i downloaded their git in a zip and jesus christ. you two are right. they really put the "spaghetti" in "the soul-crushingly dense byond spaghetti"
i however am going to do the easiest thing to do: run a local server, find src << and go from there. i promise nothing, will edit post later
Let me know how it goes, and good luck!
You can easily disable furries from the code, the rest Glloyd, yeah, kinda true, you just have to get used to navigating through it.
And could you eloberate on the ''complex'' medicalsystem and the ruleset?
Aaand as edit, ZAS has settings.
Well, you can just not whitelist anyone, but tracking down all the related code so that you don't get horrible compiling errors? Near impossible. I remember talking to one of the devs about it a little while back when they were adding a new race (Vox I think...) and he was saying that even they didn't know where all the different species were located. He just copied and pasted from the one he could find and went from there, and even then, he had to copy it from multiple random .dm's.
As for the medical system... I get that they want it to be as realistic as possible, but the way it is (and the way it's going, see the organ printing thread on their forums), the whole system obsoletes all the other forms of medicine besides surgery, and makes genetics near useless. All of BS12 medical now involves a ton of different, annoying surgical procedures. I love the blood system and losing blood, but then you have to get doctors to patch the veins and whatnot. So now, Billy who got slammed against a wall by ZAS can't patch himself up in the fitness room, and has to suffer through the pain effects and slowly die from blood loss because sometimes, with our server pop, we don't have doctors. Also, their virology system... Don't even get me started.
As for the ruleset... They punish you for not roleplaying well. I mean I love roleplaying, and I wish our server was a bit more geared towards it, but I hate how their system is designed to punish those who maybe just aren't good at roleplaying. The whole server is kind of hostile towards new people coming in, and the ruleset (and forums) encourage that.
Or perhaps you could consider that porting BS12 code would be a gigantic project, and we really have, what, two? MAYBE three coders?
This. I'm really the only "main coder" and that's only because I'm the one that takes care of map stuff. Android merges /tg/ and maintains the codebase, for which he is a god. Besides me and him, there's Nien, who pushes something every once in a while, Cozarctan, who hasn't pushed something in quite some time, and Anturk who hasn't pushed something that got pulled since rigging fueltanks to explode I think. So we don't really have a lot of
consistent coders who could devote their time to this. Luckily, I'm just finishing up the new map, so that should give me the time needed to start some new projects.