 04:45:57 pm »

'As would I. Maybe a little bit about yourself though first. A turn for a turn....'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2013, 04:47:36 pm »

"Errr..." Raphael just stared dumbfoundedly at the food spheres...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2013, 04:48:22 pm »

"Well... last week I helped a reindeer give birth, and now I'm chewing on multicoloured balls that kind of... taste... like rotting moss. Did someone actually make them taste like this on purpose? Does everybody here get their food from these weird boxes? And what's a doctor?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2013, 05:05:29 pm »

Maria eyes the food spheres in suspicion. Suddenly she doesn't feel as hungry anymore. She doesn't really want to find out how the color Red tastes like.

"Story? I don't have much to tell. I'm just trying to get along and then suddenly government kidnaps me because of an explanation I don't really understand because it kind of sounds like a load of bull. But you people seem to be set in stone on that, eh?"

Her stomach growling undermines Maria's attitude. After much deliberation, she finally nibbles on a yellow sphere. It tastes surprisingly pleasant, so she quickly begins wolfing it down.

"Well, I sp'pose there was that one time that one dude came across, spoilin' for a fight 'cause he heard some stupid rumour about me. Fancied himself regional champ of Heet Kung Pao or whatever it was called. He sure could shout around fancy, but one good kick in the groin was all it took and he went down like a sack of rice. So I messed up his face for wastin' my time, was late to class because of that moron. Man, stuff like that makes me angry."

Food sphere bits are flying everywhere on the concerned faces of the onlookers.
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2013, 05:13:00 pm »

'Well as we're all telling stories after all, I'm...... how did you phrase it? Ah yes, a dork. Just spend my days daydreaming mostly. Apart from that time I was expelled from high school. Apparently going for the throat isn't playing fair. I pointed out that neither was bullying, but somehow they just wouldn't listen.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2013, 09:16:30 pm »

'As would I. Maybe a little bit about yourself though first. A turn for a turn....'

: "Hm, interesting stories... oh! Yes. Around the turn of the millennium, I worked for a company in Tokyo called 'GEN-TECH.' They were a lot like my current employers, you know. They wanted progress and they wanted it now. The company was forcibly shut down after a series of family tragedies when a bunch of rowdy high schoolers broke in and set the place on fire. Oh, if only I had access to my old notes from that place. It would have helped me out immensely during the testing phase for this project."

"Well, I sp'pose there was that one time that one dude came across, spoilin' for a fight 'cause he heard some stupid rumour about me. Fancied himself regional champ of Heet Kung Pao or whatever it was called. He sure could shout around fancy, but one good kick in the groin was all it took and he went down like a sack of rice. So I messed up his face for wastin' my time, was late to class because of that moron. Man, stuff like that makes me angry."

Food sphere bits are flying everywhere on the concerned faces of the onlookers.

Momentarily, Maria reduces her food spheres to a series of crumbs. Dr. Walter just leans against the wall near the vending machine, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Well... last week I helped a reindeer give birth, and now I'm chewing on multicoloured balls that kind of... taste... like rotting moss. Did someone actually make them taste like this on purpose? Does everybody here get their food from these weird boxes? And what's a doctor?"

Efkel finishes one or two of her snacks, too. For such a small, soft food, it's surprisingly filling.

: "...Oh. I think I understand now. They didn't tell me much about you because you flat out don't know much. Were you raised in isolation?"

'Well as we're all telling stories after all, I'm...... how did you phrase it? Ah yes, a dork. Just spend my days daydreaming mostly. Apart from that time I was expelled from high school. Apparently going for the throat isn't playing fair. I pointed out that neither was bullying, but somehow they just wouldn't listen.'

: "Hmm. The more you speak, the more you all seem like ravenous, violent sociopaths. I wonder."

: "My creation still needs about an hour to power up. Would you all like a tour of the facility? Or would you just like to head to bed for the day? Or something else?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2013, 10:18:13 pm »

Spoiler: Production thingy (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2013, 03:47:38 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2013, 05:26:46 am »

Umm.....The spoilered image isn't showing, nor is one in the post. - note: Chrome fixes issue. - note2: no issues on anything anymore.

'A tour? Why not. We're dead, so it isn't like you can make us sign the official secrets act or something now can you?'
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 11:09:18 am by sjm9876 »
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
  • Heaven or Hell, Duel 1 -- Let's Rock!
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2013, 05:28:46 am »

"Hey, I get along with people. The thing is other people don't get along with me. And, uh, bed? As in, stone floor? I'd like a tour of the facility, though." Best to know who you're gonna be shackled to for the rest of your life, after all.

Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2013, 03:20:02 pm »

"I'd like to look around, yes. And I'd like to know if you have any... different food, and how to get it out of your... machines. Hey," - a question occurred to Eflek - "Are we your prisoners? Or your warriors? You have warriors here, right?"

Brawler Mouse

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Re: (RPG) Subdimension: Multi-planar Fantasy Adventure (Starting)
« Reply #59 on: March 04, 2013, 03:32:09 pm »

(You still accepting applications?)
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