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Author Topic: Do you still play Civilization 4? Then get Caveman 2 Cosmos! (huge overhaul mod)  (Read 35182 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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well yes, I already have a huge technical advantage but I want to increase it even more.

And i am never going to play another Epic speed game...


  • Bay Watcher
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Unless you have lots of barbarians on the higher tech, I have found that you can slingshot your research by timing your golden age from national caves wonder with switching to all the early tech boost civics.  Sure you have to forgo early hammers and food from the top part of the tree, but skippng a few turns of anarchy and getting a science boost is nice.  I find I am typically the first to stone axes and they let me take my first rival out although his placement can mean that I battle instability until late prehistoric/early ancient era.
You need to make said elf leather into the most amazing work of art.  Embed it with every kind of gem you have, stud it with metals, and sew images into it.  Erect a shrine outside your fort with that in the center.  Let the elves know that you view their very skin as naught more but a medium for your dwarves to work on.


  • Bay Watcher
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While this is an old topic...the mod has updated A LOT since. Its really stable (on revision 9115 or the moddb release version), and even more epic than before.

However. One reason I'm posting this. If you use SVN revision 9115 (or newer should work too (didn't test it though), but the newest SVN isn't stable right now, and they are releasing updates that will break saves), then this map is really epic. Its huge though (400 tile width, 112 tile height) so not every PC may be able to play on it. I'm 287 turns in, and its still stable for me though. The MODDB version won't work with the map however, because it uses new water tiles they introduced so it will cause a crash when loading.!sIRV0bAa!VdipD4XGLGX1fk-YB4-_ArDM5SVHeRscyJ5rrLGzHyI

you'll want to install the file to: Documents\My Games\beyond the sword\Saves\WorldBuilder and then select to play a scenario (custom scenario works, if you want to turn on/off features)

and here are screenshots of the map:

I didn't make it historic, and space is definitely very fantasy-like. With two "alien" civs (just used Portugal and the Neanderthals). And Mars being more Earth-like, but none of the planets are really accurate. Added a "space ship" (using terrain and stuff that was available), that houses the 2nd civ. And random "asteroids" to explore. Earth I researched what landmarks go where, and roughly where city placements should go. But other than that, I didn't aim for realism at all. Earth is also sort of in an Ice Age, though North America and South America are more warm than other places.

Earth was mostly pre-built with the UEM (ultimate earth map), with some changes to terrain, resources and cities. I'd say 97% of earth was made by the original creator of UEM, and the other 3% was me adding resources, changing terrain, adding cities and landmarks. Doing the terrain (the initial part of it when designing continents etc) is by far the hardest part, and UEM did that already. Mostly what I did was add a huge amount of space to explore, so once one finishes conquering Earth, they can move on to space. Space part took me around 12-15 hours of constant work to finish.

Should make for an epic game though. But the map is massive, and civ 4 sometimes has problems with maps that big (especially on weaker PCs). But with some new features in Caveman 2 Cosmos related to memory and the game, it should work a lot better on a wider range of PCs. Earth itself is already really huge on this map, it'll take ages just to take over Earth lol. And then the space part adds quite a lot too.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 02:34:57 pm by Vendayn »
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  • Bay Watcher
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I've never actually managed to "survive" (maintain interest) past about mid-classical. Or maybe renaissance? Whichever era that has the caraval, the first ocean-permitted exploration vessel, which tends to take much, much longer than one would generally be familiar with from vanilla.

It just gets tedious since the AI doesn't pose enough of a challenge when you run that far ahead. I've considered starting in more advanced eras but just haven't done so yet.

Part of that that the AI is kind of weak military-wise, something the devs are aware of and are looking at tweaking. They spam a lot of only-moderately useful units - mass battering rams were a problem in the past, in more recent games the AI seems to have moved on to tamed wolves; it's mostly to do with these units, although highly specialized (wolves can't attack, for example), have the highest flat strength of what they can build, so they spam them for defensive purposes. In any case, the player is more easily able to make use of combat dynamics, in particular the use of great generals to vastly improve an army's effectiveness.

A solution would be to play multiplayer, but that's really out of the question; my biggest issue is always turn times and any multiplayer game is going to be much worse than even the most bogged down single player game in that regard. I'd also suck too much to make playing against real people enjoyable.

Even still, the mod is GLORIOUS and I'd heartily recommend it to anyone fond of the Civ4 era.


As an aside, I hate using pre-rendered maps. I feel it almost completely eliminates the need to explore, especially when resources and start positions are fixed (even if you don't know exactly which civ is where before finding them). It is one of the biggest reasons why Fallen Enchantress sucked madly for me.

Zanzetkuken The Great

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Wizard Dragon
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This mod is tempting...but I get the feeling that I would ever be able to finish a game.  Probably want to at very least finish off a marathon game to the 2020's before attempting to tackle this monster of a mod.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


  • Bay Watcher
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Yeah, that is a negative (at same time as a positive for those who like long games) of C2C. That it takes sooooo long to get to the "endgame", most don't make it that far. Farthest I've gotten is my test game on my map and I'm not even half way to the later eras, I'm still pretty much in the beginning lol. My real game I'm doing I'm not even exploring the ocean yet lol, not even close to that. Literally, one game can probably take as long as a play through of Skyrim lol. And if you take into account of SVN updates that can break saves, its a lot of starting over if you want to update lol.

My map I've made (and I can see how people would prefer random maps, my friend prefers that. But, its still pretty fun playing on Earth and doing into space) will probably take over 80 hours (and I think thats probably even a low number) just to finish lol. Cause it isn't just Earth (which is huge in the map), but everything in space too. Which if ignoring oceans and space itself, the planets/asteroids probably make up 25-30% of Earth's land. Or something like that, pretty bad at math lol. So while not quite as much as Earth has, its still a huge expansion.
My own website for Skyrim, Fallout 4, and many other games:


  • Bay Watcher
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Really, the fact that "end game" is so far away, could be something missing from commercial entries in 4X. How many of us only go for a true conquer victory after we've more or less reached the end of the tech tree anyway? Never mind domination, religious, or cultural victories, which often involving a lot of next-turning as you wait for counters to increase.

The length of the games/tree only has a significance in the science victory and... I forget what the other one was, but it very tech-orientated victory type, but not quite the same as the actual science victory. These victories require filling out the tree almost entirely. Conversely, all other victory types are easily possible without waiting for the end of the tech tree to enact your victory plans.

Zanzetkuken The Great

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Wizard Dragon
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Yeah, that is a negative (at same time as a positive for those who like long games) of C2C. That it takes sooooo long to get to the "endgame", most don't make it that far.

Think attempting to run a succession game using it, player turns being a set number of ingame turns in length, would work?  While the one I've attempted to make using Dawn of Civilization hasn't gone anywhere, maybe this one would work.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


  • Bay Watcher
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Yeah, that is a negative (at same time as a positive for those who like long games) of C2C. That it takes sooooo long to get to the "endgame", most don't make it that far.

Think attempting to run a succession game using it, player turns being a set number of ingame turns in length, would work?  While the one I've attempted to make using Dawn of Civilization hasn't gone anywhere, maybe this one would work.

actually, the map released I forgot to remove the max turn limit (so there is actually a set number of game turns, but its something like 15k turns).

For those who may not like that:

I'll be updating the map from there since it fits better than Version 1.2 (really its 1.1.1 but oh well)...only removes max turn limit, so for people who don't want to play a godly long game, the original version of the map is probably better for you. Its still a 15k turn limit though :P that is a lot of turns lol.

The other thing you can do is right click the map file (of ones found in beyond the'll have WBSave at end) and open it with notepad ++ (regular notepad might work too, though it sometimes causes issues with certain txt files)...and change


to whatever you want the turn limit to be. So 15000 would be 15k turns as an example. or if its not there (it should be), you can add it in the "begingame" section.
My own website for Skyrim, Fallout 4, and many other games:


  • Bay Watcher
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V37 was released, it's looking pretty good.
The truly amazing thing for me here is that a 6 page thread can be created of exceedingly high quality, simply because a group of manic depressive, schizophrenic midgets were able to milk a cow.
Argblarg 5 am not all tiles are done what the


  • Bay Watcher
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This is simply the best mod and best waste of time you could ever have. The only two things I hate about it are the atrocious voice acting for the techs, and the longer turn times once you get into the classical era or so.

I'm pretty excited that there is another version up.

*Edit* To put it in perspective of how different this mod is - I'm in the late stone age (we have stone tools, understand drying food, etc), and I'm doing well. I have a few gatherers out building tile improvements, and a few hunters out in the wilderness going after animals.

Suddenly, a message: one of my gatherers was killed by a Predatory Jaguar. But wait! There is no jaguar! The jaguar had stealth.

I literally had to train another hunter who specialized (read: promotions) in detecting hidden animals just to hunt the damn thing. It killed three gatherers and an axeman before I got it.

This mod adds little touches like that which breathe new life into a long forgotten game.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 02:55:02 am by Kruniac »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ghosts are stored in the balls.
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Have they dealt with their atrocious slowdowns yet? I'm on a slow connection right now, and I know how big the mod is, so I want to be sure before I get it again.

It's just, damn. A couple of years back, turns would take me three to five minutes before I was even half way into the game.
Ghosts are stored in the balls?[/quote]
also George_Chickens quit fucking my sister


  • Bay Watcher
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Have they dealt with their atrocious slowdowns yet? I'm on a slow connection right now, and I know how big the mod is, so I want to be sure before I get it again.

It's just, damn. A couple of years back, turns would take me three to five minutes before I was even half way into the game.

Uh. That has never happened to me, so I have no idea. I do know that getting to copper/bronze working can take around 6 hours or so.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ghosts are stored in the balls.
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Game speed doesn't bother me a bit, it's game lag, more specifically, the time that passes between when you press the "AIGHT MY TURN IS DONE" button and when it's actually your turn again. In early C2C releases, it would get insanely long very fast.

I think I'll bite the bullet and try it, regardless. It's not like I'm on a datacap.
Ghosts are stored in the balls?[/quote]
also George_Chickens quit fucking my sister


  • Bay Watcher
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Smaller maps and fewer civilizations help a lot with the slowdown. Even on a fairly beefy rig, the engine shows its age (and the amount of stuff being shoved into it) after a few hundred turns. But the number of units each civilization pumps out, whether for hunting, patrols or exploring, definitely bogs the game down.

Either way I don't think I've really even gotten to a modern age with it. The number of buildings that can be built in a city almost require the option to shuffle extra production into the next thing to be enabled, and science can slow down a lot even with only a few cities.
What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the Earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle. -Stephen King's Cell
It's viable to keep a dead rabbit in the glove compartment to take a drink every now and then.
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